Writers with an important mission to help suffering people—such as the many who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)—should, in theory, be allotted extra time to practice their craft by the world. But we all receive the same 24 hours to perform daily mundane and major duties as well as achieve long-term goals. This book is the culmination of a significant long-term goal for me. I have had to protect those precious few moments allocated to writing because, as a practicing physician, late evenings and weekends represent the limited time I could carve out for this project. To this end, I am grateful to my wife, Mindy Layne Young, JD, LMSW, who sacrificed much of our precious private time together to allow me to complete my work. My longtime editor, Christine Adamec, structured and paced me, and I deeply appreciate her wisdom and our collaboration. My colleagues at the Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine provided me with a forum to develop my ideas; I am particularly grateful to Jaime Saal, MA, for her leadership and for guiding our work with Richard Powell, PhD, on the ASSET rating scales. Melissa Oleshansky, PhD, Aliya Pasik, PA-C, and Mavis Emma Buzzard, MA, LPC, generously provided their clinical expertise. I am indebted to Ann Albrecht, Katie Denean, and Didi Nuclej for their daily support over the many years we have worked together. The Clinical Trials Group helped me execute the research that serves at the foundation of this work. I thank my patients for the privilege of being their doctor and for allowing me a position of trust in their lives. This book is dedicated to those who struggle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have tried to turn your stories into words on a page that can be read and shared with others in the hopes of advancing understanding and limiting future suffering.