She flinched, as if she expected him to hurt her, but Christian simply picked up the strand of false pearls she’d put around her neck, and she held very still. He thought he knew women—he’d spent more than his fair share of time with them, loved them, and he took great pleasure out of knowing what they wanted and giving it to them, especially when they didn’t even know it themselves.

But the Honorable Miss Annelise Kempton was a mystery to him. A delicious, starchy, fire-breathing mystery, like a present waiting to be unwrapped, layer by layer, so that he could fully enjoy the secrets that would be revealed.

But he’d told himself no. She was simply a woman, when it came right down to it, no more, no less, and there were a great deal of interesting women in the world. Women with more beauty, more money, more experience. And it was hardly the challenge she presented—there were just as many women who didn’t want anything to do with him, whom he could just as easily convince otherwise.

So why was he so fascinated by his dragon? Enamored? No, that was surely the wrong word—enamored suggested love had something to do with it, and that was one thing he was absolutely certain of. His feelings for Annelise Kempton had nothing to do with love, and everything to do with simple, uncomplicated lust.

So why was he letting her go?

Because she had cried in his arms? Because she’d been betrayed by everyone in her life, particularly the son-of-a-bitch drunken father who’d taken her pearls, her love, and then died a selfish death leaving her nothing, not even the horse she’d loved or the ability to ride? He knew that she had no brothers—presumably her father was the only man she had ever loved, and he’d betrayed her cruelly. It was little wonder she breathed fire to scare everyone away.

At least he’d known love, a lifetime ago. The love of his parents, so vast and encompassing it had surrounded him and his four siblings, keeping them safe, protected and unaware of the storm that was coming. His parents had loved each other deeply—he and his brothers and sisters had teased them about it, but it had only added to their enormous sense of safety and happiness. His warm family had been replaced by his monstrous grandfather, but at least he’d once known selfless love. He suspected that Annelise never had.

He looked at the pearls as they rested in his long fingers. He could see the nervous pulse beating in her slender neck, could sense the panicked flutter of her heart. She stood very still, frozen, and he wondered why she was so afraid of him.

“Why are you wearing these?” His voice was not much more than a whisper.

“To remind me.”

“Of what?” A strange stillness had settled over him, as well, a waiting. The earth was shifting beneath him, and he had the hideous suspicion that his entire life was about to change if he didn’t get out of there, now. Away from the unexpected, undeniable lure of the dowdy young woman in front of him.

“Of my father,” she said, and her lower lip trembled slightly. She had delicious lips, and he wanted to still that tremor, but he didn’t move.

“They’re fake,” he said.

“I know. I loved him without reservation, and he took everything from me, including the one thing of value my mother had given me. He killed himself in a drunken fall, not even caring what happened to the horse he was riding, not to mention what happened to his daughter. All he cared about was his own selfish desires and I’m wearing these to remind me that men are thieves and liars who eventually betray you.”

Christian gave the strand one yank and they spilled onto the floor, rolling across the dusty wood planks. Pulling on them had brought her closer before they snapped, so close that he could feel her grief and panic, so close that he should have reassured her, kissed her on the forehead, and left her.

She looked down at the false pearls scattered across the floor. “They weren’t even very good fakes,” she observed in an empty voice. “If I’d looked closer I would have noticed they weren’t properly tied. But then, I thought my father loved me.”

“I can’t imagine that he didn’t—” Move away, his inner voice ordered him. Step back from her. She was a siren in sackcloth who was going to lead him to certain doom if he didn’t run away. “But like most men, he couldn’t resist what tempted him most. Not all men are drunkards.”

“I don’t care.”

He slid his hand up her neck. There was a faint red mark where he’d pulled the pearls from her, and his fingers gently stroked it. He could feel the shiver that ran down her body, and it was almost his undoing. He knew that shiver, of fear and delight, and knew where it could lead.

He wanted to yank the dress off her, the ugly, shapeless thing that shielded her like armor. No, like a dragon’s scales. He was the knight in armor, a slightly tarnished one. As for his dragon, he had the totally unnerving feeling that she’d swallowed a princess, and all it needed was his touch to release her.

He stroked the back of her neck lightly. She hadn’t been able to subdue her hair properly ever since she’d arrived at Wynche End and a few stray curls were escaping from the tight bun she’d attempted. She had a row of buttons down her back, tiny ones, and he wondered how she managed without a maid to help her dress.

He decided to ask her.

She was standing still beneath his soft touch, like a nervous filly ready to be gentled. “I usually can avail myself of the services of one of the household maids when I make my visits. Otherwise I simply do it myself.”

His fingers brushed the top button at the nape of her neck, and slipped it free. “That seems impossible.”

“You said nothing is impossible if you have the money. Let me assure you that nothing is impossible if you have the will.”

“And you are a very willful creature, aren’t you?” he murmured, unfastening the second button. She made no sign that she knew what he was doing.

“My clothes are made with deliberate room, so that if necessary I can pull them on backward, fasten the buttons and then slip them around the right way, finishing with the last few.”

He undid the third button. “Fascinating,” he said breathlessly. “Quite ingenious.”

She was looking up at him, and even in the shadows he could see her expression quite clearly. He’d never realized how much he liked tall women—ones who could meet his gaze with unflinching steadiness. But then, Annelise was the only one he’d met. And he was far too aware of how much he liked her.

Her reputation was already ruined by her stay at Wynche End, his conscience argued. What harm could be done? He was adept at making certain there were no unwanted children from any of his liaisons, either short or long term, and no one would have to know. They’d guess and gossip, but then, they would anyway. If her reputation was already in tatters then what was to stop him? His guilty conscience was no match for his need for her, which had grown to such a powerful level that he could barely restrain himself.

“You really do have the most deleterious effect on my resolve, Miss Kempton,” he whispered, his fingers reaching the fourth button and stopping. “I keep telling myself no, and my body keeps telling me yes.”

The saucy wench looked downward and a dark blush stained her cheeks. “Not quite Priapus,” he said, deliberately goading her, “but getting that way.”

It was enough to make her pull away from him, to harangue him in her acid tongue as he fully deserved. But she still didn’t move.

He undid the fourth button. “I really find it quite mystifying,” he said. He could feel her skin now beneath the slowly parting dress. She was cold, and he wanted to warm her.

She had an ounce of fight left. “I think you’re making things far too complicated,” she said, and another man wouldn’t have heard the strain in her voice. “It’s simply that you’ve never shown any restraint in your wicked life. If you didn’t tell yourself no you’d quickly lose interest. But as long as you try to convince yourself that you shouldn’t…shouldn’t…” Her words trailed off as her cheeks reddened and the fifth button went.

“Shouldn’t? Shouldn’t what, dragon? Shouldn’t touch you? Shouldn’t want you?”

She was still fighting. “It’s simply because you’re denying yourself that it becomes irresistible. It’s human nature, quite an ordinary reaction, and you’re not the type of man to be controlled by ordinary impulses. The only reason you want me is because you told yourself you can’t have me, and that’s scarcely a reason at all.”

He smiled then. His dragon was beginning to breathe fire, just a bit, the way he liked her. When she was woebegone and bedraggled he wanted to comfort her. When she was fighting back he wanted to…

“I came here to tell you I was letting you go. That I changed my mind about your total ruination and decided to leave you in peace.”

“So you said. And I appreciate your generosity.” Her voice was getting frostier, but her eyes were grieving. What a strange, enigmatic creature she was, he thought. And it was definitely going to be a case of damned if he did and damned if he didn’t.

In truth, he was already twice damned, and he knew it. “Unfortunately I’ve changed my mind again,” he said, unfastening the next button. The dress was loose enough that it was beginning to drop down a bit, exposing her pale, beautiful shoulders. “I think I’ll ruin you after all.”

She was very still, the only sign of life the nervous flutter of her heart against the pale skin above her drooping dress. And the rise and fall of her rapid breathing, aiding in the descent of the hideous brown cloth.

He had two hands, and he could unbutton a woman’s dress with only one. Hell, he could do it with his teeth if necessary—he had more than enough practice. He took one hand from her back and pressed it between her breasts, over the plain white cotton of her chemise, to feel her heart hammering against his long fingers. He had the pale hands required of a gentleman, but his hand looked dark against her perfect white skin.

The buttons were giving way with surprising ease, probably due to her original way of fastening them in the first place. And the dress was lamentably old as well as ugly—if burning wool didn’t smell so awful he’d throw it on the fire. He put his mouth close to hers, just a moment away from kissing her, and her impossibly fast heartbeat raced ever stronger against his fingers.

“Shall I ruin you, dragon?” he whispered, aching for her. “Or shall I send you on your way?”

Her eyes were dark and steady, at odds with her flying pulses and rapid breathing. “Why?”

He didn’t bother to pretend to misunderstand. Their mouths were so close it was as if their breath was kissing, dancing, copulating between them, and Christian began to wonder if he was going to give Priapus a run for his money.

“Silly dragon,” he whispered. “Because I want you. And it has nothing to do with whether you want me or not—of course you do. And if you didn’t, I could make you want me. I’m very good at it.”

She didn’t bother to deny it. “If I say no will you leave me be?”

“I could try. I’ve never been terribly good at resisting my dark side. And making love to beautiful, starchy spinsters with no possible future to it is a very dark, bad thing to do.”

Her faint smile was almost his undoing. “You mean you’re not going to carry me off to Gretna Green immediately afterward and make an honest woman of me?”

“Alas, no. While my need to marry money is no longer as pressing, thanks to Mr. Chipple’s generosity and Hetty leaving behind several of her tackiest, most valuable pieces of jewelry, I still know that I’m incapable of being faithful to one woman. And you really wouldn’t want that. If you had a husband you’d insist on someone who was sober, devoted, hardworking and totally tiresome.”

“If I had a husband I’d insist he was you.”

His hand stilled at the base of her back, almost at the last button. The dress was only kept up by her arms. If they dropped, the ugly dress would drop, as well, into a puddle of brown mud on the floor between them.

“Then it’s lucky for you that I would never marry you,” he said. Odd, his own heart was racing. “All I’d do is disappoint you.”

“Extremely lucky,” she said. “As you pointed out, I deserve far better than the likes of you.”

“You do indeed,” he whispered. It seemed she had surprisingly lovely breasts hidden beneath the plain cotton chemise, and he wanted to move his hand just a fraction, to cup the soft skin. “So I presume that taking you to bed would be a very bad idea?”

“Very bad,” she said, and she closed her eyes for a moment in thought. And then she opened them again, looking into his quite clearly. “But then, we’ve already established that you are a very bad man, haven’t we?”

It was permission, of a sort, when he would have staked half of Hetty’s jewels that he’d never have any such thing. He barely hesitated. “Then shall I ruin you, dragon?”

“Yes, please,” she said. And she let the brown dress drop on the floor between them, closing her eyes once more.

He put his hand behind her neck then, drawing her against him and he kissed her with long, slow, drugging kisses that made certain she wouldn’t abruptly panic and that her calm good sense wouldn’t return at an unfortunate moment. His fingers slid through the ugly bun, pulling out hairpins and letting them litter the floor as her hair fell loose, almost to her hips. He slid his arm around her waist and lifted her out of the ugly dress that lay rumpled at her feet, and carried her over to the bed. She was an armful, and he found her strength arousing. As if he needed to find anything else about her arousing. He lay her down on the bed, and noticed that the snowy-white chemise that reached from her collarbone to her ankles was just as plain and ugly as the brown dress that covered it. Its only good point was that it was thin from wear, and he could see her body quite clearly underneath, the plump roundness of her breasts, the darker nipples. No, the other good point was that it would tear quite easily, and he didn’t even hesitate, ripping it open from neck to hem, shocking her.

She could still change her mind, he told himself, and he would give her every chance. He knelt on one knee, beside her on the bed, and slowly pushed the torn chemise away from her body, taking in a deep, painful breath.

She could have been one of Chipple’s statues—a marble-toned goddess of curves and shadows and astonishing grace. But she was no statue—she was a living, breathing woman lying in his bed. A virgin, when he hadn’t had one in years. A fire-breathing dragon who lay ready for the ritual slaughter of the most delicious kind.

The candlelight by the bed cast dark shadows on the wall and he couldn’t appreciate the creamy wonder of her skin as much as he wanted to. He’d have to take her outside, in the warm daylight, so he could savor every inch of her against a soft green bed of grass. But it wouldn’t be summer for months, and by then she’d be gone. He’d have sent her away, finished with her. Wouldn’t he?

He tugged at his loosely tied cravat, sending it sailing. He ripped at his own buttons, opening his shirt and reaching for his breeches, when he stopped. “One last warning, love. This is no fairy-tale business, no pretty dream. It’s real. It’s dark and messy and for you, painful. In the beginning, at least. You’ll end up hating me.”

“Don’t worry about it, Christian,” she said. “I already hate you.”

Her calm words were an unexpected shock. And then she smiled at him. “That’s why I’m lying naked in your bed, waiting for you to get on with it and stop trying to scare me. Besides, your reputation is legendary. If you can’t make it enjoyable then I expect no one could, and I know for a fact that women do enjoy it. Hetty was aux anges, and I doubt William had anywhere near your expertise.”

“Hetty was in love with the oaf. It makes a difference.” She was right—why was he doing it? he wondered. Why was he trying to warn her off, when, if he didn’t release the buttons on his breeches, he might suffer a permanent injury. He’d never had a conscience before and he refused to have one now.

She smiled up at him with a sweetness he might not have known she possessed, if he hadn’t known her so well. “We established that you are a very bad man,” she said. “And I thought we already established that I’m in love with you. You told me that the first night I arrived.”

“I was trying to annoy you.”

“Your presence on this earth is annoyance enough,” she said with a trace of her usual asperity. “But in this case you were right.”

He should have been horrified. “You said you hated me.”

“I’ve been struggling between the two for far too long. Why don’t you do something to make up my mind? Aren’t I overdue for a lesson?”

He laughed then, the last, unlikely strands of his conscience disappearing into the shadows. “And you are such a fast learner,” he said, pulling her up so that her torn chemise fell completely away from her.

She twined her bare arms around his neck and kissed him, all of her own volition, her full, ripe mouth against his, and he felt the faint tug of her teeth against his lower lip, the touch of her tongue. He pulled back in shock and a shadow crossed her face. “Didn’t I do it right?”

“A very fast learner indeed,” he muttered, pushing her back down on the bed and cradling her head with one hand as they kissed each other in a glorious blending of mouth and tongue and teeth. They kissed until they couldn’t breathe, stopped and then kissed again, and he stretched out beside her, pulling her over against him, reveling in the feel of her soft, warm skin.

No one had ever had such beautiful, creamy skin, such firm, ripe curves. She still had the strong body of a horsewoman, even though she’d refused to ride for countless years. She would ride him. She would do everything he wanted her to do, and more, and the night, the days would be endless, a sea of dark pleasure, until he was ready to let her go.

If that day ever came.