Sometimes God doesn’t deliver us from the iery trials we face. Instead, He delivers us through them. When He does, we experience His love through His presence.

Daniel’s three friends were told to worship a statue of King Nebuchadnezzar or feel the flames of the king’s fury and be thrown into a blazing furnace. They told the king they wouldn’t bow and that, even if they were thrown into the fire, “the God whom we serve is able to save us” (Daniel 3:17 NLT).

The God who loves you is also able to save you from the fire you face, though His love may choose not to prevent your fire. Even so, His love will be present there. Sometimes we see God’s love for us most clearly when He chooses to endure the sorrow with us, to feel the pain right there beside us.

The king had Daniel’s three friends thrown in the furnace, but the king was shocked to “see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed” (3:25). God Himself had joined them in the fire.

God will not let you walk through fire alone either. He joins you right there. If you feel the sting of fiery trials today, look right beside you. You will see that God is with you in whatever you face. He will be the same “fourth man” whom King Nebuchadnezzar saw when he looked into the furnace that day in ancient Babylon. He will not look like “a son of the gods” (3:25); He is the very Son of God!

Thank Him today for loving you enough to walk with you through whatever you face. If God hasn’t prevented your suffering, look for His presence in your suffering. God may not save you from feeling the fire, but He will save you from enduring it alone. Trust Him to be with you today, for “no other god can save in this way” (3:29).