Chapter 7. Analyzing Malicious Windows Programs

Most malware targets Windows platforms and interacts closely with the OS. A solid understanding of basic Windows coding concepts will allow you to identify host-based indicators of malware, follow malware as it uses the OS to execute code without a jump or call instruction, and determine the malware’s purpose.

This chapter covers a variety of concepts that will be familiar to Windows programmers, but you should read it even if you are in that group. Non-malicious programs are generally well formed by compilers and follow Microsoft guidelines, but malware is typically poorly formed and tends to perform unexpected actions. This chapter will cover some unique ways that malware uses Windows functionality.

Windows is a complex OS, and this chapter can’t possibly cover every aspect of it. Instead, we focus on the functionality most relevant to malware analysis. We begin with a brief overview of some common Windows API terminology, and then discuss the ways that malware can modify the host system and how you can create host-based indicators. Next, we cover the different ways that a program can execute code located outside the file you’re analyzing. We finish with a discussion of how malware uses kernel mode for additional functionality and stealth.