Garret drove up to our hilltop. “When we were up here yesterday, it was very hard not to propose right then.” He dropped the tailgate, then pulled a quilt out of his back seat.
I climbed up and sat down beside him once he had everything arranged.
“I only waited this long to propose because I didn’t want you to have to close the shop again so soon after the holidays and the wedding. And the house in San Antonio was booked solid.” He opened the cooler. “I brought food if you’re hungry.”
“I love that we’re going back to the house.” I patted my leg. “Lie down.”
He rested his head in my lap. “I didn’t plan on staying for dinner tonight. We can have another dinner when we get back. In fact, if you want, we can throw a big party. But tonight, I just want to celebrate with you.”
I ran my fingers through his hair. “I’ve pinched myself multiple times today.”
“It’s real, Tessa. Some dreams come true.” He pulled my fingers to his lips. “What do you want our dream home to look like? I know it needs a gourmet kitchen and a hot tub.”
“I’d love for it to have a rooftop patio.” I brushed my lips on his scar. “And four or five bedrooms.”
His fingers laced with mine.
“I’ve always thought I’d be a mom someday, but when I saw the way you were with Mason yesterday, I swooned a little. You’ll be a great dad.”
He sat up and held me to his chest. I knew what the compliment meant to him since he’d grown up away from his dad, but what I’d said was the absolute truth.
The sun sank toward the horizon as we cuddled and talked.
“If we’re going to get married in an hour, I need to change clothes.”
“You look beautiful just like you are.”
“Thank you, but I want to wear a dress.” I trailed a hand down the front of his shirt. “But I’ll be really happy if you wear jeans.”
Grinning, he nuzzled my neck. “Why is that?”
“Tonight, when I help you take them off, I won’t have my eyes closed.”
His laugh sounded almost like a growl. “On that note, I’m going to take you home and let you change.”
While he packed up the blanket and cooler, I stared out at the view. Picking up a stranger had led to this. Not only had I found the man of my dreams, but this gorgeous place would be my home.
When we arrived at the cabins, he walked me to my door and snuck in one more peck before backing down the steps. “I’ll be back here in thirty minutes.”
“I’ll be ready.” I ran inside, and when I closed myself into the bedroom, I spotted a gift bag on the bed.
I opened the card, expecting that this was another surprise from Garrett. But I was wrong. One of the risks of leaving my door unlocked was that I never knew when one of my friends would leave me a surprise.
Something for tonight. Enjoy! – Delaney
It wasn’t hard to guess what was in the bag. I yanked out the tissue and smiled. Garrett had arranged for a lot of surprises, and thanks to Delaney, I’d have one of my own.
I hurriedly changed clothes, then stuffed what I needed for the next few days into a bag. Hopefully, I’d remembered everything important. I’d packed a toothbrush and my doughnut cutter. Other than that, what would I really need?
Standing in front of the mirror, I applied lipstick. The fear that had held me prisoner for so long was gone. In its place was anticipation and desire.
When I stepped outside, Garrett was already on the porch. “Let’s go get married.”
I handed him my bag, and he tossed it into the truck. Then he kissed me as I buckled my seat belt. Too much more of this, and we’d be late to our own wedding.
All the way to the main house, he held my hand, and that thumb brushed back and forth.
As he parked, I pulled his fingers to my lips. “I’m so excited.”
“Me too.” He ran around and helped me out of the truck, then stopped before opening the front door. “Last chance to change your mind.”
“Okay. Well, I guess . . .” I crinkled my nose, pausing to build tension. “A party might be fun.”
“I’ll make sure to invite Nico.” Garrett knew there was no reason to be jealous, but now it was a running joke.
“He was there when you proposed. And I’m pretty sure he has his sights on someone else.”
“He does, and I’ll tell you that story later. But I couldn’t have told you who was in the shop.” Garrett kissed me as he opened the door. “You were my focus. Then. Now. Always.”
Our family and closest friends cheered as we walked into the house. There was standing room only in Beau and Lilith’s great room.
Mad Dog stood by the back door, grinning from ear to ear. “I’m ready whenever y’all are.”
I wasn’t one of the girls who’d dreamed about the ideal wedding and planned most of it before meeting the groom, but the way this day had worked out, the small ceremony with only our family and closest friends around us, was perfect. Absolutely perfect.
My dad stepped next to me. “Tessa honey, you look just beautiful.” He held out his arm. “I’ve been waiting for this.”
“You knew he was going to propose today, didn’t you?”
Dad shot a glance at Garrett. “We got the call yesterday, but we’ve been expecting it for about a month.”
I grabbed Garrett’s hand. “What am I missing?”
Dad chuckled. “Well, during your visit when I asked him what his intentions were, he said he intended to propose soon after you changed your mind about never risking your heart in a relationship again.”
Garrett flashed his best smile. “I wasn’t going to lie to your dad.”
“You are totally worth the risk.” I hugged him. “I’ll meet you at the front.”
After another quick kiss, my handsome cowboy spy strode to the front, then turned and smiled, his gaze fixed on me.
As my dad escorted me across the room, I admired Garrett. He was my happy now and my happily ever after. Risking my heart had gained me the whole world.

I held tight to Garrett’s neck as he carried me into the house. He bumped the door closed with his hip, then turned so that I could flip the bolt.
“Our bags are in the bedroom.” He brushed his lips on mine.
“What did you wish for?”
Curiosity wrinkled his brow. “What?”
“In the hot tub the night before Delaney’s wedding. We saw a shooting star, and you said that soon you’d tell me about it. But you haven’t.”
“And you pick now to ask?” He glanced toward the hall.
It dawned on me that I might be getting heavy. “You can put me down. I’m sorry about making you hold me so long. But I am curious. Please tell me.”
He shifted his hold but didn’t put me down. “I wished that I’d get to redeem that other raincheck.” With his eyebrows lifted, he looked toward the bedroom again. He didn’t have to say the words out loud for me to understand his question.
I fingered a button on his shirt, anticipating how amazing it would feel to have him on top of me. “Take me to bed, cowboy.”
“Yes, ma’am.”