

Bradley, Fern Marshall. Rodale’s Vegetable Garden Problem Solver. Rodale, 2007.

Bradley, Fern Marshall, Barbara W. Ellis, and Deborah L. Martin, eds. The Organic Gardener’s Handbook of Natural Pest and Disease Control. Rodale, 2009.

Jabbour, Niki. The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener. Storey Publishing, 2011.

Karsten, Joel. Straw Bale Gardens. Cool Springs Press, 2013.

Littlefield, Cindy, ed. The Vegetable Gardener's Book of Building Projects. Storey Publishing, 2010.

Lowenfels, Jeff. Teaming with Nutrients. Timber Press, 2013.

Pleasant, Barbara and Deborah L. Martin. The Complete Compost Gardening Guide. Storey Publishing, 2008.

Smith, Edward C. The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible, 2nd edition. Storey Publishing, 2011.

Toensmeier, Eric, and Jonathan Bates. Paradise Lot. Chelsea Green, 2013.


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