Blown Bottles
Freeblown bottles, also called blown bottles, were made without molds and were shaped by the glassblower. It is diffi cult to determine age and the origin of these types of bottles since many were produced in Europe and America for a long time before records were kept.
Another type of blown bottle, the blown three-mold, was formed from a three-piece mold. These bottles were manufactured between 1820 and 1840 in Europe and the United States, and, it is quite dif-fi cult to distinguish bottles from different sides of the Atlantic. Since blown three-mold and pressed three-mold are similar, it is important to know how to differentiate between the two types. With blown glass, the mold impression can be felt on the inside, while pressed glass impressions can only be felt on the outside. Most blown three-mold bottles were made in amethyst (purple), sapphire blue, and a variety of greens.
Blown globular bottle, dark olive amber (black), 7-7/8", American 1810-1820, $300-400.
Rib pattern molded flask, medium olive green, 6-3/8", American 1810-1820, $500-700.
Black Glass Demijohn – Blown in Dip Mold
Deep amber, 10-7/8", pontil-scarred base, applied sloping collar mouth, American 1790-1810$200-275
Blown Globular Bottle
Dark olive amber, 7-7/8", pontil-scarred base, outward rolled lip, American 1810-1820, Zanesville Ohio Glass Works$300-400
Blown Globular Bottle
Amber, 8-1/8", pontil-scarred base, outward rolled lip, American 1810-1820, Zanesville Ohio Glass Works$300-400
Blown Nailsea Handled Jug
Deep apple green with overall white splotch pattern, 9-1/2", pontil-scarred base, applied sloping double collar mouth and handle, English 1800-1825, blown at either Nailsea Glass Works, Bristol, England, or Alloa Glass Works, Scotland $800-1,400
Blown Shaft and Globe “B.I.G.I.” Sealed Wine Bottle (Begi Winery founded 1880 in Orvieto, Italy)
Light to medium green, 9", smooth base, tooled mouth, Italian 1880.$150-300
Blown Three-Mold Bar Bottle
Bright yellow green, pint, barrel form, pontil-scarred base, applied sloping collared mouth, American 1820-1840.$2,000-4,000
Blown Three-Mold Decanter
Brilliant yellow olive, 7-1/2", barrel form, pontil-scarred base, applied sloping collared mouth, American 1820-1840.$500-1,000
Blown Three-Mold Decanter
Yellow olive, quart, pontil-scarred base, tooled flared mouth, American 1820-1840, Mount Vernon Glassworks, Mount Vernon, New York$800-1,600
Black glass sealed wine bottle, distressed swan being chased by a rampart lion (on applied seal) olive green, blown in a three-part mold, 11-5/8", English 1830-1850, $200-300.
Pattern-molded chestnut flask, light olive, 7", American 1815-1835, $200-250.
Pattern-molded chestnut flask, deep olive, 5-1/8", American 1780-1830, $250-300.
Blown three-mold toilet water bottle, dark cobalt blue, 5-3/8", American 1815-1835, $200-250.
Blown Three-Mold Decanter
Yellow olive green, 7", pontil-scarred base, tool flared-out lip, American 1815-1835, Mount Vernon Glassworks, New York $2,500-3,500
Blown Three-Mold Decanter
Medium olive green, 8", pontil-scarred base, applied double collar medicine type mouth, rare, American 1815-1835, Keene Glassworks, New Hampshire $5,000-7,000
Blown Three-Mold Decanter
Medium olive green, 10-1/8", pontil-scarred base, applied double collar medicine type mouth, American 1815-1835, Keene Glassworks, New Hampshire $4,500-6,500
Blown Three-Mold Decanter
Clear, 11-1/2", pontil-scarred base, tooled flared-out lip, original ground stopper, American 1815-1835$275-375
Blown Three-Mold Flask
Clear, 5-5/8", flattened flask form, pontil-scarred base, inward tooled mouth, rare in blown three-mold glass, American 1820-1840, Boston & Sandwich Glass Works, Sandwich, Mass$1,000-2,000
Blown Three-Mold Toilet Water Bottle
Deep cobalt blue, 5-3/4", 30-rib pattern swirled to left, pontil-scarred base, flared-out tooled lip, original stopper, American 1815-1845$350-450
Freeblown chestnut flask, deep red amber, 5", American 1800-1815, $200-300.
Vertical rib flask, medium green pint, American 1815-1825, $600-800.
Blown three-mold toilet water bottle, medium cobalt blue, 5-3/4", American 1815-1835, $300-400.
Blown Three-Mold Toilet Water Bottle
Deep lavender blue, 6-1/8", heavy swirls of color, pontil-scarred base, flared lip, American 1815-1835$200-300
Blown Three-Mold Syrup Decanter
Clear glass with daisy pattern, 8-1/8", smooth base, sheared lip with applied hinged pewter lid, applied handle, American 1815-1835$350-450
Demijohn Storage Bottle – Blown in Two-Part Mold
Dark blue green, 17-1/4", pontil-scarred base, applied mouth, American 1850-1870$275-375
Freeblown Chestnut Flask
Deep reddish amber, 5", pontil-scarred base, sheared and tooled lip, American 1800-1815$200-300
Freeblown Chestnut Flask
Blue aqua, 6-7/8", pontil-scarred base, sheared and tooled lip, American 1800-1810 $150-200
Freeblown creamer, cobalt blue, 3-3/4", American 1800-1830, $375-450.
Pattern molded club bottle, yellow amber with olive tone, 8-5/8", American 1815-1835, $3,500-4,500.
Freeblown Flattened Chestnut Flask
Medium blue green, 5", pontil-scarred base, sheared lip, applied pewter mouth with screw-on cap, blown using the German half-post method, German 1760-1790$600-900
Freeblown Flattened Chestnut Flask
Olive yellow, 8", paddle flattened sides, open pontil, applied mouth, American 1780-1810 $300-400
Freeblown Flattened Chestnut Bottle
Olive amber, 9-3/8", open pontil, applied mouth, American 1800-1820$275-375
Freeblown Chestnut Bottle – “Camphor” Neck Label
Light yellow olive, 5-1/4’, pontil-scarred base, outward rolled mouth, American 1783-1830 $500-1,000
Freeblown Chestnut Bottle
Yellow olive, 6-5/8", pontil-scarred base, applied mouth, American 1783-1830$200-400
Freeblown Chestnut Flask
Light to medium green olive, 8", open pontil applied mouth, American 1780-1810$300-400
Pattern molded club bottle, medium cobalt blue, 8-1/4", American 1815-1835, $3,500-4,500.
Freeblown globular bottle, yellow amber, 8-1/2", American 1780-1810, $150-250.
Freeblown globular bottle, straw yellow, 7-5/8", American 1790-1815, $375-475.
Freeblown globular bottle, medium olive green, 5-1/4, European 1760-1780, $400-550.
Freeblown Chestnut Bottle
Forest green, 8-1/8", tubular pontil scar, heavy applied mouth, American 1780-1820$500-1,000
Freeblown Demijohn
Medium puce amber, 12", squatty bulbous form, smooth base, sheared mouth with string rim, German 1800-1830$300-600
Freeblown Demijohn
Cornflower blue, 12-1/2", cylindrical, crude rough pontil scar, heavy applied collared mouth, American 1840-1860$500-1,000
Freeblown Handled Jug
Puce amber, 8", cylindrical with bulbous mid-section, pontil-scarred base, applied sloping collar, American 1840-1860$500-1,000
Freeblown Globular Bottle
Blue green, 9-1/8", squatty form, pontil scar base, flared sheared mouth, American 1820-1840$800-1,600
Freeblown Globular Bottle
Light to medium blue green, 9-3/4", pontil-scarred base, outward rolled lip, American 1780-1810$350-500
Freeblown Globular Bottle
Light blue green, 11-1/4", open pontil, thick outward rolled lip, American 1780-1810$350-450
Freeblown globular bottle, amber, 4-1/8", American 1790-1820, $300-400.
Spirits flask, clear glass, 5-3/8", German 1780-1820, blown in German half-post method, $200-300.
Spirits flask, medium amethyst, 9", German 1750-1770, $400-700.
Freeblown Half-Size Dutch Squat Wine Bottle
Medium yellow olive, 5-5/8", squat form with long tapering neck, sheared mouth with string rim, Netherlands 1730-1760.$1,000-2,000
Freeblown Full Size Dutch Wine Bottle – Painted Ship Scene on Bottle
Yellow olive, 10-1/2", pontil-scarred base, sheared mouth with wide string rim, Netherlands 1740-1780$1,500-3,000
Freeblown Jar
Yellow olive, 8-1/2", large pontil scar, tooled slightly flared mouth, American 1820-1840$300-600
Freeblown Miniature Flattened Globular Bottle
Yellow olive amber, 3-7/8", open pontil, tooled mouth with applied string lip, Dutch 1730-1760$700-800
Freeblown Miniature Globular Bottle
Light olive yellow, 3-3/8", pontil-scarred base, applied tool mouth, New England 1783-1830$1,000-2,000
Freeblown Miniature Globular Bottle
Light yellow green, 2-5/8", pontil-scarred base, tooled flared mouth, American 1783-1830, rare color.$1,000-2,000
Freeblown Small Pocket Bottle
Brilliant amethyst, 4", flattened bulbous form, pontil-scarred base, sheared mouth, extremely rare, American 1763-1775, Steigel’s American Flint Glass, Manheim, Pennsylvania$500-1,000
Freeblown Pocket Flask
Red amber, 4-7/8", pontil-scarred base, sheared mouth, American 1783-1830.$200-600
Freeblown Oversized Tear Drop Flask
Medium emerald green, 9-3/4", pontil-scarred base, thick outward rolled lip, European 1770-1810.$300-450
Freeblown globular bottle, olive green, 10-1/4", American 1770-1800, $600-800.
Pitkin flask, medium olive yellow, 4-7/8", American 1775-1800, $700-1,000.
Pitkin flask, brilliant aqua, 4-7/8", American 1775-1800, $350-400.
Freeblown “Thomas Cains” Decanters (matching pair)
Clear glass, 7-7/8", pontil-scarred base, tooled flared-out mouth, applied neck band and chain type bands around body of decanter, American 1815-1835, South Boston Flint Glassworks$1,200-1,600
Freeblown Utility Bottle
Olive green, 7-1/4", open pontil, tool flared-out lip, European 1780-1810 .$250-350
Blown Half-Pint Decanter with Stopper
Sapphire blue, 6-1/2", pontil-scarred base, tooled rim American 1820-1840, Sandwich Glass Works, Sandwich, Massachusetts$500-800
Large Bulbous Freeblown Jar
Yellow olive, 8-3/4", pontil-scarred base, tooled wide neck and mouth with sheared mouth with string rim, American 1780-1830.$1,500-3,000
Large Freeblown Globular Bottle
Light to medium yellow olive, 10-1/4", pontil-scarred base, crude outward rolled collared mouth, American 1780-1830.$800-1,600
Large Blown Three-Mold Flask
Clear, 9-3/4", tear drop form, pontil-scarred base, tooled collared mouth, extremely rare, American 1820-1840$1,000-2,000
Pitkin Flask – Blown in German Half-Post method
Medium yellow olive, 4-7/8’", 32-rib pattern swirled to left, open pontil-scarred base, sheared and tooled lip, rare smaller size, American 1775-1800, Pitkin Glass Works, East Manchester, Connecticut$700-1,000
Pitkin Flask – Blown in German Half-Post method
Medium yellow olive, 5-3/8", 36-rib pattern swirled to right, pontil-scarred base, sheared and tooled lip, American 1780-1810, Pitkin Glass Works, East Manchester, Connecticut$600-800
Pitkin flask, medium yellow olive, 5-3/8", American 1780-1810, $600-800.
Pitkin flask, blue green, 6-3/8", American 1815-1825, $500-700.
Pitkin flask, clear glass, 4-5/8", European 1780-1820, $300-400.