Dear Reader,

I’m thrilled that this is my ninetieth book for Harlequin!

I wanted to do something a little different and play with one of the tropes I remember reading avidly when I was in my teens: the will with a Very Big Condition. Hugo and Alice are perfect for each other, but both refuse to date. Rosemary uses her will to get them together. And, although they loathe each other on first sight, they discover that they are perfect to help the other move on from the past.

With Alice being a butterfly specialist and Hugo being an architect, I thoroughly enjoyed researching for this book—visiting gorgeous glass domes (especially the Reichstag in Berlin), butterfly houses (London, with my best friend) and sites of special scientific interest (I took my husband to the hill fort where Hugo and Alice see the blue butterflies, and the look of wonder on his face when he realized I hadn’t been teasing…that was definitely a romantic moment!).

I hope you enjoy their journey.

With love,

Kate Hardy