God shows His love through action. Sometimes, though, He shows His deepest love for you by not acting. Have you ever looked at our world and asked, “Why doesn’t God do something?” The answer just might be, “Because of His patience.” God just keeps giving us chances—because He loves us.
Throughout 2 Kings, Israel and Judah made the same mistakes over and over again. They had some good kings and some bad kings; they made some good choices and some bad choices. But God was patient. When a leader turned to the Lord, God powerfully guided. When the king followed other gods, Yahweh let the kingdom reap the painful results. Through it all God was patiently working out His plan to save and redeem the people He loved.
The Bible tells us that ancient Israel “did evil things, provoking the LORD. They served idols, although the LORD had told them, ‘You must not do this’ ” (2 Kings 17:11–12 HCSB). Sometimes our world seems just like them.
It may seem that God isn’t acting as quickly as He should when it comes to the evil or injustice in our world, but “the Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent” (2 Peter 3:9 NLT). His apparent inactivity is not a sign that he lacks compassion but, rather, an indication of his deep love—and incredible patience toward us.
God could strike out against His people; instead, he patiently strives with them. He endures our sinfulness with patience. This is where we see His love in action; in “the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience” (Romans 2:4). God is unwilling to give up on us or give us up to our waywardness. His patience demonstrates His extreme compassion toward us.
Thank God today for His patience toward you, and ask Him to grant you patience toward others who may be stuck in patterns of sin and unfaithfulness.