Sometimes heaviness of heart and soul makes us feel weary and worn-out. We need time and a place where we can rest our souls. Jesus understands that weariness; He felt it. He and many of His followers were traveling preachers without a home of their own. They didn’t have a place to just rest. But God’s love through God’s people became that resting place. They showed “care for the traveling teachers who pass through,” and they offered “loving friendship” even though many were strangers (3 John vv. 5–6 NLT).
God’s love is our resting place. He shows care for each of us as we’re traveling through the ups and downs of this life. He opens His heart to us when we need a place to call home. He offers unconditional hospitality to us even when we carry old, heavy baggage. God’s love for you is a safe place where you are always welcome—more than welcome, you are wanted and waited for. God longs to shelter you.
This I declare about the LORD:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him. (Psalm 91:2 NLT)
If you are road-weary today because your journey is long and hard, come on in and settle into God’s love for you. You can rest in His hospitality. Just as Jesus welcomed the little children to come to Him, He welcomes you to come to Him so He can take you in His arms, place “His hands on” you, and bless you (Matthew 19:13–15). His love will tuck you in and whisper His peace over you as you rest securely in His grace and generosity.
Receive God’s generous invitation to rest in Him, and then share His love and hospitality today with someone who may need a safe place to rest. As the Bible says, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it” (Hebrews 13:2).