They were finally home. The Jewish people had been exiled in Babylon, but now they were in the land God promised them. They started to rebuild the Temple—but then got discouraged and distracted, so they quit.
God’s dwelling place among them was the temple—and His temple lay desolate. Only God’s presence among them could grant them courage and focus to follow through and press on toward the goal of finishing the rebuilding. His presence was the peace they needed. So they laid down their discouragement and picked up their hammers once again to work on God’s house.
God assured them that “‘the glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house . . . And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the LORD Almighty” (Haggai 2:9).
God’s peace is what we need most also. And we find His peace in His presence. God’s presence can remove the clutter of fear and discouragement. It makes a path of peace for us to walk when we need to press through discouragement and courageously trust and serve Him in whatever ways He calls us to. His presence assures us that we are not alone, forsaken, or abandoned.
The ragtag group in Haggai’s day pressed through their discouragement to build a temple for God’s presence to dwell with them. But five hundred years later, God presented the Prince of Peace Himself at that very temple: Immanuel—God with us (see Luke 2:22–40).
Because God loves you, He makes His dwelling with you and gives you peace. Jesus said, “In me you [will] have peace” (John 16:33). God in flesh came to live with you and with me. And because He came, we have peace. Peace is not the absence of discouragement; peace is the presence of God. Ask God to dwell with you today, and thank Him for His peace.