Mack’s words kept going over and over in her head, as they drove in Mack’s truck to a special little restaurant that Doreen had never heard of before.
“They do all kinds of stuff here, but they cater more to the commercial district,” he said. “It’s called Street Food, and I’ve already ordered ahead. We’ll pick it up, and then we’ll find a nice little spot on the river, where we can sit there and enjoy it.”
“Suits me,” she said.
They drove into this tiny parking lot out in front of a very small building, and he disappeared inside and came back out with two large bags of food. He plunked them on her lap, and Mugs immediately hopped up, his paws on her knees, sniffing the bags.
“Better keep the animals out of those bags,” Mack warned, “or I’ll turn around and take them back home.”
She stared at the bags and said, “Honestly, Mack. How many meals did you buy?”
He laughed. “Just enough for lunch.”
“It looks like at least enough for lunch and dinner,” she said, and her stomach growled.
He looked over at her. “Did you eat breakfast?”
She shook her head. “No, you kind of upset me with the news that Mathew was on his way,” she said. “I’ve only had coffee this morning.”
He sighed. “Sorry. I wanted to warn you and to give you some time before he showed up. But I didn’t mean to upset you that much.” He took a turn and pulled out onto one of the main roads, crossed the highway, and headed toward the river.
“Where are we going?”
“If you go up this way,” he said, “we follow the river for a bit. Quite a few pullouts are here, where we can find a spot along the river to eat. Mugs won’t have to be on a leash, and Goliath can sit there and enjoy it with us.”
Sure enough, Mack came to a small pullout, and he pulled in, turned off the engine, and said, “Get ready to hop out on that side.”
He came around, opened the door, took the bags from her, and she awkwardly got out with all the animals. And then he said, “Now we’ll head down here to the corner. It’s really a popular area in the summertime, with people swimming here, but some spots off to the side are really very nice and are quite private.”
He led her through some of the underbrush—disturbing the birds, groundhogs, and squirrels alike—and then came out to a spot where the sun dappled onto the river, making her cry out in joy.
“This is beautiful,” she said, looking up at the cliff on the other side of the river. “I’ve never been here before.”
“Good,” he said. “Like I said, it’s a popular swimming hole and can get kind of crazy here. But right now, it’s nice and quiet.” He motioned to a couple logs off on the side. “We don’t have picnic blankets, but we could sit on some logs here.” She immediately walked over, plunked her butt down, Mugs at her heels, then unhooked him from his leash and said, “Go for it.”
Once Mugs was free, he wandered over to the creek, and, where it was shallow, he waded around in just enough water to cover his big clunky paws, to have a drink, and to wander back and forth in curiosity, while Goliath hopped up on one of the big rocks beside them and stretched out in the sun. Thaddeus, never to be outdone, walked from her shoulder to the closest branch right there beside her, then followed it until it dropped to the ground, where he casually hopped off. The branch swung right back up, barely missing her.
Mack shook his head. “Having the animals around is always such an adventure.”
She grinned. “But it’s a great one.” She looked at the bags. “So, while we sort out the food,” she said, “you can tell me more about Nabbed in the Nasturtiums.”
“No, ma’am. No talk about cases. Lunch and enjoying the scenery, that’s it.”
“That’s hardly fair. All I wanted to know was—”
Mack gave her a look, which told her that he was completely serious. “This is a date. Remember? No cases, no discussion.”
She glared at him. “Then when?”
“Coffee at your place, when we head back,” he said, with a fat grin. “Now, no more shop.” He gently stroked her uninjured shoulder. “We’re here to enjoy ourselves. Let’s focus on that instead.” He gazed at her steadily, looking for some agreement.
It’s not what she wanted, but this time with him was special. The rest could wait.
At least for a little while.