BYRON WOKE UP with Zoe next to him and couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across his face. He turned onto his side and pulled her back against his front. She moaned softly and snuggled against him.
The night before had been everything he’d imagined and more. He had no other words to describe it. For the first time he didn’t feel as if they were in a one-sided relationship. Knowing Zoe not only wanted him, but also trusted him, was a gift he didn’t deserve, wouldn’t refuse and would always cherish.
She’d given hints about her parents’ relationship before when they’d hung out, but the night before was the first time she explained how their relationship impacted her. He could relate. He’d grown up in a house where relationships were bartered and sold like goods at a flea market. Back then he’d thought his protection was all Zoe would need to love him. Now he could see the arrogance of that thought. He hated the years they’d lost, but those years had given them both time to realize what they truly wanted out of a relationship.
Zoe sighed softly and her backside shifted. His dick thickened and his blood heated. She was soft, warm and smelled so damn good. His hand cupped her breast and her nipple hardened. Images of lifting her leg, sliding in and starting their morning off right made his smile widen.
His cell phone rang. Loudly. The accompanying vibration made the harsh interruption worse.
Zoe groaned and buried farther into the covers. Byron glared at the offending device across the room. He wanted to ignore it more than anything in the world, but couldn’t afford to in the middle of a campaign.
“Make it stop,” Zoe moaned and pulled the covers over her head.
“I’ve got it.” Byron reluctantly jumped out of bed and hurried across the room to silence the phone. He hoped it was a call he could send to voice mail, but Dominic’s number on the screen killed that dream. “Shit, I’ve got to take this.”
“Go outside,” Zoe mumbled from beneath the mound of covers.
He grinned despite his irritation. “Always so bossy.” Zoe’s sleepy chuckle came from the bed. He answered the phone. “Hold on a second,” he spoke into the phone. He scanned the floor, found his pants and hurried to put them on. He crossed the door leading to the balcony.
“Then come back and finish what you started.”
Byron froze at the door and looked back. Zoe was still under the covers. Just imagining her warm and naked beneath was enough to make up his mind. He was getting to the point of this call with Dominic really quick.
He slipped out the door and put the phone to his ear. “What have you found out?” The crisp mountain air chilled his skin and snatched away any lingering drowsiness. The thought of getting back in bed with Zoe was even more tempting.
“The fire marshal’s report says it’s an electrical fire.” Dominic jumped straight to the chase. “Did Zoe ever have any electrical problems in her house before?”
Byron leaned one hand on the balcony and stared out at the mist clinging to the mountains. “I’ll have to ask, but I doubt it. I was there and she has a newer home. It had to have been built within the last few years.”
“Hmm...well, the report says it started in the garage. Maybe something she left plugged up.”
“Zoe is too cautious to just leave things plugged that shouldn’t be. Did you check the surveillance video?”
“Not yet, but I’m putting Jeanette on that. We just need the footage from the alarm company.”
Byron nodded. “Get it. Let me know if you find anything.” He hesitated before asking the other question he didn’t want but had to. “Any more emails?”
Dominic offered to have any further emails from the account that sent threatening messages to Zoe forwarded to him instead. Byron quickly agreed. Zoe had enough on her plate without being subjected to that mess. If it turned out to be a prank, then he and Dominic would deal with the asshole who thought calling a woman a lying bitch was funny. If it wasn’t a prank...he’d deal with that, too. Until they figured out who was behind them then she didn’t need to get them.
“Yes, two more.”
“What did they say?”
“More of the same. Threats to get back at her and that she’ll get what she deserves for lying.” Frustration entered Dominic’s voice. “Except this time they didn’t originate out of Memphis. This time the emails were from Charlotte, North Carolina.”
“Shit!” Byron rubbed his temple. They were getting closer. “Where in Charlotte?”
“Another library. Jeanette’s team is already tracing it. What are you going to tell her?”
Byron looked back at the door. He thought of everything Zoe had just gone through. The loss of her house and job hadn’t broken her, but she was nearing a breaking point. He couldn’t throw this on top of everything else.
“Nothing yet.”
“You sure?” Dominic asked, sounding unsure.
“I am. Until we find out the person, Zoe doesn’t need any more trouble in her life.”
“You’re the boss,” Dominic said. “Do you want me to look further into the fire?”
“I’ll tell her what the fire report said, but I won’t worry her about your investigation unless you find anything. Besides, she’s staying at the estate for now. She and Lilah are safest there.”
Despite what the report said, something didn’t sit right with Byron. Not to say a newer home couldn’t have an electrical fire, but Zoe hadn’t mentioned having troubles. He didn’t want to borrow trouble, but he’d rather be sure.
“Yes. Let me know if you find out anything.”
“I will.”
The call ended. Byron shivered, partially from the cold morning air and from the phone call. Now the emails were coming out of Charlotte. That was too close to Greenville and Jackson Falls for his liking. He called the head of his security team and requested they increase patrols around the estate and continue to shadow Zoe and Lilah. Then he went back inside.
Zoe was still in bed, but she’d pushed the covers down to the tops of her breasts. “Everything okay?”
He dropped his phone on the dresser and crossed the room. “That was Dominic.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “He got the fire report.”
Zoe sat up quickly. “And?”
“And it’s saying an electrical fire. Did you have any problems before?”
Zoe frowned and twisted her mouth. “No. Everything was checked before I bought the house. There were no electrical issues.”
“Something in the garage maybe?”
“I mean... I have a deep freezer out there, the battery panel for the internet and the breaker box, but still. Why would it just burst into flames?”
Worry seeped into her eyes. A line formed between her brows and she twisted the covers between her fingers. This was exactly what she didn’t need.
He placed his hand over hers. “Hey, look at me.” When she did he smiled. “It’ll be okay. Right now you’re safe, Lilah is safe and you’re going to stay that way. I’ve got you.”
Her shoulders relaxed slightly. “I know, but... I don’t like depending on you to bail me out again.”
He shook his head. “No buts. This is just temporary. Valtec didn’t appreciate you. I know you’ll find something better. You’ve got a place at our estate until you find someplace else.” Even though he didn’t want her to leave he knew trying to hold her there would make her bolt. “And even though you don’t necessarily need it, you’ve got my shoulder to lean on. I promise you, Zoe, I’m not going anywhere.”
Her eyes softened and she let out a long, slow breath. “You’re right. I’ll get through this.”
“You will.”
“Did he say anything else? Did he find out about the emails?”
“He’s still working on those.” Not exactly a lie, but he didn’t want to see the fear come back into her eyes. He wasn’t going to let anyone hurt Zoe. Not if he could do anything to protect her.
He could tell she wanted to ask more, so he leaned in and kissed the side of her mouth. “No more bad thoughts. Not after the night we just had.”
Her frown morphed into a smile that brought out the dimple in her cheek. “It was a good night.”
Byron flipped back the covers and slid in beside her. “And this morning is going to be even better.” Zoe’s giggle as he pulled her into his arms washed away the vestiges of guilt from keeping secrets trying to worm their way into his heart.