Welcome, Matthew. It’s good to be with you.
I have been suffering from depression and have had issues with my sleep, and I have not been coming to you each day. I have missed you and missed our time together, but while I had this heavy feeling, I couldn’t bring myself to write.
I understand, Matthew. We love you. We are upset when you are upset. But today, you are back, and today, you have the energy to sit down and hear from us. I love speaking to you and the readers of this book. Some people don’t understand that we care about everything. In heaven, nothing is ignored or swept under the carpet. We are aware of everything, and we care. I watch you and see the struggle that you go through and wish that you could be whole and not suffer.
It makes me glad that you care. I guess people seem to think that you don’t have the time to care about every little detail in their lives. We are fooled into thinking other people are more deserving of your time and your energy. Sometimes, we think that the people that are more popular in your kingdom receive the majority of your attention. It is comforting to know that you care for me. It’s amazing how the enemy works in our lives and convinces us that you don’t care.
I am your Creator, Matthew. I know you better then anyone. I know you better then your angels, better then your sisters in heaven and better then your parents. I made you. I have a lot to do with what you think and what you care about.
I have placed my fire in your life. I have given you a fire that burns within your heart. I have given you a reason to live and a reason to speak. I have given you your message that burns bright in your heart. You are consumed by it like a living, burning bush. You are consumed by my fire, but you are not extinguished. I have called you to live and breathe my message to the world.
It’s funny that you call me a burning bush because that is how I feel. I am consumed by the fire within my heart, but I am not burned up. I am excited and intense and passionate all at once. So much has to be done in this world. People need to understand so much, including all that they have to do. Sometimes, I am surprised that people don’t know what I know. I wonder if it is because they lack the ability to find out the answers or if they are happy with the world and its fleshy ways and they simply don’t care?
It is both, Matthew. As a teacher, you are different to many people. You come to life with questions and an inquiring mind. You are not comfortable with the status quo and what is accepted, and you are always on a journey to know more and teach more. Secondly, you have come out of the world with all its lusts, and you have a vested interest in what is right, and you have my heart for people, so you really care.
If people are not teachers, they can’t be expected to search out things like you do, but people can be taught how to come out of the world and how to serve me rather then the lusts of the flesh. They can learn what it looks to deny oneself, take up their cross and follow in the footsteps of my Son, Jesus. You know that you have to teach people how to do this. You know you have to encourage people to live a life that is set apart for me and my glory. You have so much to teach people. And that fire endlessly rages in your heart.
It is hard for me to imagine people not knowing what I know because I assume they know these things. Then, I look around and find that I am unique, and I have a lonely path. It is hard to consider what is wrong with the world, what the church can do about it and how each individual can change. It makes me cry sometimes. So many people need to be loved, appreciated and shown the light, yet the average Christian doesn’t even know how to do that. So few Christians seem to know how to be the light in their world. Sometimes it makes me so sad to contemplate.
Welcome to our world. Two thousand years ago, my Son, Jesus, shared with the world how to be light. Now the people of God have learned how to be religious, to run churches, do worship, pay tithes and fill churches with people, yet not many of them know how to imitate Jesus in their world. Jesus came as a model; the disciples recorded a lot of what he taught, so what is so hard about people doing what he taught? People are so caught up with their personal lives, earning a living and being entertained in their downtime that they do not know how to live the optimal Christian life that the first believers lived. You feel the fire in your heart, Matthew, and the desire to teach my people. You have a burning desire to lead my people out of the bondage of their Egypt to the Promised Land, yet the people in bondage don’t even know that they are in bondage.
So much has to be taught to others. Sometimes, I wonder why you need to use me. Surely, enough teachers and prophets can accomplish this work. Why did you choose me to have this fire in my heart? Why do I have to suffer this burning and these tears for your people? Surely, there are enough prophets in the world. Why can’t I just forget what I know and go back to being an ordinary Christian with no worries or concerns about the church?
Because we have fashioned you for this. We created you to listen to our frequency. We made you to be like you are, and we molded your heart to be soft and pliable. We put a heart in you like that of Moses, and we raised you up to be a prophet. You think like us. You feel like us. I need many people like you, ordinary folk to find you and relate to you. You alone will reach certain people, and the big name ministries won’t have as much of an effect on them. I need you, Matthew.
I need everyone that is willing to help me. I want the world to change. I want the church to know me like you know me. I don’t want to speak through pastors, teachers and prophets; I want to speak to people face to face. I want the church to know me and have my heart for the nations, which is why I need to use you to teach a group of people what I want them to hear. I need you to teach people how to come to me. While I need you, the fire will burn in your heart.
Have a good day, Matthew.