The love that drew your heart to Christ is the same love that will deliver you to heaven someday. And along the way, God’s love will keep you from falling—He will hold you together so you don’t fall apart, and He’ll hold you close so you won’t fall away. That’s what love does—it holds you up and keeps you from falling even when you stumble.

Maybe Jude had stumbled some in his life. He was Jesus’ half brother, but he didn’t become a believer in Christ until after Jesus’ resurrection. But once he believed, he assured us that we are kept, we are held, “by God the Father, who loves you and keeps you safe in the care of Jesus Christ” (Jude v. 1 NLT).

Even if you stumble, God’s love won’t let you fall away. When life trips you up, you may fall, but you will just fall deeper into His unfailing grace and forgiveness.

You are held in the safety, security, and love of God. You may falter now and then, but because God’s love keeps you, you will never fall so far that God will not pull you back to His forgiving heart. He holds you and keeps you to “present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy” (v. 24). Eventually, all your faltering will be lost in God’s forgiveness, and the result will be a shimmering, sparkling presentation of God’s grace.

God will one day present you before His own throne, once flawed yet now faultless. Like a brilliant diamond with perfect clarity, you will stand before God, beaming, blameless, and beautiful, because it will be Jesus’ character that shines in you. He will carry you every day of your life. He protects you so He can present you to the Father. Thank Him for His forgiveness and for keeping you close to Him. With such a beautiful Savior and loving Father, offer your deepest gratitude today. “To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen” (v. 25).