Chapter 8

Richard stood up after the meal and tapped his spoon on his glass to gather everyone’s attention.  

“Thank you for hosting this gathering, Lily. Happy birthday to both Teddy and Laurie. Becoming ten years old is quite a big occasion, at least Kathleen and I think so. It should be marked accordingly. So, we would like to take the boys to Coney Island. There is a new adventure park open, it is big and scary enough to intrigue both boys. So, what do you think?”

Teddy jumped off his seat. “Please Mom, can we go? I want to see the fire exhibits. Laurie wants to see how the planets work. Can we, please?”

Lily glanced at Father Nelson. She wasn’t sure how to react. Coney Island had a deservedly bad reputation during the last years of the 19th century, but most people believed that the governor had made great strides in cleaning it up. Still, she didn’t want to cause any offense. Particularly when she and Father Nelson worked so closely on the sanctuary and orphan trains.

“I feel rather left out,” Father Nelson surprised her by saying. “I would love to see the park too. Is there room for an old man?” 

Lily stared at the priest who winked back at her. 

“Father, we would love to have you. In fact, why don’t we make it a sanctuary outing for next Friday? Perhaps we can close the sanctuary for the day.” Richard glanced at Lily. “Well, maybe not close it fully, but leave someone in charge in case the sanctuary’s services are needed. But the rest of us can all go. My treat.”

Charlie protested. “Richard you can’t bring everyone.”

“I absolutely can. I have so much to be grateful for, most of all my wife Kathleen and son Patrick, neither of whom I would have met but for the sanctuary. Your friendship, all of you who supported us through everything. This is the least I can do. So, when shall we go? Lily, are the girls allowed to come with us?”

Lily glanced at her daughters. Neither seemed interested, Evie looked scared.  

“Coleen is too young. Grace can go if she wants but Evie may prefer to stay home and help me watch Colleen.” The look of relief on Evie’s face told her she’d done the right thing.

“Oh no, Mom you have to go,” Teddy insisted. “Leave Evie and Coleen with Cook.”

“Theodore Doherty, that is not nice. Cook may want to come too.”

“Oh no Miss Lily, you go right ahead. I’ve no time for that Coney Island business. I know what they says about that place and it’s not fit for…” Cook trailed off as if realizing her next words could offend those present. 

“Cook, if you are sure you don’t mind. I’d love to go. Charlie and I had some dealings on the waterfront there years ago. It would be nice to see what has changed.”

“You can tell us, Lily. I better not go, the Bishop might hear of my trip. Inspector, are you going?”

“No Father Nelson, I won’t be going.”

The children jumped up and down in excitement. Sarah, a girl from the sanctuary who helped her when the twins and Grace were babies, stood up. “Come on children, it’s bedtime. Who will be first changed and washed up? You get to pick the story.”

The boys muttered about it being babyish, but it didn’t stop them racing out the door. Soon it was just the adults remaining. Lily suggested they adjourn to the sitting room where it was more comfortable. Cook stayed behind to clear up. 

“Cook, come sit with us,” Lily implored her. “We can clear away in the morning.”

“Oh, no Miss Lily. You go ahead. I prefer to get my kitchen tip top before I go to bed. Off you go now, you are getting under my feet.”

Lily didn’t argue. Despite it being her house, the kitchen had and always would belong to Cook.