Thanks from the bottom of my heart goes out to:
Karen Chaplin, for your brilliant insights, unbridled encouragement, and startling confidence in both me and Flora.
Kate McKean, for your advocating, your last-minute pep-talks, and your last-minute readings on this one.
Erin Fitzsimmons, for this beautiful, breathtaking cover that I know Flora would stare at for hours if she could.
Everyone at Harper—school and library, publicity and marketing, and everyone else—for your continued commitment and enthusiasm!
Jessica Verdi, Corey Ann Haydu, Alyson Gerber, and Amy Ewing, for your support, brilliant thoughts . . . and friendship.
Beth Carter, Bill Carter, Dan Carter, all the Larssons, the Carter-fam, and the Keating-fam, for your love and support.
All of my friends. I keep trying to list you but there’re too many, which makes me especially blessed. Know that I appreciate your support more than I could ever say.
My writing communities—The New School, The Lucky 13s, The Class of 2K13, Binders—and the wonderful friends, teachers, and mentors I’ve met through them, especially David Levithan, Patricia McCormick, Leila Sales, Mary G. Thompson, Kathryn Holms, Alison Cherry, Lindsay Ribar, Mindy Raff, Dahlia Adler, Caron Levis . . . I could go on. . . .
Greg. For everything.