Pippa Rann Books & Media


Global Resilience Publishing

imprints of

Salt Desert Media Group Ltd., U.K.

Working in collaboration with international distributors from the whole of the English-speaking world.

Salt Desert Media Group Ltd. (est. 2019) is a member of the Independent Publishers Guild. At present, the company has two imprints, Global Resilience Publishing and Pippa Rann Books & Media (PRBM).

PRBM was launched on August the 17th, 2020, with the first title published in Autumn 2020 – Avay Shukla’s PolyTicks, DeMocKrazy & MumboJumbo: Babus, Mantris and Netas (Un)Making Our Nation.

Since then, we have published:

If there is no further significant disruption by pandemics and wars, PRBM plans to release, in the near future, Anthony P. Stone’s Hindu Astrology: Myths, Symbols and Realities, as well as the 25th anniversary edition of Vishal Mangalwadi’s India: The Grand Experiment.

We are always open to winning ideas for books, provided complete manuscripts can be turned in on time.

Please note that Pippa Rann Books & Media focuses entirely and exclusively on publishing material that nurtures, among Indians as well as among others who love India, the values of democracy, justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity.

That means we publish:

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By contrast with PRBM, Global Resilience Publishing began operations in Autumn 2021, with the first publications being released from Summer 2022. As the name suggests, the imprint focuses on subjects such as:

Two things make GRP unique as an imprint:

  1. Our books take a global perspective (not the perspective of a particular nation);
  2. GRP focuses exclusively on such global challenges.

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Global Resilience Publishing and Pippa Rann Books & Media are only two of several imprints that are conceived of, and will be launched, God willing, by Salt Desert Media Group Ltd., U. K. The imprints will cover different regions of the globe, different themes, and so on. And if you have an idea for a new imprint that you would like to establish, please get in touch.

Prabhu Guptara, the Publisher of Salt Desert Media Group, says, “For all our imprints, and for the attainment of our incredibly high vision, we need your support. Whatever your gifts and abilities, you are welcome to support us with the most precious gift of your time. The seva you do is not for us but is for the sake of our nation, and for the world as a whole. Please email me with your email, location, and phone contact details on publisher@pipparannbooks.com, letting me know what you feel you can do. Could you be an organiser or greeter at our events? Could you ring people on our behalf? Write to people? Write guest blogs or articles? Write a regular column? Do interviews? Help with electronic media, social media, or general marketing? Connect us with people you know who might be willing to help in some way or other?”

He adds, “I am one man, so I do not and cannot keep up with everything that is happening in India, let alone in the world. There are many challenges and numerous opportunities – help me to understand what these are. Pass information on to me that could be useful to me. Put your ideas to me. Any and all insights from you are most welcome, as they will multiply our joint effectiveness. It is only as we work together that we can contribute effectively to changing our nation and our world for the better”.

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