Delaney stood in front of the mirror, pressing her hand to the bodice of her gown. “What do you think?”
I dabbed a tissue to my eyes, trying not to mess up my makeup. Hopefully, waterproof meant I wouldn’t end the day with black streaks down my face. “You look incredible. Simply stunning. Eli won’t know what to say.”
“It won’t be the first time.” She laughed and blinked away tears. “Cami should be back here any second, so I’ll make this quick. Don’t end things with Garrett while I’m away on my honeymoon. I beg you. I won’t be here to eat doughnuts with you, or to talk you into changing your mind. So, please—”
Cami stepped out of the other room with her arms spread wide. “How do I look?”
“Almost as good as Delaney.” I hugged each of them. “I need to get my dress on so I’m not late for the ceremony.”
Lilith poked her head in. “Do you ladies need anything?”
Delaney shook her head. “It’s all great.”
“And about to get better.” Lilith glanced at the time. “I’ll be back to check on y’all soon. Tessa, get dressed!”
I hurried into the other room and closed the door. As I slipped into the strapless cornflower blue dress, I grinned at the idea that two of my favorite people in the whole world were embarking on a happily ever after. Their happily ever after had really started the day they’d met. It had just taken them both a little while to recognize that.
After freshening my lipstick and checking my hair, I joined Delaney and Cami. “I’m ready.”
“Whoa! Look at you. Garrett is going to flip!” Cami had no trouble speaking her mind. “I already bet Delaney that Eli was going to try and get Mad Dog to hurry up the ceremony.” With an arm around me and the other around Delaney, Cami lined us up in front of the massive mirror. “Look at us. Not only are we stunning, but look at how happy we are. So much has changed in such a short time. And if I keep talking, I’ll cry, and then my makeup will look awful.”
Delaney shifted to the middle and pulled us close. “I love y’all.” The motorized cart pulled up outside, and she fanned her face. “It’s time.”

I held my breath to hold in my happy sobs as Eli slipped the ring on Delaney’s finger.
His lip quivered a second. Then he smiled. “With this ring, I vow to love you, cherish you, and protect you forever and always.”
Delaney promised Eli the same as she put a ring on his finger.
With tissues in each hand, her mom wiped away tears as her shoulders bounced.
By the time Mad Dog introduced Mr. and Mrs. Eli Gallagher to the world, there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.
Eli and Delaney strolled down the aisle of the chapel, happier than I’d ever seen them.
Zach held out his arm to me, and we waited until the happy couple was out of the building before we started our exit.
“Someone is watching you.” Zach wasn’t all that subtle when he motioned toward Garrett.
I met Garrett’s admiring gaze and felt my blood heat. My whole body was probably pink. Hopefully, Zach wouldn’t say anything about that.
The wedding party clustered in the room beside the chapel while the guests made their way to the reception hall across the path.
Harper draped an arm around Cami. “Eli really took Mad Dog seriously when he said to kiss the bride. I think he’s done it at least another dozen times since we’ve walked in here.”
Delaney’s cheeks flushed. “Sorry. We’re just so—”
“Leave us alone.” Eli pointed at Harper, then at Zach. “I have stories to tell about both of you. Be nice to me.”
Zach shook his head. “That’s not a threat. Haley knows all my stories.”
Laughing we faced away from them, letting them enjoy a few minutes before they were hit with a wave of congratulations.
Lilith pushed open the door. “Delaney and Eli, y’all stay here another second. But the rest of you, come with me.”
Cami laughed. “They’ll be super disappointed about being alone.”
Lilith escorted us into the chapel where Eli’s and Delaney’s families were waiting. “We’ll get a few pictures out of the way, then grab the bride and groom.”
After several minutes, Delaney and Eli joined us, and Lilith handed her a tube of lipstick.
The photographer continued shifting us around and snapping pictures.
While the bridesmaids were posing at the front, Garrett strolled into the chapel and stood in the back of the room. I’d seen magazine covers that didn’t look as good.
He watched as we finished taking pictures.
The photographer looked at the screen on the back of her camera. “I think we’re done. Thank you all for your patience.”
Lilith clapped, trying to get everyone’s attention. “The grand entrance is just going to be the bride and groom. The rest of you, please head over to the reception and get ready to cheer for our happy couple.”
Garrett eased up beside me and held out his arm. I snuggled close to him as we hurried through the cold and into the reception hall.
“Would you like something to drink?” He shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Yes, but I’ll go with you.” I looped my arm around his and walked beside him as he made his way to the bar. “The ceremony was beautiful, wasn’t it?”
“Very. I might’ve shed a few tears when Eli choked up during his vows, but that can be our secret.” Garrett leaned in close, and his breath tickled my ear as he spoke. “You look fantastic, Tessa. Absolutely stunning.”
“Thank you.” I leaned against him. “You look very handsome in your suit. I’ve never seen you so dressed up.”
“What can I get for you?” The bartender smiled.
Garrett looked down at me. “What would you like?”
“A glass of wine would be wonderful.” I snuggled closer to him, appreciating his warmth.
“A glass of Moscato and a Shiner, please.” Garrett shrugged off his suit coat. “I’m sorry. You must be cold in that dress.”
“Just because we were outside for a minute. I’ll warm up. You don’t have to—”
“Please.” He draped it around my shoulders. “For a few minutes.”
“Thank you.”
As the bartender handed over our drinks, the deejay called for everyone’s attention.
“They’re coming.” I grabbed Garrett’s hand and pulled him closer to the entrance.
The deejay raised his hand, and the crowd quieted. “Family and guests, please welcome the bride and groom, Delaney and Eli.”
The doors opened, and Eli and Delaney strolled into the room hand in hand.
Garrett’s hand tightened around mine. “Need a tissue?”
“Yes, but I didn’t have anywhere to stash one.” He let go of my hand and reached into his pocket. “I thought you might need these.” He offered me a tissue from a small packet. “There are more in my pocket whenever you need them.”
I dabbed at my eyes, then clasped his hand again. “You thought of everything.”
“I was just thinking of you.”
When Eli and Delaney made it to the middle of the dance floor, he kissed her, dipping her while everyone in the room cheered.
If I made it through the reception without my heart bursting open, it would be a miracle.

Standing in the middle of the dance floor flanked by teenagers was not how I envisioned the bouquet toss. But I was thankful for Delaney’s sisters. Otherwise, I’d be out here alone. The younger sister really wanted the bouquet, so I planned to step out of the way, but my plan fell apart when both sisters slapped at the bouquet like it was a volleyball. They were trying to keep it away from each other, but in the chaos, the flowers ended up in my hands.
After Delaney’s sisters huffed off, I hugged my best friend.
“What magic did you use?” I couldn’t figure out how I’d ended up with the bouquet.
“Love.” She flashed a smile, then perched on a stool, ready for Eli to remove her garter.
“Single men, make your way to the dance floor.” The deejay played an upbeat tune.
Ten or more men gathered. Garrett was out there, standing at the back of the crowd. It was probably good that he’d been shoved to the back because if he caught the garter, we’d have to take the traditional photos, and we’d hear about it forever.
I stepped out of the way but stayed close enough to see who would walk away with the prize.
Eli slipped off the blue, lacy garter and held it up. “You ready, guys?”
The group cheered.
With his back to the group, he tossed it over his head. Men dove for the lace, and when Garrett held his hand in the air, waving the garter, I smiled. That man never ceased to surprise me.
Delaney whispered to the deejay.
He pointed at Garrett. “Would the gentleman who caught the garter and the lady who caught the bouquet please come to the front.”
Garrett sat down in the offered chair as I walked toward him. Grinning, he patted his knee, and I perched on his lap. The photographer snapped pictures of us and so did lots of other people, including my mother. Oh, I would for sure be hearing about this forever.
When I looked at Garrett, he smiled at me, and I could almost feel his lips on mine. The wedding wasn’t over, but I was thinking about what I wanted and what I wanted to say.
How could I want something so much and still be afraid?

Eli kissed Delaney before helping her stuff the wedding gown into the passenger seat of the truck.
“I love that they are leaving in his truck with her still in her wedding gown.” I wiped tears off my cheeks with another tissue from Garrett’s pack.
The truck pulled away, and I gave up wiping tears. Eli and Delaney were married.
As the crowd headed back inside, Garrett put his arm around me. “I need to help Dad with a few things, but when I’m done, would you like to talk in the hot tub?”
It would be so easy to say yes to the hot tub. But the easiest wasn’t always the best. Garrett was right about that.
“Not tonight.” I hugged him. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”
Though he tried to hide it, his disappointment was obvious, but I couldn’t focus on that. I’d spent a lot of time pushing him away. Emotionally, at least. I wasn’t great at pushing him away otherwise.
I needed to figure out what to say because even though I loved him, I wasn’t ready if he asked for more.

Wearing exercise leggings and a baggy sweatshirt, I peeked out to make sure Garrett’s truck wasn’t parked out front.
Since the coast was clear, I climbed into my car and drove to town. I needed a few ingredients that I didn’t typically keep on hand. After buying what I needed, I hurried to the doughnut shop. Right now, I wanted to make doughnuts. More than that, I wanted to eat doughnuts.
I kept the lights off in front, made sure the blinds were closed, and set to work in the kitchen.