I STEPPED OFF THE ELEVATOR ON the second floor of the Covenant Medical Center and headed for the reception desk. Day one. Here we go. I signed in, and a nurse held up a Breathalyzer.

I passed—my first time ever. I almost smiled. It was the simplest thing, only proving I hadn’t been dumb enough to drink a bunch of booze right before my first day of treatment, but it made me feel better than I had in a long, long time.

When everyone arrived, I shuffled into a group therapy room about the size of a guest bedroom, behind three middle-aged guys, an older woman, and a young guy. The introductions, shortened from the typical Alcoholics Anonymous “Hi, my name is Brendan, and I’m an alcoholic,” were: “Wesley, alcoholic.” “Susan, alcoholic.” “Brad, addict.” “Jim, alcoholic.” “Robert, alcoholic.” Then me: “Brendan, alcoholic.” And Mark, the group counselor, also an alcoholic. None of us looked like we’d ever be part of the same social circle outside of that room. Mark made the veteran group members read their homework assignments from the past weekend.

Wesley was a grandfather with a salt-and-pepper ponytail and fifteen-year-old eyeglasses. His wife left him, all alone in his house in the country, so he started drinking. He had never really drunk much before and wasn’t from a family of alcoholics, but he was bored. After a few months of sitting at home pounding booze, he got pretty used to it. One day, he was driving into town to stock up and a state trooper pulled him over. Because of his high blood alcohol level and a comment that maybe he ought to just end it all, the state recommended he go through a substance abuse treatment program. Wesley was on Antabuse, a drug that would make him vomit and give him vertigo, among other things, if he were to have a drink.

Susan was probably in her early fifties, and eight months ago her doctor had given her six months to live. She had cirrhosis, thanks to the vodka she drank every day to kill the boredom of her life as a housewife. She had three daughters, a granddaughter, and a shitload of other health problems. She had quit drinking with both feet in the grave.

Brad was twenty years old and had a cocaine problem. He lived with his grandparents. When he started treatment, he began to make his bed every day to signal a fresh start and remember to take it one day at a time. Brad was positive and honest, one of those people who was good right to the core. I felt better about myself if he just asked me how I was doing. I made my bed every morning for the next five years.

Jim was a wiry guy with a mustache and a few hard years showing on his face. He was tan, wore a thin gold chain, and looked fifty-five instead of his actual forty-five. He had graduated from treatment, but he still showed up once a week to sit in on group therapy.

Robert was originally from a poor neighborhood in Chicago and had worked his way into what sounded like a pretty successful life. He was on his second marriage in his early forties and was in a layperson position of leadership in his church. He made it sound like he got drunk in his garage a lot.

I felt like Randle Patrick McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, when he met all his goofy new neighbors in the psych ward.

I do not belong here. These people are not my people, but they’re all I’ve got for now.

Mark gave me a notebook to use for my homework. My first assignment: write ten “interferences,” or ways I interfered in the lives of other people when I was drinking. This was a nightly assignment. Easy enough. I felt I could probably keep writing out ten interferences a day for the rest of my life and still not be done.

When the evening’s treatment session was over, we all stood up in a circle, held hands, and recited the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity / To accept the things I cannot change; / Courage to change the things I can; / And wisdom to know the difference.

Mark said that the word “God” didn’t have to mean “God.” It could just be a “higher power,” which was anything we needed it to be. It could be the program itself. But I decided that for the time being I was going to go ahead and believe in God, because cigarettes and coffee didn’t seem to be quite enough.

I felt hopeful about treatment as I sat on a bench in front of the building, watching the sun set.

My roommate, Nick, rolled up in his red sedan, and I hopped in the passenger side.

“I don’t think it’s going to be that bad,” I said.


The next morning, I made my single bed, tucking the flannel sheets neatly under the pillow. I only had a few minutes before I had to walk to my lunch bartending shift. I had burned the Peter Gabriel song “Solsbury Hill” onto a CD after hearing it in the movie Vanilla Sky, and had it turned up loud as I shuffled around my small bedroom picking things up.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I figured even if Peter Gabriel hadn’t intended the lyrics to be about substance abuse treatment, that’s what they would mean to me, especially the part about my heart beating, and going home. By myself in my bedroom, I smiled. For the first time in more than a year, I felt like I had a chance.

As part of treatment, I completed a homework assignment every day like “Finish the sentence: I feel good about being sober because ___________” or “Finish the sentence: For recovery, I’m willing to ___________.” Writing down my interferences, though, was like going to confession. Since I knew I was going to read them aloud in group, I kept them kind of tame. I left out the really bad shit. No one needed to know that I’d cheated on Amy, or that I’d stolen someone’s car so I could run over stop signs with it. No one had to know that I broke my dad’s heart one summer Sunday when we missed a Cardinals–Twins game because I got drunk the night before and overslept in someone’s basement, where I’d passed out the night before.

The important part was that I understood that I was an asshole. And I did. I got it. I knew I was an asshole when I hit bottom, or “rock bottom,” which is what addicts call the ultimate fuckup—the one that makes you realize it’s time to quit.


My first Thursday of treatment, I looked at all the unfamiliar faces around the circle of chairs: all the wives, husbands, fathers, and kids who had come for Family Night. All the damaged but hopeful loved ones who had all been fucked over by one of us in some way. They were there to help, if someone could tell them how.

We were required to have a family member attend group therapy with us on at least one Family Night during our five-week treatment, and my mom was the first of my family members to join me. She was a sweet little ball of nervous energy sitting in the chair next to mine, leaning forward like always. I felt 45 percent shame that she had to do something like this and 55 percent gratitude to have her there.

She looked at me and smiled as she introduced herself to the group. I swallowed a lump in my throat. She told them she was proud of me for getting help, even though I knew she was disappointed with me for getting myself there in the first place. When she looked at me, I wanted to be fifteen again. I wanted to start over and never take that first drink. I wanted to never put cigarettes out on myself or get tattoos, or have sex with girls I didn’t know. I wanted to be that kid on the math team in middle school, the kid who got selected to be in the talented-and-gifted class. I wanted to be an architect or a law student or a physicist, or whatever all those other talented-and-gifted kids are now, not in substance abuse treatment with cokeheads and meth addicts and drunks.

At the break, we all went outside to smoke cigarettes. That’s what addicts do: We rely on the last acceptable drug. This was the first time I had ever smoked in front of my mom, the nurse practitioner. She didn’t say anything about it.


When we went back inside, Mom turned to me and said, “I always liked Sundays, because Grandpa never drank on Sundays.”

This was the most detailed information I had ever received about her father’s drinking problem. He was only around until I was seven years old, when he died of a heart attack at age fifty-nine. When I was a kid, I had no idea that Grandpa was a drunk. I remembered him as a guy who ribbed me about my Dukes of Hazzard obsession and took my brother, Chad, and me down to the Emmetsburg fire station to climb all over the fire trucks, where he let us split a bottle of Bubble Up from the soda machine while he did some stuff in the office. Maybe he was sipping a bottle of whiskey back there while we played—who knows.

I asked Chad about it once. He said that all those times I’d asked Grandpa if I could have a piece of gum, the mint we smelled on Grandpa’s breath was probably peppermint schnapps. I have never pressed Grandma or Mom or any of her six brothers and sisters for details about what he was like on the days he did drink, if he’d done something that they all carried with them.


On Family Night, when Mom met Mark, I thought how similar it was to the time I’d introduced her to my first-grade teacher, Mrs. Moore, at parent-teacher conferences. I showed Mom the closet where we hung our tiny jackets and backpacks every morning, and then my sloppy crayon writing on a worksheet hanging next to twenty-five other kids’ work. I thought now about how, in a way, I was still a lost kid. In first grade, I was trying to learn how to tie my shoes and walk all the way to school by myself, and now I was trying to learn how to stop drinking beer, something a lot of kids my age had already figured out.


Robert, the guy from Chicago, relapsed the weekend between my second and third week of treatment. No one really knew what happened, but he didn’t show up for group that Monday. His second wife had probably left him. Even so, I thought he was a chickenshit for relapsing, but I didn’t say that to anybody. Then I wondered whether he’d decided to take a couple of weeks to go on a pretty good bender before he gave it another shot, because that was sure as hell what I’d do. No sense half-assing it.

I never got the point of doing anything halfway. I’d always been like that to a certain extent, but after treatment it became the one guiding principle of everything I did—especially when it came to staying dry. Growing up, I never shoveled half the driveway or mowed half the lawn, left a homework assignment undone, or tried to get away with slacking at my job washing dishes at a restaurant. So even if I was in the treatment program only because it was one of the terms of my probation, I was going to finish. It was tough, but not tougher than me. This, I later found, was the same mantra that got me to the top of mountains when I felt too exhausted to take another step.

At night after I got home from treatment, I usually spent some time writing, watching movies, or sitting on the front stoop reading and smoking cigarettes. Friday nights were the real bitch, especially during the summer, when I felt like I should be in a lawn chair or sitting out on some bar’s back patio drinking myself into a thick mellow hum. The sun would sink, the music would begin to sound great, and all the girls would look beautiful in their dresses, and everyone would wish the whole year would feel like that. It was all I could do to stay home clutching a cup of coffee and a pack of cigarettes.


The third Monday night of treatment, I met the new guy, Steve. We’d met before, only once, but we recognized each other immediately. During the Christmas season my senior year of college, I worked at a steak house for about three weeks. One of the managers there was nice to me, and one night when I was working she introduced me to her husband, Steve, who came in to have a beer at the bar.

Steve had checked himself into inpatient treatment Friday night, and they’d kept him basically locked in the treatment center, because that’s what “inpatient” meant. Among other things, they looked through your stuff to make sure you didn’t bring in any cologne or alcohol-based mouthwash or any pills.

He and his wife had two kids, he told the group, and he drank too much and made an ass out of himself at times. He once did a shot of Bacardi 151 and blew a fireball the length of the bar in the steak house where his wife worked. It wasn’t the type of place where people got drunk—or expected fireballs—as they enjoyed some country music and waited to dig into a nice slab of beef.

During a break, Steve told me he had gotten so drunk at his own wedding reception that he was passed out by 9 p.m. His wife didn’t party nearly as hard, because she was six months pregnant with their first kid.

I nodded, silently confirming that, yes, he should be in rehab. I didn’t know a lot of dads who blew fireballs with 151. Most just played golf.

It felt good to have Steve there, as he was the only other person younger than thirty-five since Brad had graduated.


I kept up my routine: Work a lunch shift at the bar, find a ride across town to Horizons in the afternoon, wait for Nick to pick me up, get up the next morning, and walk to work.

When you’re just getting used to calling yourself a “recovering alcoholic,” working in a bar is not ideal. Though I worked mainly lunch shifts, on Saturday nights I poured hundreds of beers, popping the tap handles forward, then back, watching each glass fill, not too much foam. It all happened twelve inches from my mouth, the smell of beer constant as I poured fifty gallons, dumped out the leftovers, and washed the glasses. I was the gatekeeper for those people doing my favorite thing, just on the other side of the bar. I didn’t have another way to make a living, or I would have quit. Instead, I steeled myself as best I could, and gave my free shift beer to whoever tended bar with me that night.


One Wednesday afternoon, after the lunch rush had died down, a guy walked in the door and sat at the bar. I thought I recognized him. He ordered a gin and tonic, and when he spoke, it clicked. I walked around the bar to pour a one-shot count into a short rocks glass and peered at him over the upturned gin bottle.

“Jim?” I said.

“Yeah?” He seemed unfazed by the fact that I knew his name.

“You recognize me from anywhere?”

“Nope,” he said. “Never seen you before.”

“Jim, I know you from treatment,” I said. “Brendan? Horizons?” Ring a bell? Jesus.

“Oh, yeah,” he said. “How you doin’?”

“I’m good. Listen, should I be serving you this drink?”

“Oh, yeah,” he said. “It’s fine. I fell off the wagon last weekend.”

“Oh,” I said. “All right then.”

“Yeah, we found out my wife was pregnant,” he said.


I shot the shit with him for a few more minutes, and he ordered another drink. He took off before my shift was over. He didn’t even tip me. I didn’t tell anyone from treatment about that evening. I figured it wasn’t a positive development for anyone.


In that group therapy room, I experienced true, authentic empathy for the first time. It felt so safe when all the normal walls were knocked down. I could be vulnerable, and in turn care deeply for people I’d only known a few weeks. I didn’t want Wesley to kill himself. I wanted DHS to leave Susan’s family the hell alone, even if her daughter smoked too much pot. I wanted her to survive cirrhosis so she could take care of her granddaughter, who didn’t sound like she would have much of a chance.

By the end of a session, I felt like we had all been through the Normandy Invasion, and I didn’t mind hugging people I didn’t know at the end of the night. On Family Nights, our group met in a big room with another treatment group the same size as ours. I didn’t know those people as well, but I wasn’t jaded or cynical. When they spoke, I nodded and gave encouraging smiles. As much as possible, I told them they were doing the right thing.


One night after treatment, I sat on the front stoop of the house I shared with Nick and Dave, drinking a cup of coffee and lighting up cigarette after cigarette. I was reading The Old Man and the Sea, and I realized that reading was about the only healthy addiction I’d ever had.

When I was in third grade, I was obsessed with books. I read all the time. I stayed in to read so often during recess that my teacher told my parents that it might be good for me to go out with the other kids and get some fresh air once in a while. Every time I finished a book, there were others waiting, pulled off my parents’ bookshelves or checked out from the library. I read so many pages for the school reading program that the local newspaper published a small story on me. This, as far as I can remember, was the first thing that had completely consumed me. But other things soon replaced it.


My dad dressed up for his visit on Family Night, changing out of the black pants and white shirt he’d worn every day for a couple of decades behind the meat counter. I figured a room full of junkies and drunks wouldn’t have judged him if he wore dirty work clothes, but it was a nice gesture. He nodded and listened as I told him about what we did there, showed him the place, and introduced him to some of the folks from my treatment group. I wondered if he was thinking that this might be the strangest thing we’d ever done together.

Dad had knocked off work early that night, just like he’d knocked off work to be at every single event I had competed in since I was six years old, including the spelling bee in sixth grade. I was never very good at basketball or football or track, but attendance is the love language in my family. On Family Night when he said he was proud of me, I got a lump in my throat and blinked back the tears as Dad talked to a room full of strangers. I resolved to myself that I was not going to suck at sobriety.

Dad heard Terry’s daughter talk about her high school graduation party, how Terry wasn’t there because he was at a biker bar using meth. She said she was happy he was getting help.

Dad also got to hear Tom’s wife tell everyone how they got in a fight the other night. When he stormed out of the house, she said she just knew he was going to a pay phone to call his meth dealer, but he didn’t. He just went for a long walk to cool down. She cried as she told the story. Wesley scurried over from our side of the circle to hand her a box of Kleenex.

When it was our turn, Dad told everyone he wished he hadn’t let me do what I was doing when he knew I was doing it. Like when he came to pick me up to go out to lunch and saw the tickets tacked to the wall of the house where I lived in college: Underage Possession of Alcohol and Possession of an Open Container of Alcohol. I remembered how I thought it was funny and we both laughed about it on the way to the restaurant. I shook my head when he told the group that he could have done something, and I denied that it was his fault in any way. That was the truth.

The truth is, my mother had always warned me of my genetic predisposition to alcoholism. I had the earliest curfew of any of my friends when I was a teenager. I don’t know if anybody knows what they’re doing when they start raising kids; all they can do is their best. My parents’ best was seventy-hour weeks at a grocery and third shift at the hospital, so my brother and I could have a basketball hoop in the driveway and presents under the tree when our mom got home from work at eight on Christmas morning.

I had patches on the holes in my jeans when I was a kid, but not before Mom and Dad had patches on theirs. When I think about my tired mom wearing her nurse’s uniform while walking down to the elementary school next to a little kid with snot in his nose and a jar of grasshoppers in his backpack, and I think of my dad staying up all night putting decals on toy fire trucks even though he was beat from smiling and selling Christmas hams for fourteen hours, I know it’s not their fault.

When I think of all that, I feel tremendous guilt, and the tears well up in my eyes. I want to put my fist through a window.


Some time after my stint in treatment my friend Craig’s son checked into a Hazelden treatment center to deal with a heroin problem. Craig called me and asked what he could do to help, what he could say to his son. I told him, based on my own battle, I didn’t really think there was anything anyone could say—that you have to figure it out on your own.


One afternoon on my way out the door, I found a card in the mailbox asking me to RSVP to my five-year high school reunion. Oh, hell no. What was I going to tell people? Reunions are where you go to talk about your accomplishments. That sounded like a nightmare: explaining to everyone that I had graduated from college, become a bartender, and enrolled in substance abuse treatment. Oh, but if things work out with my court case, I’m going to move to Montana in the fall to pursue a master’s degree. No, thank you.

The Friday before my fifth, and what I hoped was my final, week of treatment, I sat at the rehearsal dinner before Chris and Kerry’s wedding, my first friends from high school to get married. I couldn’t drink enough cups of coffee as everyone else ordered another beer and another beer and another beer. I would have given anything not to be there, but Chris had asked me to be an usher, so I showed up. I left the rehearsal dinner before anyone else and I made it early to the church the next day. After the ceremony, the wedding party boarded a bus, and everyone except me started pounding more cans of cheap beer. A few miles down the road, we stopped to visit Chris’s mom’s grave.

She had contracted some sort of rare illness, degenerated quickly, and died a couple of months before the wedding. I had hitched a ride to her funeral with another high school buddy and three of his friends, who drank all the way to the service and all the way back.

Now after Chris and Kerry’s wedding ceremony, we stood there in front of Linda’s grave, and Chris’s dad, Franny, held up his beer and said, “Here’s to ya.” Everyone else held up their beers, and I shoved my hands deeper in my tuxedo pants pockets. Standing in front of your friend’s mother’s grave on his wedding day and not having a beer to hoist in tribute is a bit too much for anyone to be asked to deal with. I left the reception early, hoping Chris and Kerry would understand.


On Monday afternoon, I tucked into our cozy little group treatment room for my last week of rehab. When it was my turn to talk, Mark asked how the wedding had gone. I told everyone that I had, in fact, controlled myself. As I spoke, it suddenly struck me that there was a possibility they might not believe me. But as I glanced quickly at Wesley and Mark, I was relieved to see that actually, yes, they did. This room full of people who had been strangers now knew my struggle better than anybody in at that wedding reception.


On my final Thursday, my graduation night, I read my last homework assignment, my After-Care Plan. I wondered if I’d ever write another thing in that spiral notebook. After five weeks of picking me up at the front door of the building, Nick came in for Family Night and introduced himself as my brother.

Nick was my best friend, for many reasons. I had met him at the Applebee’s restaurant where we worked during college. He was always ready for some fun. We met when we were twenty and found out we shared the same birthplace, Le Mars, and that we had been baptized by the same Catholic priest.

I liked Nick because he would never turn down a couple of beers, he was funny and animated, and he knew a lot of girls. I think they liked him because they could tell he wasn’t trying to sleep with them. He was looking for a girlfriend, not a one-night stand. We played off each other’s jokes and introduced each other to new people. We even looked a little bit alike. Sometimes people would ask us if we were brothers. He was never in a bad mood and once loaned me $300 so I could pay my rent that month, not knowing if I’d be able to pay it back. I did. And now he gave me rides home from treatment every night. He had earned the privilege of sitting in a circle with a bunch of addicts and alcoholics and their family members.

At the end of Family Night, and my last group session, Wesley gave me a big desperate smile, and we hugged as he planted a wet kiss on my cheek. Sometimes I think about that look. We both knew we’d never see each other again, and his eyes pleaded, Goddamn it, kid, I hope you do it, because I don’t know if I can.

When Nick and I got home, he went in the house, and I sat on the front stoop, smoking a cigarette that felt like a five-minute exhalation. I still had a weeklong jail sentence to serve before I moved to Montana, but a huge chunk of my sentence was finished.


The next week, I had to attend one after-care meeting, the last time I’d ever see the Covenant Medical Center and the Horizons program. I told Nick I’d get a ride home from someone at the meeting, but really I wanted to walk. It was a chance to remind myself how grateful I was that he had interrupted his life four nights a week for five weeks just to pick me up.

It was nine miles home, and it took me three hours to walk it in the dark, in sandals. That was the end, my certified completion of a court-ordered twelve-step substance abuse treatment program.

They do incredible things for you, all those open, understanding, hopeful faces and voices in the group therapy room. They know you can beat your addiction, some days more than you do. But one day you have to leave that cozy little womb of hugs and Serenity Prayers, and you have to step out the clinic’s sliding doors all by yourself. A chapter is over. You wait at the curb for a bus or a friend with a car, and you light a cigarette, and maybe then you realize that no one told you what to do with the rest of your life.

They don’t tell you that you’ll have to reinvent yourself, which is difficult when all you really know is that you used to love to get fucked-up. That’s not much of a starting point when you’re making small talk with someone new at a party. Hi, my name’s Brendan, and I don’t drink anymore. That’s the absolute first thing I want to tell you about myself, because learning how to not drink anymore has pretty much consumed my life for the past year. So, what about you? What are you into?

I felt like the only examples I saw for life after treatment were people who either found Jesus, became more or less addicted to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, or relapsed. Recovery is a great time to be “saved” or “reborn” religiously, and being addicted to AA meetings is of course healthier than alcohol.

If you don’t stay strong, you relapse, and even if you stay strong, relapsing sounds like heaven—you just shut off that voice in your head by giving it what it wants: buckets of cold beer, whiskey Cokes, gin and tonics, and tequila shots. You resign yourself to being a loser and singing along with “Piano Man” every time it comes on.

If, however, you don’t decide on Jesus, AA, or falling off the wagon, you have to find something else. I had no ideas, but I was intent on escaping Iowa. Now five months sober, I had to talk to someone about leaving the state while on probation. I wasn’t sure it was possible.


It was raining in the not-so-great part of Waterloo, where my dad drove me to meet Dave Davis, the man who would be my probation officer. We waited with everyone else in a big room and listened to a guy tell us about random piss tests and how our probation officer could call or stop by at any time to make sure we were home by curfew. If we screwed up in the least, it was a year in county jail.

After the rules guy left, we waited for our individual appointments with our probation officers. I was pessimistic about my chances. I couldn’t imagine that Dave Davis would let me leave the county, let alone go to graduate school three states away.

But Dave was a great guy. Once we started talking, it was clear that he didn’t have a lot of appointments with people who were pursuing advanced degrees in the liberal arts. Everything was going to be just fine. The system? He’d sign this little piece of paper from the Iowa Department of Corrections, and I could show it to a cop if for some reason he needed to run my ID. All I had to do was send in one hundred dollars of my fine per month, along with the corresponding payment coupon for Dave.

When we walked out of Dave’s office, I was sure no one else there was even headed to college. I felt grateful—and guilty. What if Wesley did this same sort of meeting with a probation officer? He’d drive into Waterloo, check in, and then drive back out to his lonely farmhouse. No potentially bright future, no new scenery—just the same situation that led him to drinking in the first place.