Commonly used abbreviations

ABG(s)— arterial blood gas(es)

ACE— angiotensin-converting enzyme

ADHD— attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

AIDS— acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

ALT— alanine aminotransferase, serum

ANC— absolute neutrophil count

aPTT— activated partial thromboplastin time

AST— aspartate aminotransferase, serum

AV— atrioventricular

bid— twice per day

B/P— blood pressure

BSA— body surface area

BUN— blood urea nitrogen

CBC— complete blood count

Ccr— creatinine clearance

CNS— central nervous system

CO— cardiac output

COPD— chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CPK— creatine phosphokinase

CSF— cerebrospinal fluid

CT— computed tomography

CVA— cerebrovascular accident

D5W— dextrose 5% in water

dl— deciliter

DNA— deoxyribonucleic acid

EEG— electroencephalogram

EKG— electrocardiogram

esp.— especially

g— gram

GGT— gamma glutamyl transpeptidase

GI— gastrointestinal

GU— genitourinary

H2 histamine

Hct— hematocrit

HDL— high-density lipoprotein

HF— heart failure

Hgb— hemoglobin

HIV— human immunodeficiency virus

HMG-CoA— 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins)

hr/hrs— hour/hours

HTN— hypertension

I&O— intake and output

ICP— intracranial pressure

ID— intradermal

IgA— immunoglobulin A

IM— intramuscular

IOP— intraocular pressure

IV— intravenous

K— potassium

kg— kilogram

LDH— lactate dehydrogenase

LDL— low-density lipoprotein

LOC— level of consciousness

MAC— Mycobacterium avium complex

MAOI— monoamine oxidase inhibitor

mcg— microgram

mEq— milliequivalent

mg— milligram

MI— myocardial infarction

min— minute(s)

mo/mos— month/months

N/A— not applicable

Na— sodium

NaCl— sodium chloride

NG— nasogastric

NSAID(s)— nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(s)

OD— right eye

OS— left eye

OTC— over the counter

OU— both eyes

PCP— Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia

PO— orally, by mouth

prn— as needed

PSA— prostate-specific antigen

pt/pts— patient/patients

PT— prothrombin time

PTCA— percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography

q— every

qid— four times daily

RBC— red blood cell count

REM— rapid eye movement

RNA— ribonucleic acid

SA— sinoatrial node

sec— second(s)

SSRI— selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

tbsp— tablespoon

tid— three times daily

TNF— tumor necrosis factor

tsp— teaspoon

UTI— urinary tract infection

VLDL— very-low-density lipoprotein

WBC— white blood cell count

wk/wks— week/weeks

yr/yrs— year/years