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Australian War Memorial, Canberra
Cpl. Robert Addison PR00442
Gnr. James Armitage PR00420
Sgt. R.J. Baldwin PR00557
Pte. William Barry PR00814
Lt. J.H. Barton PR00261
Bean Papers
Cpl. Alfred Binskin PR83/047
Capt. Walter Boys 1DRL0142
Pte. Roy Brewer PR02010/2
L/Cpl. P.R. and Sig. S.R. Candy 3DRL6673
Sgt. R. Capel PR00658
Lt. B. Champion 2DRL0512
L/Cpl. Leonard Clyde PR00142
Lt. G.M. Carson 2DRL0185
Lt. H.W. Crowle 1DRL0227
Lt. A. Davey 1DRL0234
L/Cpl P Davey, VC
Pte. George Davies 2DRL789
Capt. K. Doig PR00317
Gnr. K. Downes 3DRL6987
Lt-Col. R. Dowse AWM 27 113/4
Brig-Gen. H.E. Elliott 1DRL427, 2DRL0513, 3DRL3297, 3DRL3856, 3DRL6673.
Maj. Tom Elliott 3DRL 2872
Lt. D. Falconer 2DRL0524
Lt. W.G. Fisher 2DRL0113
Lt. S. Fraser 1DRL0300
Sister Elsie Grant PR00596
Capt. R.C. Grieve, VC 2DRL0260
Sgt. W.C. Groves 2DRL0268
Lt. W.H. Guard 2DRL0879
Pte. John Hardie PR00519
Gen. Talbot Hobbs PR82/153/3
Lt. A. Hollyhoke 3DRL0277
Lt-Col. O.G. Howell-Price 1DRL0362
Maj. P.L. Howell-Price 1DRL0363
Lt. S.E. Hunt 2DRL0277
Pte. S.L. Huntingdon PR00654
Maj. A.J. Hutchinson 1DRL0371
Pte. Paul Johanesen PR87/018
W.D. Joynt, VC 2DRL0765
Capt. Percy Lay PR83/058
Capt. A.E. Leane 1DRL 0411
Lynch, Phyllis PR00716
Pte. W. McBeath PR00675)
Maj. G.G. McCrae 1DRL0427
Pte. Robert Mactier, VC 2DRL0144, PR83/210
Capt. Ivor Margetts 1DRL0478
Capt. G. Maxfield 1DRL0489
Capt. G.D. Mitchell 2DRL0928
Lt-Col. J. Mott ExDoc 004
Keith Murdoch 3DRL2925, 3DRL 6673/62
Lts. J.A. & R.G. Raws 2DRL0481
Gnr. C. Rea PR00184
Sig. G. Ridgway 3DRL3986
Lt. Schonemann PR89/003
Pte. F. Shoobridge PRO0626
Pte. Walter Smyth PR00927
Cpl. Arthur Thomas 3DRL2206
Toll Papers AWM26 34/1
Pte. William Tooney PR02027
Sgt. Joseph Trotman PR00511
Maj. Fred Tubb, VC ExDoc036
Cpl. Henry Turnbull PR91/015
Pte. W. Vincent PR84/261
Gnr. F. Wormald PR00816
Capt. B. Walther PR00837
Papers and photographs privately held
Lt. E.A.C. Atkinson
Pte. H.D. Burness
Capt. Stanley Calderwood
Cpl. Fred Carpenter
Lt. Consett Carre Riddell
Lt-Col. Walter Cass
Maj. Donald Coutts
Sgt. Walter Downing
Lt-Col. H. Duigan
Lt. Eric Edgerton
Pte. S.L. Filer
Capt. John Harry Fletcher
Pte. Jarvis Fuller
L/Cpl. Roy Fuller
Cpl. William Gamble
Pte. Henry Gibb
Pte. R.M. Gunn
Handcock Brothers
Cpl. William Hart
Sapper Frank Heerey
Pte. Walter Hill
Pte. Walter Howard
Pte. Lyall Howard
Sgt. S. Horton
Sgt. Charles Johnson
Maj. Alfred Langan
Sgt. Cyril Lawrence
Capt. Percy Lay
Lt. Sydney Leigh
Pte. Robert Mactier, VC
Capt. John Austin Mahony
Capt. Ivor Margetts
Lt. Leslie Martin
Sgt. Andrew Muir
Pte. Myles O’Reilly
Lt. William Palstra
Pte. Leslie Pezet
Lt. Phillip Schuler
Maj. Fred Tubb, VC
Wallach Brothers
Sgt. George Watkins
Pte. Eric West
Pte. D.H. Whinfield
Lt. Norman Wilkinson
Pte. Fawkner Yeates
National Archives of Australia
L/Cpl. Phillip Davey, VC
Capt. John Harry Fletcher
Pte. Jarvis Fuller
Capt. Albert Jacka, VC
Lt-Col. W. D. Joynt, VC
Pte. R. Mactier, VC
Capt. John Austin Mahony
Capt. R. Moon, VC
Lt. Phillip Schuler
Maj. Fred Tubb, VC
Capt. Clarence Wallach
Pte. Henry Wallach
Capt. Neville Wallach
Overseas papers
Birdwood Papers, Imperial War Museum
Lt-Col. C.E.L. Lyne, Imperial War Museum
Capt. A.M. McGrigor, Imperial War Museum
Brig-Gen. Henry Sandilands, PRO
Haig Papers, National Library of Scotland
Rawlinson Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge
Philip Game Papers