Introduction: Stranger than Fiction
I. Old Times They Are Not Forgotten
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1935–1948
Chapter 2. Long Distance Information
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1948–1954
Chapter 3. Here Comes the Sun King
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1954–1955
Chapter 4. The Year that Rocked the World
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1956
Chapter 5. The Million Dollar Quartet
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 4 December 1956
Chapter 6. Winter, Summer, Springtime Too
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1957
Chapter 7. Army Bunk, Army Chow, Army Clothes, Army Car
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1958–1960
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, March 1960–December 1960
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1961–1963
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1964–1967
Chapter 11. Comeback Very Special
I. All I Gotta Do Is Act Naturally
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1968
Chapter 12. Get Those Stakes up Higher
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1969
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1970–1972
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1973–1975
Chapter 15. I Can’t Seem to Stand on my Own Two Feet
II. Got a Lot o’ Livin’ to Do, 1976–1977
Chapter 16. I Was Coming Back Anyway
II. Got a Lot of Livin’ to Do, 1977 to the Present
Appendix 1: To Think I Did All That – An Elvis Presley Discography
Appendix 2: Elvis For Everyone
Songs About Elvis While Elvis Was Alive
Songs About Elvis Once Elvis Was Gone
Acknowledging Elvis – Cultural References