I have been supported in sharing this story by many exceptional people who have given their testimonials for this book. I promised them that I would make it clear that their testimonials are for the book, not necessarily for the teachers I write about. None of my teachers have been perfect. Like me, and probably like you too, they are all very human and all have their shadows and their blind spots. I have learned that to expect anything different is part of the problem. Therefore, I never recommend teachers. I only recommend that people follow their instincts wherever they lead, just as I have done. I haven’t seen many of my former teachers for many years. I am grateful that this book has given me the chance to honour them for what I received from them and to thank them for what they have shared with me along the way.
There are many people who have made huge contributions to my journey who I wish to acknowledge. Most of all, Roland Wilkinson, our work partner for more than two decades. Your dedication to bringing what Susannah and I dream into this world is a fundamental support without which our lives and the lives of the people that our work reaches would be much the poorer. Thank you for all your work that is truly love made visible.
Bee Quick, you were the first to support us. Susanne Perks, you picked up the bare threads of what we were dreaming and wove a beautiful community from them. Fly with the dragons.
Richard and Elizabeth Darlington(RIP), two very fine parents-in-law. Your generosity, patience and love for us as a couple and for Reuben were a bedrock of our lives.
David Rose, from the moment we met on the lawn at CAER, we lovingly struggled our way through many years of crazy adventures. You were there when I needed you and you have been a fine playmate for more than three decades.
Neil Caplan, you purposely found and mercilessly pushed my buttons and you put me on the road to being real. You were the first man that met me where I was and encouraged me to go further. You were a friend who saw the shaman in me and challenged me to find him for myself.
Matthew Barley, the only person I’ve ever met who is more stubborn than I am. I have loved our friendship and watching our families grow up and our marriages deepen. You saw me and I saw you.
David Tucker, you questioned me fully and then leapt in with both feet. It’s through you that the Amazon Forest and its people opened their doors to me. Your generosity and dedication are genuinely awesome.
Sue Kuhn, your loyal, loving friendship and seeing has given me and so many others so much over the years.
Jo Hardy, you were part of our original apprenticeship team and your wisdom and experience gave and continue to give us and our apprentices such support and love.
Dorrie Joy, your capacity to see what I see and then bring it into form has brought me such sweet medicine. You are a true artist.
Michelle Pilley (and all the team) at Hay House. Thank you for suggesting I throw away my first draft and start again and for encouraging me to allow the story to tell itself. Your support over the years has been and continues to be so important.
Lizzie Henry, a finer editor I could not wish for. Your sharp, bright humour and your unfussy clarity make the editing process a genuine pleasure. Valeria Huerta, my agent, for teaching me, with a smile, that I don’t have to do it all myself.
I wish to thank and honour: all our local organisers who do so much to bring our work to their communities, our faculty and staff at the School of Movement Medicine, all our apprentices, past, present and future, and all who follow the desire to remember the wild wisdom inside them and come to work with us. Lawrence Abelson who never pulled out of a tackle and always encouraged me to follow my dreams, Helen Poynor and Maura Sills for mentoring and supervising us so brilliantly (Helen for more than 25 years!), Heather Campbell and Sue Jamieson who opened the door at the beginning, Malcolm Barradell and Derek Finch who held the fort for Reuben and became such an important part of our family, Johnathan Mathys for pouring such Phoenix medicine into the land we now call home, and David Cole for being the best neighbour and for offering such steadfast and warm support.
And to the indigenous peoples of the world who continue to maintain and strengthen the bridge between what we dream and how we live and to show us what ‘civilized’ actually means. I dedicate myself to return to you tenfold the healing I have received from the ways in which you have accepted me as I am and welcomed me into your world.