Chapter 2
A New Day
Matthew, today I am going to do a new thing with you and the readers by faith.
Tell me more, God.
First of all, I am going to lead you to the people that will set you free from the strongholds in your life. You already have that web address. These people will help you in a great way. I am also working to cause a shift in your life. If you trust me, I am going to do a new thing in your life, and I am going to move.
I am tired, Lord. I am in need of a shift. I have been feeling that things have been moving for me since Christmas when my new website went live. People have been requesting prophecies, and I have been earning good income. Money that I need to publish books is coming in. I am so happy.
Yes, that is only the start. I am going to position and prepare you to start speaking in places. I am going to let certain people know who you are. I am going to work on your personal life. I am going to allow healing to come to you. I am going to build you up and get you into a place where you will be positioned to do great exploits for me. The shift starts today. Today, I am going to start things and put them in motion. People will approach you. They will read something that you have written and then make themselves known to you.
That sounds good. I have to admit that I have been waiting all of my life to be used. It is hard for me to believe even though you are saying it to me.
Matthew, I know that it is hard for you to believe. But just as you mentioned, as your new website took effect, you have noticed things moving. Events and circumstances will increase and flow in a better way. Just as you are starting to believe in my supply for your finances, soon you will see that I can open doors. You already have the radio interview on March 13, the day before your birthday. In fact, the day will be the 13th in the USA, but when you go live from Australia, it will be on your birthday. So your website took off in December, and your first best seller took off in December, and on your birthday, you’re going to be interviewed. Can you see that I am starting to move in your life?
Yes, it does look promising, God. It’s just that I have had many things prophesied in the past that have not yet come to pass. I am a little weary of waiting. Can you understand?
Yes, I know, Matthew. I understand you completely. I have also been here, waiting to do things in your life. We had a lot to do to prepare you and get you ready. You don’t have to open doors. We are going before you. You will see soon that a new day is upon you. You will see the doors begin to open for you to minister. Many people like you have been waiting for years to minister who have been obedient yet have been relegated to obscurity. I am going to do a new thing in their lives. I am going to heal them, secure them and open doors for them. I am going to make a way for them after years of seemingly no way. I am going to raise up my hidden ones. I am going to allow them to shine and go forth to speak and do great things.
I am happy. I know what it is to be in obscurity. I know what it is like to wait for my time in the sun. Like Moses, I have waited 40 years. I am ready to be used.
You are already being used, Matthew. People are buying your books and gleaning from them. Some people don’t change after reading your books, but others are really affected by them, learning from them and applying them. You write good books, Matthew, and none of them are wasted. I am going to do a great thing for you — raise you up to be a leader that people know and make your name greater then you can even imagine. I am the Maker of heaven and earth. I can do great things, and my Spirit is still moving on the earth. I can make an impact when I want to make an impact. I can make your name known throughout the world.
A part of me is scared of being known, God. I look at my illness and my sleep issues and depression, and I wonder how I would cope if I became really popular.
Matthew, you’re going to take one day at a time and do one thing at a time. You are going to do things step by step. We are going to lead and heal you and equip you and hold your hand. We are going to anoint you and let you work at a pace that suits you. We are going to slowly bring you out into the light. We are going to do things in the right order and manner. As you said in the last chapter, when we have had you do something, it has always been easy. That won’t change as you come into the light. We are going to pace your journey. We will always be with you and hold your hand.
You will be with me every step of the way, Lord?
Yes, we are going to be with you. I have seen your whole future and know everything that you’re going to do. I have seen all of your speaking engagements and all of the books that you write. I have seen everything. I am going to lead you in the right way. We will improve your eating habits, sleeping patterns and schedule. We will lead you at the right pace and keep you. We will prepare invitations for you to speak on what is in your heart. We will put words in your mouth. I promise you, we will hold your hand. With this new day, you’re just going to get busier with each passing week.
It brings my heart peace when you speak to me like this. For me, I don’t know my future, but you say that you have seen my whole future, and you are going to hold my hand. I am so happy that you are going to lead and direct me. I know that you have brought angels into my life. I know that they are going be with me and help me. In the past month, I have been getting to know them. They are really nice to talk to.
They are there to assist you. They are like your staff. They each have a specific role to play in your life. Even as you type this, they are helping. You are doing a great work. They are going help you with many projects. They are your servants that I have appointed to you. They have each seen your whole future in heaven, and they know what they need to do to lead you and to help you with your life. I am glad that you’re speaking to them and getting to know them. I wish that everyone had such a great relationship with my Son so that I could show them their angels. I wish that my people would know me and let themselves be led by me. Angels are just one part of the Kingdom that I show to people that are obedient.
I am excited about speaking to you each day. It has been a long time coming. I have been prophesying to people that they should journal, and now I have a journal/book that has been started with you. I am aware that you have much to teach me and share with me as I journal with you. What you have said about my life and my future has really set my heart at peace. I am sorry that I doubt sometimes when it comes to my future. I am so tired of waiting.
We are tired of waiting also, Matthew. We have told the church what to do. For people who know Jesus, a whole Bible shares with them how to live a proper life. We have to wait till people are taught and told how to live their life. Not many people pick up the Bible and apply it to their lives. So many people simply go to church each week, sing a few songs and then forget the sermon. We have been waiting for the sons of God to manifest on the earth and make a change. Things are going to change for you, and you’re going to have more of a voice in the coming days. You make sure to tell my people what I require of them. Be blessed.