Appendix B. Controlled drugs (United States)

Schedule I: Medications having no legal medical use. These substances may be used for research purposes with proper registration (e.g., heroin, LSD).

Schedule II: Medications having a legitimate medical use but are characterized by a very high abuse potential and/or potential for severe physical and psychic dependency. Emergency telephone orders for limited quantities of these drugs are authorized, but the prescriber must provide a written, signed prescription order (e.g., morphine, amphetamines, hydrocodone, oxycodone).

Schedule III: Medications having significant abuse potential (less than Schedule II). Telephone orders are permitted (e.g., codeine in combination with other substances such as butalbital).

Schedule IV: Medications having a low abuse potential. Telephone orders are permitted (e.g., benzodiazepines, tramadol, zolpidem).

Schedule V: Medications having the lowest abuse potential of the controlled substances. Some Schedule V products may be available without a prescription (e.g., certain cough preparations containing limited amounts of an opiate).