Chapter 3

Building a Development Environment


check Identifying which tools to avoid

check Finding the right tools for the job

When you’re ready to start coding your web application, you’ll need some tools to help you out. Just as a carpenter needs a set of tools to do her job, web developers need tools as well. And just as the carpenter has a wide selection of tools to choose from, so do web developers. A carpenter can build an entire house using a hammer and hand saw (and possibly a tape measure), but most likely, she has a few more advanced tools to make her job easier. Likewise, you can build an entire web application using a standard text editor, but there are plenty of other tools around to make your job easier. The trick to becoming comfortable with web programming is to find the right tool, or combination of tools, for the task at hand. This chapter walks you through some of the tools that you can use to help make your programming job easier. But first, I start by telling you what not to use.

Knowing Which Tools to Avoid

Before I get too far into the tool discussion, I need to tell you what tools not to use for serious web-programming jobs. These days, plenty of tools are available to help novice web designers create their own web pages without doing any coding at all. However, trying to develop dynamic web applications with these tools can create more problems than they’re worth. Here are some of the tools you should avoid.

Graphical desktop tools

Graphical desktop tools allow you to create a web page using a purely graphical interface, without having to do any coding. The most popular of these tools are the Microsoft Expression Web package and Adobe Dreamweaver.

Both of these tools use the what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) method of creating web pages. Instead of an editor for writing code, the tool presents you with a graphical canvas that represents your web page. To add features to the web page, you drag and drop elements like text, menus, images, or multimedia clips onto the canvas. When you’ve created the web page layout, you click a button and the tool automatically generates all the HTML and CSS code required to build the web page. Click another button and the tool automatically uploads the files to your web-hosting server and you have a complete web page.

At first, tools like these may sound like a great idea, but they have some drawbacks:

  • You have little control over the HTML and CSS code the tools automatically generate. Because the tools need to generate code for all sorts of environments and applications, the code they generate is somewhat generic and can be bloated and unnecessarily complicated.
  • Because of the code bloat, it’s extremely difficult to add or modify any of the code that the tools generate.
  • When you use a graphical desktop tool to create your website, you’re stuck using that tool forever. Just like other desktop software packages, graphical desktop tools often change features as new versions come out. Old features are dropped and new features are added, sometimes forcing you to change the way you design your website. You’re stuck in an endless loop of purchasing upgrades and learning new features just to maintain your website.
  • The WYSIWYG principle isn’t always accurate. The layout you create in the canvas may not always represent what appears in web pages for all browsers and devices that people use to view your website.

Web-hosting sites

Besides the graphical desktop tools, there are also web-hosting sites that mimic that type of web page design. Web-hosting sites such as Squarespace and Weebly are oriented toward novice non-programmers who want to build their own websites. These sites allow people with no experience to get a simple static website up and running in practically no time, and as you can imagine, they’re becoming very popular.

These sites have all the same drawbacks as the desktop graphical tools. Plus, many of them don’t even let you see the HTML and CSS code that they generate. With these template-based sites, you’re completely at their mercy. You can never migrate your web application to a different host (which is exactly what they want).

Word processors

Some word-processing software packages, such as Microsoft Word and Apple Pages, offer the ability to convert documents into web pages. This feature has the same drawbacks as the fancier WYSIWYG tools: You can’t control the code they generate, and the code they do generate is often bloated. Stay away from creating web pages using word processors.

warning Also stay away from the temptation to write your web application code using a word processor. Most word processors embed binary characters into the text, even if you save the document in a text mode. This causes all sorts of problems when you try to view the web page in a browser.

Working with the Right Tools

Now that you know which tools to avoid, you’re ready to look at the tools you can use to get the job done right. In this section, I fill you in on text editors, program editors, integrated development environments, and browser debuggers.

Text editors

The hammer-and-saw equivalent for creating web applications is the standard text editor. You can build all the program code used in this book using the text editor that’s already installed on your computer. You don’t have to buy any fancy software packages or maintain any upgrades. This section explains how to use the standard text editors that are found on most computers, based on the operating system you’re running.

If you’re running Microsoft Windows

If you’re running Microsoft Windows, you have the trusty Notepad application for creating and viewing standard text files. Notepad provides a bare-bones interface for typing text and saving it. Figure 3-1 shows an example of writing HTML code in a Notepad window. Notepad is nothing fancy — just your code in black and white.


FIGURE 3-1: Using Microsoft Notepad to write HTML code.

Notepad works fine as a programming tool, but you’ll want to tweak a few of the settings before you start coding in Notepad, just to make things easier.


In Notepad, you can define the width of the document you want to create, and then Notepad automatically starts a new line when you’ve reached that limit. This feature is handy for typing memos, but it causes issues when coding.

Wrapping a line of code from one line to the next is generally not allowed in programming languages. All the code for a statement should be on the same line, unless you do some trickery to tell it otherwise.

Another issue with word wrap is that the GoTo option in the Edit menu becomes disabled when word wrap is turned on. Because Notepad doesn’t show line numbers, the GoTo feature is all you have to hunt for specific line numbers that error messages point out. GoTo is a crucial tool to have in the Notepad editor.

To disable word wrap in Notepad, click the Format entry in the menu bar; then click the Word Wrap entry to ensure there is no check mark next to it.


By default, Notepad assumes you’re saving a text document and automatically appends a .txt file extension to the file. That doesn't work with programming code, because most programs use a specific file extension to identify themselves (such as .html for HTML files or .php for PHP files).

When you use the File ⇒ Save As menu option in Notepad, you'll need to be careful when saving your program file that the .txt file extension doesn’t get appended to the end of the filename. To save a program file using Notepad, follow these steps:

  1. Choose File ⇒ Save As from the menu bar at the top of the editor.

    The Save As dialog box, shown in Figure 3-2, appears.

  2. In the drop-down list at the top of the Save As dialog box, navigate to the folder where you want to save the program file.
  3. From the Save As Type text box near the bottom of the Save As dialog box, select All Files (*.*).

    This prevents Notepad from appending the .txt file extension to your filename.

  4. In the File Name field, enter the filename for your program file, including the file extension you want to use.
  5. Click Save to save the program file.

    Your program file is properly saved in the correct format, with the correct filename, in the correct location.


FIGURE 3-2: The Microsoft Notepad Save As dialog box.


In Microsoft Windows you use File Explorer to navigate the storage devices on your system to open files. Unfortunately, the default setup in File Explorer is to hide the file extension part of the filename (the part after the period) so that it doesn't confuse novice computer users.

That can have the opposite effect for programmers, adding confusion when you’re trying to look for a specific file. You may use the same filename for multiple files with different extensions. Fortunately, you can easily change this default setting in Windows. Just follow these steps:

  1. In Windows 8 or 10, open Settings. In Windows 7, open the Control Panel.
  2. In Windows 8 or 10, type File Explorer Options in the search bar and press Enter.
  3. Click the icon for the File Explorer Options tool that appears in the search results.
  4. In Windows 7, click the File Explorer Options icon in the Control Panel.

    You may have to go to the Advanced view to see it.

    After you open File Explorer Options, the dialog box should look like Figure 3-3.

  5. Click the View tab.
  6. Remove the check mark from the Hide Extensions for Known File Types check box, as shown in Figure 3-4.
  7. Click OK.

    Now you’ll be able to see the full filename, including the extension, when you look for your programs using File Explorer.


FIGURE 3-3: The File Explorer Options dialog box in Windows.


FIGURE 3-4: Removing the Hide Extensions for Known File Types check mark.


Now that you can see the full filename of your program files in File Explorer, there’s just one more hurdle to cross. If you want to open your program files using Notepad by default, you’ll need to tell File Explorer to do that. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the program file, and right-click the filename.
  2. In the menu that appears, select Open.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  3. Select Notepad from the list of programs, and then select the check box to always open files of this type using the program.

    Now you’ll be able to double-click your program files in File Explorer to automatically open them in Notepad.

If you’re running macOS

If you’re running macOS (or one of the earlier Mac OS X versions), the text editor that comes standard is called TextEdit. The TextEdit application actually provides quite a lot of features for a standard text editor — it recognizes and allows you to edit a few different types of text files, including rich text files (.rtf) and HTML files.

The drawback to TextEdit is that sometimes it can be too smart. Trying to save and edit an HTML file in TextEdit can be more complicated than it should be. By default, TextEdit will try to display the HTML tags as their graphical equivalents in the editor window, as shown in Figure 3-5.


FIGURE 3-5: Using the default TextEdit settings to edit an HTML file.

As you can see in Figure 3-5, TextEdit actually shows the text as the HTML tags format it instead of the actual HTML code. This won’t work for editing an HTML file, because you need to see the code text instead of what the code generates. There’s an easy way to fix that — just follow these steps:

  1. Choose TextEdit ⇒ Preferences.

    The Preferences dialog box, shown in Figure 3-6, appears.

  2. On the New Document tab, in the Format section, select the Plain Text radio button.
  3. In the Options section, remove the check mark from the following check boxes:
    • Correct Spelling Automatically
    • Smart Quotes
    • Smart Dashes
    • Smart Links
  4. Click the Open and Save tab (see Figure 3-7).
  5. In the When Opening a File section, check the Display HTML Files as HTML Code Instead of Formatted Text check box.
  6. In the When Saving a File section, remove the check mark from the Add “.txt” File Extension to Plain Text Files check box.
  7. Close the Preferences dialog box to save the settings.

FIGURE 3-6: The Preferences dialog box in TextEdit.


FIGURE 3-7: The Open and Save tab of the Preferences dialog box.

Now you’re all set to start editing your program code using TextEdit!

If you’re running Linux

The Linux environment was made by programmers, for programmers. Because of that, even the simple text editors installed by default in Linux distributions provide some basic features that come in handy when coding.

Which text editor comes with your Linux distribution usually depends on the desktop environment. Linux supports many different graphical desktop environments, but the two most common are GNOME and KDE. This section walks through the default text editors found in each.


If you’re working in a GNOME desktop environment, the default text editor is gedit, shown in Figure 3-8.


FIGURE 3-8: The gedit editor used in Linux GNOME desktops.

The gedit editor automatically saves program files as plain text format and doesn’t try to add a .txt file extension to filenames. There's nothing special you need to do to dive into coding your programs using gedit. Plus, it has some advanced features specifically for programming that you would find in program editors (see the “Program editors” section later in this chapter).


The default text editor used in the KDE graphical desktop environment is Kate, shown in Figure 3-9.


FIGURE 3-9: The Kate editor used in Linux KDE desktops.

Just like gedit, the Kate editor contains lots of programmer-friendly features right out of the box. Again, no special configuration is required before you can start editing your program code in Kate.

Program editors

The next step up from standard text editors is a family of tools called program editors. A program editor works just like a text editor, but it has a few additional built-in features that come in handy for programming. Here are some of the features that you’ll find in program editors:

  • Line numbering: Providing the line numbers off to the side of the window is a lifesaver when coding. When an error message tells you there’s a problem on line 1935, not having to count every line to get there helps!
  • Syntax highlighting: With syntax highlighting, the editor uses different colors for different parts of the program. Program keywords are displayed using different colors to help make them stand out from data in the code file.
  • Syntax error marking: Text that appears to be used as a keyword but that isn’t found in the code statement dictionary is marked as an error. This feature can be a time-saver by helping you catch simple typos in your program code.

There are lots of commercial program editors, but some of the best program editors are actually free. This section discusses some of the better free ones available for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP coding.


If you’re running Microsoft Windows, the Notepad++ tool is a great place to start. As its name suggests, it’s like Notepad, but better. You can download Notepad++ from The main editing window is shown in Figure 3-10.


FIGURE 3-10: Notepad++.

The main interface for Notepad++ looks similar to Notepad, so there’s nothing different to get used to. By default, it shows line numbers along the left margin, as well as the type of file and the column location of the cursor at the bottom.

Notepad++ recognizes the syntax for many different types of programming languages, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. It highlights the keywords and will even match up opening and closing block statements. If you miss a closing block, Notepad++ will point that out.

Scintilla and SciTE

The Scintilla library ( is an open-source project to provide a programming text editor engine for use in any type of environment. Developers can embed the Scintilla editor into any type of application free of charge.

The SciTE package is a desktop text editor tool that implements the Scintilla library. The SciTE package is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms. You can download it from the Scintilla website for the Windows and Linux platforms, and it’s available in the Apple Store for the macOS platform. Figure 3-11 shows the basic SciTE editor window in action.


FIGURE 3-11: SciTE.

SciTE provides all the program editing features mentioned earlier. It recognizes the syntax of many different programming languages and can help you organize your code by marking and collapsing code sections (this comes in handy if you write long if-then statement sections).


The jEdit program editor ( is a little bit different from the other packages. It’s written in Java code, so you can run it in any platform that supports Java. That means you can use the exact same editor interface in Windows, macOS, or Linux! jEdit supports all the common features you’d expect from a program editor. Figure 3-12 shows the basic jEdit editor window.


FIGURE 3-12: jEdit.

warning Because jEdit is a Java application, your desktop platform must have either a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) package installed in order for it to work. You can download and install one from Oracle at Also, because jEdit runs as a Java application, you may find it slower than some of the native desktop packages such as Notepad++ or SciTE.

Integrated development environments

Moving up the ladder of tools, the laser-guided miter tool for program development is the integrated development environment (IDE). IDE packages provide everything you could possibly need to develop any size of web application.

Here are some of the advanced features IDE packages provide:

  • Code completion: Start typing a code statement, and the package will provide a pop-up list of statements that match what you’re typing. It also shows what parameters are required and optional for the statement.
  • Code formatting: The IDE automatically indents code blocks to help make your code more readable.
  • Program execution: You can run your code directly from the editor window without having to jump out to a web browser.
  • Debugging: You can step through the program code line by line, watch how variables are set, and see whether any error messages are generated.
  • Project and file management: Most IDE packages allow you to group your application files into projects. This allows you to open a project and see just the files associated with that application. Some will even upload the project files to your web-hosting site for you, similar to what the graphical desktop tools do.

Using an IDE tool is not for the faint of heart. Because of all the fancy features, learning how to use the IDE interface can be almost as complicated as learning the programming language!

There are both commercial and open-source IDE packages available for the PHP environment. To give you a general idea of how IDE packages operate, this section walks through two of the more popular ones: Netbeans and Eclipse.


The Netbeans IDE package was originally developed by Sun Microsystems and released as an open-source IDE for its Java programming language environment (thus the “beans” part of the name). When Oracle acquired Sun, it maintained support for Netbeans, and continued development of it with updated releases.

The Netbeans IDE now contains support for several different programming languages besides Java by using additional plug-in modules. As you can guess, the reason I’m mentioning it here is because there’s a plug-in module for PHP.

You can download the Netbeans editor with the PHP module already installed, making it easy to install. Just go to and click the Download button under the PHP category.

When you start Netbeans, it will prompt you to start a new project, as shown in Figure 3-13.


FIGURE 3-13: The Netbeans project dialog box.

Netbeans contains project templates for HTML and JavaScript applications, as well as PHP applications. When you start a new PHP project, Netbeans automatically creates an index.php file as the main program file for the project. It even builds a rough template for your code. As you would expect from an IDE, when you start typing a PHP function name, Netbeans opens a pop-up box that shows all the PHP functions that match what you're typing, as shown in Figure 3-14.


FIGURE 3-14: The Netbeans code completion dialog box.

Not only does it show the code completion list, as you can see in Figure 3-14, but it also shows you the PHP manual definition of the function! This is certainly a handy tool to have available if you plan on doing any large-scale PHP development.


The other big name in PHP IDE packages is the Eclipse PHP Development Tool (usually just called Eclipse PDT). Eclipse was also originally designed as a Java application IDE. Many open-source proponents didn’t trust Sun Microsystems maintaining the only IDE for Java, so they set out to develop their own. (The story goes that there was no intentional wordplay on the name Eclipse versus Sun Microsystems. If you can believe that, I may have a bridge to sell you.)

Just like the Netbeans IDE, Eclipse evolved from a Java-only IDE to support many different programming languages via the use of plug-in modules. You can download the Eclipse PDT as an all-in-one package at

warning Just like the jEdit editor, Eclipse PDT is written as a Java application and requires that you have a JRE or JDK installed on your workstation (see “jEdit,” earlier in this chapter).

When you start Eclipse, a menu system appears, as shown in Figure 3-15.


FIGURE 3-15: The Eclipse start menu.

This allows you to easily change the IDE configuration, start a new project, or open an existing project. Eclipse has all the same features that Netbeans offers. Plus, it has one additional feature: Eclipse PDT contains the advanced PHP Debugger tool developed by Zend, the company that sponsors PHP. The Debugger tool can help point out errors in your PHP code immediately as you type, or it can debug your code as you run it in the Eclipse editor window. Figure 3-16 demonstrates Eclipse pointing out a PHP coding error I made in my code.


FIGURE 3-16: The PHP debugger in action in Eclipse.

Having an advanced PHP debugger at your fingertips can be a great time-saver when you’re developing large applications!

Browser debuggers

Before I finish this chapter, I want to mention one more tool that you have available when trying to troubleshoot web application issues. Most browsers today have a code-debugging feature either built in or easily installable. The browser debuggers can help you troubleshoot HTML, CSS, and JavaScript issues in the web page you send to the client. Figure 3-17 shows the debugging console in the Microsoft Edge web browser after you press F12 to activate it.


FIGURE 3-17: The Microsoft Edge web browser debugging a web page.

Browser debuggers can show you exactly where something has gone wrong in the HTML or CSS code. They’re also invaluable when working with JavaScript applications.

When you’re developing web applications, it’s crucial that you test, do some more testing, and then test again. Testing your application in every possible way your website visitors will use it is the only way to know just what to expect.

Things are getting better, but different browsers still may handle HTML, CSS, and even JavaScript code differently. Nowhere is this more evident than when errors occur.

When an error occurs in HTML or CSS code, the browser doesn’t display any type of error message. Instead, it tries to fix the problem on its own so it can display the web page. Unfortunately, not all browsers fix code the same way. If you run into a situation where your web page looks different on two different browsers, most likely you have some type of HTML or CSS code issue that the browsers are interpreting differently.