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Abbey cottage, Port-Eynon 59
Abrahams Wood 284
acid rain 306–7
Acts of Parliament 53–4
aculeates 26
Adopt-A-Cave scheme 355–7
Afon Llan 281
Age of Saints 70–1
agricultural eutrophication 112, 113
Agricultural Revolution 86–7
Allen, E. E. 343
Allen, J. W. 268
aluminium hydroxide 57
American army 196
anglers 226
animal remains 62, 63, 341, 342–3, 343
anthills 106, 268
anticlines 34, 35–6, 38, 40, 41, 41, 200
antlers 341
AONBS see Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
arable plants 328–32, 334
casual 330
common 331
conservation schemes for 378, 378
facultative 330
obligate 330
semi-obligate 330
archaeological sites 7
forts 67–8, 68, 202, 212, 215, 262
‘Red Lady’ 60–1, 337, 339–40, 341
see also tombs
archaeophytes 309
Areas of Exceptional Natural Beauty 362
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBS) 4–5, 10, 219, 361, 365–6, 374–6, 380, 386
Arnold, Reverend H. 342–3
Arthur’s Stone (Maen Ceti), Cefn Bryn Common 15, 49, 63, 64, 65, 296
Atlantic Ocean 165
avermectins 257, 258
axes 60, 63, 66
Babington, Charles 22
Bacon Hole 126, 128, 337–8, 342, 342
bait digging 226
Banks, Joseph 20
Barland 63
Barland Common Stream 38
Barland Quarry 68, 279
Barland Sink 351
Barlands Common 252, 258
barrier spits 174
barrows 65, 212
Bate, Spence 168
‘beach culture’ 198
beaches 164–76, 199
litter 169–71
‘raised’ 44–5
sandy 165–8
shingle 44, 48–9, 164, 172–6, 173, 198
strandlines 169–72
beans 87
Beaufort, Duke of 247
Beaufort, Duke of 77, 243, 247, 251, 292, 296
bedding planes 34
beds (strata) 33–4
bedstraw 182
Bees, Wasps & Ants Recording Scheme 268
bell pits 93
Bell, Thomas 168
Berges Island 199, 227
Berry 80
Berry Wood 312, 322
Berthlwyd 220
besanding 51–4, 52, 53
Bethel Sunday School, Llanelli 208
Beynon, John 210
Beynon, Wilfred 203
Biological Survey of Common Land 259
Birds of Estuaries Enquiry 240
Bishop’s Wood 314, 316
Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre 370–1, 372
Bishopston 87, 137
Bishopston Manor 83
Bishopston Pill 173, 176, 279, 339
Bishopston Stream 275
Bishopston Valley 279, 314, 317, 320, 338–9, 351, 361, 363
Black Death 76
Blackpill 28, 38, 172
Blackpill Wildlife Centre 370–1
blockfalls 355
Blow Hole, Worms Head 15, 200–2, 201
Blue Lias Limestone 40
Blythswood, Lady 11
Bob’s cave 146, 146, 216
bones 62, 63, 341
Borva House, Port-Eynon 373
Bosco’s Den 341
bovine tuberculosis 321–2
Bowdler, Mr 125
Bracelet Bay 38, 41
breccias 36–7
Breuil, Henri-Édouard-Prosper (Abbé Breuil) 341–2
Bridgwater Bay, Somerset 244
Bristol Channel 165, 219, 351
bed 140
geology of 39, 49, 50
as Gower’s boundary 3, 4
islands оf 384
and the Norman conquest 71
pollution 162
sandbanks 147
silt content 132–3
trade across 11, 90
wildlife 143, 154, 158–9, 169, 208, 216–17
British Association 19
British Lichen Society 92
British Mountaineering Council 126–8
British Trust for Ornithology 240
Broad Pool 276, 292–6, 293
Bronze Age 51, 335
artefacts 65, 66
barrows 212
people 59, 65–7
bronze artefacts 66, 212
Broughton Bay 50, 51, 104, 162
Broughton Burrows 177, 375, 376
Broughton fault 42, 200
Brown, Lancelot ‘Capability’ 90, 92
Brynsil Top 251
bryophytes 174, 331–2
Buckland, Reverend William 20–1, 60–1, 340–1
Bulwark hillfort, Llanmadoc Hill 67, 262
burial sites see tombs
Burn, Bob 373
Burry Estuary 364
Burry Holms 62, 199–200, 212–15, 212, 214
conservation 363
flora 213–14
invertebrates 214
ownership 217
sea life 159–60
woodlands 203–5
Burry Inlet 4, 8, 218–45, 219
bird populations 236–42, 237
cockle fishery 229–34, 230
common-land grazing 242–4
fish and fisheries 234–6
flora 223–5
invertebrates 225–9
Burry Pill 223, 224, 275, 281, 332
Burry Port, Swansea 151
bwthyn (crude cottage) 203
Cadw 93
Caesar, Julius 69
calcite deposition 42, 338, 352
Camden, William 14, 84, 202
CAP see Common Agricultural Policy
Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club 326
Carboniferous Limestone 36, 39, 44, 48, 54
shorelines 133–8
see also South Gower cliffs
Carboniferous period 36–9, 44, 48, 54
Cardiff 61
Cardigan 71
Carmarthen Bay 4, 128
beach 165, 168
fishing 235, 236
geology 45, 47, 48
pollution 162–3
wildlife 128, 140, 148–51, 153–4, 156, 160
Carmarthen Fans 7
carr woodland 288
Carter, P. W. 19
Castle Martin 128
Caswell Bay 10, 16, 38, 41, 125, 155, 168, 275, 335, 363, 372
Caswell Wood Initiative 372
Cathole Cave 60, 61, 347, 353, 355
cave deposits 45
cave paintings 342
cave-roosting bats 319–20
caves 44–5, 335–57
dark-zone fauna 344, 349–52
exploration 339–44
flora 352–4
invertertebrates 347–52, 350
management 354–7
marine 145–6
new discoveries 354
origins of 337–9
threshold fauna 344, 345–9
water 355
‘whole catchment’ conservation 355
wildlife 344–54
Worms Head 15, 200–2, 201, 335, 336, 349
see also specific caves
caviar 152
caving 343–4, 355, 357
Cefn Bryn 5, 35, 40, 41, 44, 65, 277, 287
Cefn Bryn Common 59
Broad Pool 276
grazing sites 246, 252, 254
habitats 259, 260
heathland 261, 263, 265–6
management 272, 272, 374, 375–6
pools/ponds 276, 296–7
usage rights 251, 252
uses of 249
wildlife communities 258, 259, 259, 263, 265–6
Celtic Sea 165
cereals 67, 69
chaff 271
chalk 40
cheese 84
Chestnut Cottage, Port-Eynon 59
Christos Betas (oil tanker) 162
churches 70–1, 70, 212–13, 268, 318
Cil Ifor hillfort 67, 68
Cilibion 80
Cilibion Plantation 323
Cilifor Top 367
Cistercians 80–1
City and County of Swansea 5, 371, 372, 377
Clements Quarry, Oystermouth 36
Cliffe, Charles Frederick 136
cliffs 199
north Gower 49
see also South Gower cliffs
climate change 39, 45, 48, 50, 244–5
climbers 126–8, 127
Clyne 81
Clyne Castle 59, 93
Clyne Common 40, 251, 252, 258, 263, 265, 271
Clyne Estate 11
Clyne River 5, 275, 282
Clyne Valley 93
Clyne Wood 117, 312, 317, 320
Coal Measures 38, 39, 44, 54, 55
coal workings 81, 93
coalfield basin 38, 39
coccoliths 40
cockle fisheries 229–34, 230
cockle spat 231
Coed Cymru initiative 334
coins, Roman 340
Cole, Lady 340
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 114, 379
Common Cliff 118
Common Fisheries Policy 154
common land 8, 9, 10, 112, 175, 246–74, 250, 276
acid grassland 269, 271
dung wildlife 254–8
grazing 242–4, 247–9, 251–4, 258, 264, 269, 271
heathland 261–9
law and practice 247–52, 273–4
management 270–3, 375–6
plant and animal communities 258–61
Common Wood 367
Commons Act 1876 247
Commons Bill 2005 273
Commons Registration Act 1965 247, 273, 274
Condry, William 99
Conservation Areas 362
conservation of Gower 361–8o
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designation 365–6
caves 355
contemporary scenario 378–80
countryside management 374–8
field education 372–3, 373
Gower Society 363–5, 364, 366
Oxwich Reserve Centre 369–70, 370
statutory 367–9
visitor centres 370–2, 371
voluntary approach 366–7
Conwy Estuary 232
corn 84
Corn Laws 1846 89
Cornwall 11, 90
Country Life magazine 5
Countryside Commission 374
Countryside Council for Wales 5, 114, 115, 126–8, 134, 146, 147, 203, 217, 225, 241, 274, 304, 306, 361, 371, 372, 377, 386
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 10, 274, 366
Cox, Jeremiah 129
Crabart 140
crabbing 139–40
Crawley Wood 312, 316, 367
Cretaceous period 40
extinction 39
Cromwell, Oliver 76
Crown Estate 243
Culver Hole, Llangennith 72, 342
Culver Hole, Port-Eynon Point 72, 73, 104
Cwm Ivy Marsh 195, 220–2, 225, 303, 306
Cwm Ivy Tor 202
Cwm Ivy Wood 309
dairy herds 84, 94
Dartmoor 65
Darwin, Charles 341
Davies, Daniel 340
Davies, Reverend J. D. 125, 129, 147, 320–1, 340
Davies, Reverend Latimer 71
Davies, Melvyn 344
Davies, Walter 54–5, 87, 252, 283, 332–3
Davy, Humphry 20
Daw Pits 338–9, 339
de Barri, William 80
de Beaumont, Henry, Earl of Warwick 91
de Breos, John 75
de Breos, William 75, 76, 78
de Breos, William, III 52
De Heubarth 70
De la Beche, Henry 153, 341
De la Beche, Thomas 21, 38
Deborah’s Hole 341
Decoy Wood pond 299–302, 300
deer parks 72–7, 74
Defoe, Daniel 16
Descent (magazine) 357
designated sites 386–8
Destruction of Peregrines Order 1943 128
Devensian period 45–6
Devil’s Bridge 199
Devon 89, 90
Devonian period 34, 36, 49
Diles Lake 275, 305, 306
Dillwyn, Lewis Llewelyn 21
Dillwyn, Lewis Weston 19–21, 20, 104, 109, 123, 125, 153, 154, 155, 168, 211, 317, 320, 321, 340
Dillwyn-Llewelyn, John 21, 22, 216
dinoflagellates 233
dinosaurs 39
ditches 304–5, 306
diversity 95
Domesday Book 77
domesticated animals 63, 67, 68–9, 82–3
Donovan, Edward 18
Douglas-Jones, Neville 366
drainage patterns 276–9, 276
dredging 148, 150–1, 163, 232–3, 233
duck decoys 300–1
Duncan, Edward 24, 24
dung 254–8
Dunn, Jo 29
Dunraven Bay 128
Dutch elm disease 310, 316
Dŵr, Dwain Glyn 71
Eames, William 92
East Helwick 140
EC Directive on the Conservation of Wild Birds 149
EC Habitats & Species Directive 149
embayment beach ridge plain 173
Emery, F. V. 328, 381
English Channel 106
English Nature 377
Enterprise Neptune 361, 367
erosion 115
European Habitats Directives 219
eutrophic waters 291
eutrophication, agricultural 112, 113
Evans, C. J. O. 11
Evans, Douglas 374
extinction events 39
Fairwood Common 242, 370
grazing sites 247, 251, 252, 254
watercourses 279
wildlife communities 257, 263, 265, 266
Fairwood Common RAF station 365, 370
Fairyhill 59, 92–3
Fall Bay 29, 117
Faraday, Michael 20
farming 7, 7, 84, 243, 246–8, 252, 257–8, 304
Agricultural Revolution 86–7
arable plants 328–32, 331
Bronze Age 65–6, 67
caves and 355, 357
cheese 84
field systems 59, 65, 67, 69, 81–3, 82, 86, 88, 308–9, 323–6, 327–8
and geoecosystems 355
introduction 62–3
Iron Age 67
modernisation 94–5
monastic 80–1
Roman period 68–9
soils 54–5
in Worm’s Head 203, 205
faults 41–2, 43, 200 reverse 41
fencing 247, 270–1
fertilisers 113
Field Studies Council 140
field systems 59, 65, 67, 69, 81–3, 82, 86, 88, 308–9, 323–6, 327–8
Fire Service 377
fires 175, 205, 377–8
common land 271–2, 272
First World War 93, 284
fisheries 69, 81, 150–4, 158, 163, 234–6
cockle 229–34, 230
‘Fishes Royal’ 160
flint tools 60, 62
flint-working sites 62
floating fen 288
folds 43
pitching 40–1
Fonseca, E. C. M. ď Assis 297, 315
footpaths, clifftop 375
Forest Common 278
forestry 75–6
Forestry Commission 10, 77, 313, 363, 364–5, 367
forests 75–6
ancient 61–2, 63
submerged 49–50, 67, 77
see also woodland
forts 68, 202, 212, 215
hillforts 67, 68, 262
fossil cliffs 49
fossils 15, 33, 36, 38, 44, 50, 335
Fox Talbot, Henry 21
Foxhole 44, 45
freshwater habitats 275–307
Cwm Ivy Marsh 306
drainage patterns 276–9, 276
flora and fauna 279–82
Llangennith Moors 302–6, 303–4
marsh management 289–90
Oxwich Marsh 281, 282–8, 283, 285
pools and ponds 291–302
Sluxton Marsh 291
dung 255
sand dune 186–8
galls 119
Gasteromycetes 187
Gelli Hir Wood 323
geoecosystems 354–5
Geological Conservation Review 219
Sites 10, 389–90
geology 33–58, 34, 37, 47
glaciation 44–50
key factors 42
and plant communities 58
sand 50–4, 52, 57
shape of Gower 40–4
soils 54–7, 56, 58
George, Neville 41, 50, 77
Gillham, Mary 28, 206
glacial outwash 50
glacial ‘smearing’ 54
glaciation 44–50
Gladdon 27
birds of 129, 208, 211, 349
Edward Williams’ notes on 17
flora 26, 108, 259, 280, 294, 310
geology 37, 39
hydrology 275
inveterbrates 117, 118
mammals 77
Mary Gillham on 28
pollen records 62
rhos pasture 332
sand drift 52
woodlands 313
Glamorgan Badger Group 321, 367
Glamorgan Bat Group 267
Glamorgan Country Naturalists’ Trust 366–7, 369
Glamorgan County Council 210, 284, 363, 365, 373
Glamorgan Naturalists’ Trust 292, 294–5
Glamorgan Wildlife Trust 237
Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust 86, 376
Glennie, E. A. 343
global warming 50, 244–5
Goat’s Hole (Paviland Cave) 21, 60–1, 60, 337, 339–42, 340
Gors-fawr brook 5
Cower Anglicana 3–4, 71, 242
Gower Chough Group 126
Gower Coast National Nature Reserve 367
Gower Commoners Association 270–1, 377
Gower Commons Initiative 376, 377
Gower Countryside Forum 375
Gower Countryside Service 297–8, 375, 376
Gower Crusaders 374
Gower Field Education Project 372–3, 373
Gower Heritage Centre 371
Gower Heritage Coast Management Programme 375
Gower Information Points 376
Gower Marine Mammals Project 160
Gower Ornithological Society 28, 366, 371
Gower Rural District Council 365, 374
Gower Society 3, 11, 363, 363–5, 364, 366, 377, 378, 380, 384
Gower Society Journal 28
Gower Wallicana 4, 71
‘Gowerians’ 12
Gowerton 77, 199
Grandfield, D. E. 13
grasslands 79, 113–14, 205–6
acid 269, 271
grazing 82–3, 94–5, 112–17, 113, 175, 177, 182, 195, 203, 224, 246, 304, 332
common land 242–4, 242, 247–9, 251–4, 258, 264, 269, 271
Great Marsh 220–5
Great Plain 189
Great Tor 128, 347
Great Western Railway 39
Green Cwm 277, 277, 278, 335, 337
Green Field 327
Grenfell, Howard 29
Griffith, John 81–2
Grove Island 199–200
guano 206
Guer 80
Guhir 70
gullies 141–2
Gulver Pit 338–9
Gutch, John 19, 109, 110
Guy, Mr 374
Guzzle Hole 339, 351
Gwendraeth estuary 219
Gwendraeth Fach 335
Gwynspark Pit 338–9
haematite 42
Hallett, Henry Mortimer 26, 116, 117
Hambury, H. J. 366
Hamon, Isaac 3, 15–16, 50, 68, 79, 87, 90, 151, 215, 338, 381–4
Harding’s Down 246
hillfort 67
Harlech 157
Hatton, R. H. S. (Pip) 321, 367, 368, 369
Hazard (steamship) 23
Heather and Grass Burning Regulations 271
heathland 106, 177, 261–9
hedges 69, 308–9, 323–6, 324, 334
trees and shrubs of 323–6, 325
Helwick Bank 140, 147–8
Heneage-Vivian, Admiral 11, 77
Henry VIII 335
Heritage Coasts 5, 196, 374–6
Heritage Lottery Fund 377
Herpetological Conservation Trust 123
Hillend 21, 303, 375
Hill’s Tor 198
Hobhouse Committee 366
Holocene 47
holotypes 227
Hopkin, Harry 52–3
Hopkins, Billy 139–40 ‘Horse’s Head’ 11–12
Horton 114, 117, 171, 172, 282, 298–9
Horton Cliff 114, 117–18, 120, 176
Horton dunes 177, 179, 196, 374
Hoskins, W. G. 246, 249
Hound’s Hole 340–1
House of Lords 273
Howells, Robert (Bob) 28–9, 29, 240, 371
human populations of Gower 59–95
Age of Saints 70–1
Agricultural Revolution 86–7
Culver Hole 72, 73
deer parks 72–7, 74
and diversity 95
division of the landscape 65–6
earliest settlers 60–2
farming 62–5
Iron Age 67
landscaped parks 90–3, 91
limestone 89–90
market forces 94–5
Normans 71
rabbit warrens 77–9
Roman period 68–70
salt 85–6, 86
the Viel 59, 81–3, 82
water mills 88–9, 89
white monks 80–1
Whiteford lighthouse 93, 94
hunter-gatherers 61, 62
hunting 69, 76, 78
Hunt’s Bay 11
huvvers and scarras 133, 133
Hywel Dda 70
Ilston 84, 320
Ilston Cwm 309
Ilston Quarry 363
Ilston Rectory 23
Inclosure Act 1801 251
International Wetlands Convention 1971 219
Intertidal Survey Unit 134
Ipswichian interglacial period 44
Irish Sea 44
Irish Sea Leatherback Project 158
iron 42, 57
introduction 67
Iron Age 51, 67, 68, 69
buildings 59, 202, 203, 212–13, 213, 229
iron workings 202
Jackett, Reverend J. 24
Jefferson, Geoff 345, 350, 351
Jeffreys, John Gwyn 21, 195
Jernegan, William 92
jewel snake (maen magal) 15
John, Llewellyn 21
Jones, Gwent 363, 364, 364
Jones, Inigo 369
Jones, Rees 251
Jurassic period 40
karst landscapes 276–7
Kay, Quentin 29, 329
Kearton, Richard 129–30
Kenfig 52–3
Kenfig Dunes 193
Kennexstone Farmhouse 84, 85
Kevenbrin 80
Kilvert, Reverend Francis 23–4
Kilvrough 312–13, 372
Kilvrough Manor 59, 93
Kilvrough Manor Outdoor Education Centre 373
Kilvrough Manor Woods 309
Kitchen Well 278
Knave 99, 100, 120, 163
Knave Fort 202
Ladd, Roy 374
Landimore 54, 220, 222, 287
Langland 41, 108
Langland anticline 38
Langland Bay 151
Lascaux cave 342
laver bread 136
Law of Property Act 1925 247
Le Breos Estate 11
Leason 277
Lee Stephen 364, 364
Lees, Edwin 110
legumes 67
leisure 197, 373
Leper Stone 70–1
Lewes Castle 202, 208, 211
Leyland, John 335
Lhuyd, Edward 14–16, 65
licences, cockle fishing 232, 234
lichen heath 174–5
application 54–5
making 54, 55
lime mud 36, 40
Limekiln Close 327
Limeslade 10, 41, 42
limestone 36–7, 39–40, 44, 48–9, 54
Carboniferous 36, 39, 44, 48, 54, 133–8
caves 337–8
exports 89–90
and habitat drainage patterns 276–7
shingle 174
see also South Gower cliffs
‘Little Ice Age’ 51
Liverpool Museum 115
Llanelli 220, 223, 230
Llanelli Dock 93
Llangennech 225, 239
Llangennith 11, 117, 131, 177, 248, 332
Llangennith Burrows 176, 181, 188, 213–14
Llangennith church 70–1, 70
Llangennith fault 42
Llangennith Manors 247, 377
Llangennith Moors 302–6, 303–4
Llangennith Tithe Map 212, 213
Llanmadoc 79, 161, 161, 199
Llanmadoc church 70
Llanmadoc Hill 35, 40, 44, 62, 65, 252, 261, 262
Llanrhidian 38, 221, 223, 277, 287, 320, 332
Upper 81
Llanrhidian Higher 324
Llanrhidian Marsh 241–2, 254
Llanrhidian mill 89, 89
Llethrid 347
Llethrid farm 76
Llethrid Stream 278
Llethrid Swallet 278, 335, 336, 344, 344, 350, 356, 357
Llethrid Valley 310
Llethrid Woods 316
Llewelyn, Sir John, Lord
Swansea 125
Local Nature Reserves 10, 386, 388
Mumbles Hill 107–8, 107, 107, 375
Pwlldu Cliffs 375
Locket, G. H. 227
Long Hole 341
Long, John 292
Longhole caves 59
Longhole Cliff 116
Longoaks farm 76
Loughor 81, 84, 172, 281
Loughor Boating Club 244
Loughor Estuary 4, 8, 157, 218–45, 219
bird populations 236–42, 237
cockle fishery 229–34, 230
common-land grazing 242–4
fish and fisheries 234–6
flora 223–5
invertebrates 225–9
Loughor fort 68
Loughor valley 49
Lousley, J. E. 26–7
Low Neck 199
Lucas, John 18, 39, 92–3, 109
Lucas, Mr (of Stouthall) 87
Lucas, Richard 93
Lundy Island 208, 347, 384
Lunnon 75, 76, 83
lycopods 38
McClintock, D. 26
McLean, Professor 205
McOwat, Tom 29
macrocaverns 354
maen magal (jewel snake) 15
Maesteg 169
‘manorial waste’ 248
Mansel, Sir Edward 282
Mansel, Lord 83
Mansel, Mary 91
Mansel Talbot, Thomas 83, 91–2, 283–4
Mansel family 250–1
maps of Gower 4
Access Maps 10
geological 34
Tithe Maps 76–7, 212, 213
Mapsant festival 11
Marconi 216
Margam Estate 250
Margam Moors 303
Margam Park 320
Margaret’s Cottage, Oxwich 282
marine caves 145–6
Marine Conservation Society 158
marine shipping 307
market forces 94–5
‘marl’ 54
marshes 188–9, 306–7
Cwm Ivy Marsh 195, 220–2, 225, 303, 306
Great Marsh 220–5
management 289–90
Oxwich Marsh 281, 282–90, 283, 285, 290, 363
salt marshes 57, 63, 220–9, 242–5, 282–4
Sluxton Marsh 291
Teifi Marshes 367
Mead Moor 251, 313, 363
megalithic monuments 63–5, 64
megaripples 147–8
Mendip 350, 351
Mendip Exploration Society 343
Merrick, Rice 75, 88
Merton 372–3
mesocaverns 354
Mesolithic period 62, 212
mesotrophic waters 291–2
Mewslade 29, 114, 125, 126, 135, 321
Mewslade Bay 27
Mewslade Quarry Fissures 341
micro-cliffs 220
Middle Pond, Oxwich 287
Middleton 378, 378
Mill Wood 251, 313, 317, 363
Millstone Grit 44, 49, 54
Minchin Hole, Pennard 45, 46, 337, 363
Mixen sands 148
monks 80–1
Monksland farm 80
Montague, G. 18
moonmilk 354
Moor Lake 275
Moore, Norman 366
Morecome Bay 234
Morgan, Colonel 25
Morgan, Ernest 363
Morgan, Kit 209
Morgan, William David 84
Morganwg, Iolo see Williams, Edward
Morlais River 275
Mumbles 22, 41, 143, 144, 162, 199, 215–17, 216, 320
Inner Head 217
Middle Head 199, 215, 216
Mumbles Head 40, 120, 146, 146, 199–200, 216
Mumbles Hill 42, 90, 217
Local Nature Reserve 107–8, 107, 107, 375
Mumbles Pier 124, 210
mutton 203, 243
mycorrhiza 273
Mynydd Bettws 379
Mynydd y Gwair 379
myxomatosis 79
Namurian Shales 38
National Assembly 380
National History Museum 152, 160–1, 227
National Museum of Wales 26, 28, 147, 157, 212
National Museum of Wales BIOMÔR 140
National Museums and Galleries of Wales 60
National Nature Reserves 10, 113, 208, 219, 307, 366, 386, 388
Gower Coast 367
Oxwich 227, 289, 363, 365, 367
Whiteford Burrows 164, 165, 188, 218, 227, 241, 367
Worms Head 217, 363, 368, 371
National Parks 364–6, 374, 380
National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 361–2
National Parks Commission 361, 363, 365
National Rivers Authority 306
National Stranded Whale Recording Scheme 160–1
National Trust 5, 10, 104, 114, 126, 203, 217, 219, 241, 243, 247, 274, 314, 361, 367, 371, 377
National Trust Act 1907 247
National Wetlands Centre,
Penclacwydd 240
Natural History Museum 343
naturalists 14–30
Nature Conservancy 361, 362, 365, 367, 369
Nature Conservancy Council 134, 205, 344, 369, 372
Nature Reserves Investigation Committee 362–3
Neath 230
Neath Abbey 80, 81
Neath Valley 320
Neolithic period 49
people of 62–3, 65, 67, 328
nets, bottom-set gill 160
Newton Cliffs 314
Nicholas IV, Pope 80
Nicholaston 20, 27, 277–8, 282
Nicholaston Burrows 177
Nicholaston Pill 278, 283
Nicholaston tomb 63
Nicholaston Wood 315, 316, 363, 364
Nicholl, Reverend Digby W. S. 26
nomads 65
Norman period 3–4, 71, 88, 248
Normandy landings 196
oil pollution 162–3, 163, 233
Old Red Sandstone 34–5, 34, 40, 42–4, 57, 277, 321
Oldisworth, Reverend John 17–18
oolite 37
orchards 332–4, 333
Overton 114
Overton Cliff 117, 118, 120
Overton Mere 117, 118, 120, 133–4
Oxford University Natural History Museum 61
Oxfordshire County Council 372, 373
Oxwich 1, 63
association with John Wesley 16, 17
conservation 374
limestone 54, 89, 90
wildlife 18, 79
Oxwich Bay 104, 140, 282, 317
beach 10, 155, 165
conservation 367
fishery 151
geology 38, 41, 41, 49
wildlife 142–3, 172
Oxwich Bay Protection Fund 364–5
Oxwich Castle 71, 72, 79, 91, 268
Oxwich church 268, 318
Oxwich dunes 177, 181, 187, 188, 192, 194–6
Oxwich Manor 260–1
Oxwich Marsh 50, 276, 281, 282–90, 283, 285, 290, 363
Oxwich National Nature Reserve 227, 289, 363, 365, 367
Oxwich Nature Trail 368
Oxwich Point 40, 41, 90, 104, 114, 120, 163, 265, 281, 310–12, 312
Oxwich Reserve Centre 369–70, 370, 372
Oxwich Wood 312, 315–18, 320, 367
Oystermouth 18, 36, 38, 49–50, 63, 68, 144
Oystermouth Old Quarry 363
paint 39
Painter, David 201
Palaeolithic, Upper 60, 202, 337
Palaeolithic art 342
parasite treatments 257–8
Parc le Breos 72–7, 74, 80, 83
tomb 63
Park Mill 27
Park Price farm 76
Park Woods 75–7, 312–14, 316
Parkmill 278, 310, 314–15, 320, 347, 373
visitor centre 371
Parkmill Wood 320
landscaped 90–3, 91
see also National Parks
Parry, Steve 375
pasture land 332
‘Patella beach’ 44, 45
Pavett, P. M. 117
Paviland 63, 80–1, 208
caves 59
Paviland Cliffs 129, 361
pellets 268–9
Pembrey Burrows 218
Pembrokeshire 44
Pen-clawdd 40, 222, 223, 229–30, 230, 241, 242
Penclacwydd 220, 240
Pengwern 263
Pengwern Common 9, 248, 254, 265, 298, 377
Penmaen 51, 77–8, 268
conservation 369
Penmaen Burrows 25, 63, 177
Pennard 11, 45, 51–2, 57, 83, 126, 129–30, 172, 174–5
Pennard Burrows 78–9, 175, 177, 181, 197
Pennard Castle 18, 22, 52, 53, 71, 109, 110, 111, 310
Pennard caves 341
Pennard Cliffs 107
East 361
West 176
Pennard Common 251, 254
Pennard Pill 275, 278, 278–9, 282
Pennard Valley 63, 174
Penniman, Т. К.342
Penrice, Thomas 21
Penrice Castle 59, 71, 320, 340
Penrice Estate 11, 39, 82–3, 90–2, 91, 247, 250, 282–3, 299, 363, 367
Penrice Lake 287
Penrice Park 283
Penrice Wood 312
‘perches’ 144
permafrost 47–8
Permian period 39
pesticides 281
Phillips, Jack 12
Phytologist, The 19
pillow-mounds 77–8
Pitton 331
Pitton Cliffs 361
Pittsog’s Wood 318
Pleistocene 45, 47, 49
sediments 335, 337
Upper 341
ploughing 87
polar ice caps 44
pollen 62, 67, 116
pollution 160
acid rain 306–7
agricultural 112, 113, 257–8, 281, 355
marine shipping 307
oil 162–3, 163, 233
pesticides 281
ponds 291–302
Pontardulais 218
pools 291–302
flora 18, 137
geology 39, 42
invertebrates 120
limestone 89
sea mammals 160, 162
Port-Eynon Bay 147, 159, 165, 171, 172
fauna 77
flora 27
geology 38, 41
submerged forest 50, 67
wrecks 23
Port-Eynon Castle 72
Port-Eynon dunes 177, 179, 196, 374, 375
Port-Eynon Moor 251
Port-Eynon Point 72, 133, 335, 364
Port-Eynon Point Cave 208, 342–3, 343
Port-Eynon Salthouse 59, 85–6, 86, 144, 376
Port-Eynon subtidal area 147
potatoes 94, 284
pottery 62, 68, 202
Powell, Gabriel 160, 161, 247, 251
power stations, offshore wind 379
Priors Meadow 312
Prior’s Wood 312
Prissen’s Tor 198
Protection of Birds Act 1954 241
Pwlldu 41, 43, 90, 172–5, 173, 176, 198
Pwlldu Bay 279
Pwlldu Cliffs Local Nature Reserve 375
Pwlldu Head 40, 335, 363
Quaternary period 44
Rackman, Oliver 323–4
rain 7–8, 275
Ram Grove Exsurgence 350
Ramsar Sites 219, 386
Ramsgrove Valley 312
‘Red Lady’ 60–1, 337, 339–40, 341
‘red ochre’ deposit 39
Red Pool 296–7, 297
red tides 233
reedswamps 276, 286, 287, 289
Rees, Iorrie 369
Rees, Jim 363–4
Rhossili 11, 116, 199, 208, 268, 331, 335
geology 49, 51
medieval strip field system (theViel) 59, 81–3, 82
rabbit warrens 79
sand drift 51
spelling 3
visitor centre 370–1, 371
wildlife 131, 160
Rhossili Agricultural Returns 112
Rhossili Bay 48, 149, 156, 164, 172
artwork of 24, 24
views 5, 5
Rhossili beach 10, 154, 162–3, 165–6, 168–71, 305
Rhossili Down 116, 255, 258, 261, 266, 268
ancient human settlements 62, 65, 66
boulder field 259
conservation 364
fires 378
flint works 62
geology 35, 40, 42, 44, 48, 48, 51
sand drift 51
Rhossili holiday-camp scare 1948 364
Rhossili School 373
Richard, David ap 252
Riddelsdell, Reverend H. J. 25–6, 104, 206
river valleys, submerged 49
road traffic accidents 270–1, 321, 377
rock pools 139–40
rocks of Gower 33–40, 34, 37
record of the 34–40
rollover 173
Roman coins 340
Roman period 42, 51, 67, 68–70
Romantic Revival 17
rookeries 317–19
Royal Air Force (RAF) 196, 365
Royal Institution of South Wales 24
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) 243
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) 240, 371
Rutter, J. G. 308, 343
Ryers Down 298
St Cenydd 70, 212–13
St Cenydďs Day 11–12
St Georges Channel 165
St Margaret’s Island 93
salt marshes 57, 63, 220–9, 242–5, 282–4
salt production 85–6, 86
salt-tolerant plants 101
Salthouse Point, Crofty 173, 175, 240
Samson’s Jack 65
sand 57
beaches 165–8
creation and distribution 50–4, 52 sand dunes 49, 50–1, 57, 63, 164, 177–98, 199, 282, 303, 305
bay 177
climbing 177
embryo 177, 178–9
fixed/grey 179–82
fungi of 186–8
heathland 177
hindshore 177
hydrology 189–90
insects 182–6
management 196–8, 374–5, 376
mobile/yellow 179
nutrients 178, 186, 198
slacks 188–95, 190–1, 198
spit 177
systems 177, 178
Whiteford transition zone 195–6
zonation 178–82
sand-waves 147–8
Sands, the 117, 120
‘Sandylands’ 51
saprophytes 186
Scarweather Sands 379
scrub 79, 107–8, 107, 114–15, 203
burning of 114–15
control 289, 290
sand dune 198
sea 37–8, 39, 40, 132–63
Carmarthen Bay 149–51
fish/fisheries 151–4
Helwick Bank 140, 147–8
marine caves 145–6
marine mammals 158–62
offshore 140–5
oysters 144–5
pelagic species 154–6
rising levels 49–50, 51
rock pools 139–40
rocky shore 133–8
threats to 162–3
turtles 156–8
Sea Empress (oil tanker) 163, 233
sea levels
Mesohthic 62
rising 244–5
sea temperature 7
sea walls 283–4
Seasearch Project 140
Second World War 93, 112, 196, 303, 361
Sedgers Bank 199
Seignory 71
Seisyllwg 70
Seven Slades 104
Severn Estuary 132
Shakespeare, William 125
shape of Gower 40–4
Shark Trust 153
Sharpe, Daniel 18
shellfish 69
poisoning 233
shells 17–18, 21
shingles 44, 48–9, 164, 172–6, 173, 198
shipping 307
shipwrecks 140, 142–3
banded appearance 134–6
rocky 133–8
Signeur, Lord 71
Silures tribe 68
sinks 277–9
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (S S S I) 10, 205, 217, 219, 257, 332, 371, 386, 387–8
Skokholm 367
Skrine, Henry 16
Skrine, Richard 16
slacks 188–95, 190–1, 198
Slade 122
Slade Cliffs 114
Sluxton Marsh 291
snow 7
Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves 362
soils 54–7, 56
acidity 54, 57, 58, 105–6, 269, 271
alluvial gley 57
erosion 115
gull colonies and 206–8
loamy 54, 57, 58
podzols 57, 58
salt marsh 57
Solas, W. J. 341, 342
solifluction 48, 54 ‘solifluction bench’ 48, 48
Somerset Trust 243, 377
South Gower cliffs 99–131, 100
birds 124–31
flora 101–8
invertebrates 115–23
reptiles 123
vegetation management 112–15
yellow whitlowgrass 108–12
South Gower Coast Cooperative Management Group 369
South Wales Caving Club 343–4
South Wales Coalfield 38, 44
South Wales Sea Fisheries Committee 151, 153, 226, 231, 232, 235
South West Wales Survey 140
Special Areas of Conservation 10, 149, 219, 307, 386, 388
marine 388
Special Protection Areas 149, 386, 388
Spiritsail Tor Cave 341, 342
splash cups 187
spores 187
Stace, C. 381
Stackpole 128
stalactites 338, 356
stalagmites 338, 350
Stamp, L. Dudley 246, 249
Stewart, Barry 29
‘stints’ 248
stone axes 63
storms 173, 198
Stouthall 59, 92, 318–19, 372
strand lines 169–72
Strategy for Gower 1973 374
Strombus (shipwreck) 140, 142–3
students 10
suburbanisation 378–9
Summerland Cliffs 314
sunshine, hours of 8
surcharging 273
Sustainable Development Fund 380
swallets 335–57
brackish 225
reedswamps 276, 286, 287, 289
Swansea 3, 10–11, 15–16, 19–22, 40, 61, 71, 77, 93, 107, 145, 198, 230–1, 270, 294, 320
Swansea Bay 4, 45, 47, 49, 63, 152, 155, 160, 163, 215, 223, 371, 379
Swansea castle 25
Swansea Corporation 365
Swansea Field Naturalists’
Society 25
Swansea Scientific and Field Naturalists’ Society 26, 28
Swansea Scientific Society 24–5, 25
Sweyne’s Howes, Rhossili Down 63, 64
synclines 34, 35–6, 38, 41
Taf estuary 219
Talbot family (of Penrice) 203, 340
Tanner, Phil 11–12, 12, 303
Tawe River 281
Taylor, Eileen 343–4
Taylor, Marjorie 343–4
Taylor, Maurice 343–4
Tears Point 29
Teifi Marshes 367
terminal moraine 49
Tertiary period 40, 47
thatch 282
Thomas, Lord Arthur Owen 247
Thomas, Derek 29
Thomas, Dylan 11, 164, 199, 200, 205, 209, 218, 239
Thomas, J. Mansel 361
Three Cliff Bay 5, 6, 157, 168, 278, 335
Three Crosses 40
‘thrusts’ 41
Thurba 93, 208
Thurba Head 361, 362
tidal waves 200
tides 243
timber 372
Tir Cymen agri-environment scheme 116, 225, 257, 259–60, 297–334-365, 375–6
Tir Gofal agri-environment scheme 257, 328, 334, 365
Tithe Maps 76–7, 212, 213
tombs 49, 63, 64, 65
barrows 65, 212
cave (‘Red Lady’) 60–1, 337, 339–40, 341
prehistoric 25, 341, 342
Tomlin, John le Brockton 26
Tomorrow’s Heathland Heritage programme 376–7
tools 60, 61, 62–3
Tooth Cave 278, 355
topography of Gower 40–4
tourism 10, 16, 197
Towy, Vale of 71
trade 11
transport 10–11
Tremadoc Bay 156
Triassic period 39
Trow, A. H. 26
tuberculosis, bovine 321–2
Tucker, Horatio 8, 14, 33, 275, 286, 384
turf mattresses 205–6
Turner, Dawson 19
Turton, William 17–18, 109, 110, 310
Tywi estuary 219
University of Cardiff 226, 369
University College Cork 158
University of Swansea 244, 369
University of Wales 147, 158
Vale of Glamorgan 40, 44
Vaughan-Thomas, Wynford 3, 132, 133, 139, 200
vermin 320–1
Vikings 70
visitor centres 370–2, 371
Vivian, Hussey 77
voluntary organisations 366–7
Vosse, Thomas 282
Wade, A. E. 381
Wade, Arthur 28
Wakefield, Harry Rowland 26
Wallace, Alfred Russel 20
walls 326–7, 327
Walterston 80
water mills 88–9, 89
water table, sand dunes and 189–90, 193, 197
Watkins, Alfred 59, 72
Watkins, Vernon 11
Waunarllwydd 379
wave-cut platforms 40, 44–5
weather 7–8, 19, 51
Webb, Arthur 210
Webb, John Arthur 28
agricultural 112
arable 329
Wellhead 278
Welsh Assembly 273
Welsh Assembly Government 247
Welsh Moor 263
Welsh Scout Council Caving Group 357
Welsh Skate and Ray Group 153
Welshry Wood 308
Weobley 287
Wernffrwd 81
Wesley cottage, Oxwich 17
Wesley, John 16, 222
West Glamorgan County Council Education Department 372
West Glamorgan Wildfowlers’ Association 241
West Wales Trust 367
Wheatstone, Sir Charles 216
White Moor 268
Whiteford 240, 379
Whiteford beach 163
Whiteford Burrows 199, 220–2
conservation 361, 367
dune slacks 188–90, 190, 192–3
formation 177
fungi of 187
management 196–8
National Nature Reserve 164, 165, 188, 218, 227, 241, 367
transition zone 195–6
zonation 178, 179, 181–2
Whiteford Burrows Advisory Committee 367, 369
Whiteford lighthouse 93, 94
Whiteford Point 48–9, 51, 172, 220, 223, 229, 234
Whiteford Sands 166, 169–71, 175
Whiteford transition zone 195–6
Wigstead, Henry 16
Wild Birds Protection Act 1880 210
Wild Birds Protection (Glamorganshire) Order 1948 210
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust 220, 240
wildfowling 240–1
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 241
Wildlife Trust 114, 219, 257, 362
reserves 391–2
Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (formerly Glamorgan Country Naturalists’ Trust) 5, 367
William, John 82
Williams, Diane 3
Williams, Edward (Iolo Morganwg) 16–17
Williams, John (1600s) 15
Williams, John (1700s) 83
Williams, Michael 327–8
wind power stations, offshore 379
Winder, Mark 157
Wood, Colonel E. R. 92, 341
woodland 308–23
arable plants 328–32, 331, 334
birds 317–19
fields 327–8
hedges 323–6, 324, 334
invertebrates 314–17
island 203–5
mammals 319–23
orchards 332–4, 333
pasture land 332
scrub woodland 310–12
walls 326–7, 327
see also forests
Woodland Trust 367
Woods, Joseph 18
Worcester, Earl of 76
Worms Head 165, 199–211, 201, 216
artwork of 24
Bird Sanctuary 210
birds of 129, 206–11
Blow Hole 15, 200–2, 201
caves 15, 200–2, 201, 335, 336, 349
common land 247
conservation 363, 367, 368
flora 18, 26, 104, 206–8, 207
geology 47–8
grazing 112
information centre 371
Inner Head 199–200, 202–3, 204, 205–8
management 217
Middle Head 199, 202, 205–6
Outer Head 199–200, 202, 205–6, 208, 210–11
sealife 137, 139, 158–9, 159, 160, 168
shoreline features 134
sunsets 5
woodland 203–5
Worms Head causeway 137, 157
Worms Head National Nature Reserve 217, 363, 368, 371
Wyntog, Ogof 354
Y Berllan, Dunvant 333
Yellow Wall 126