Abusez, Les (The Deceived) 58
Adelphoe, (The Brothers, Terence) 49, 52, 54–55
All’s Well That Ends Well (Shakespeare) 3, 59, 74, 75, 107
Aminta (Tasso) 59
Amor Costante (Constant Love, Piccolomini) 69
Andria (The Woman of Andros, Terence) 52, 55
As You Like It (Shakespeare) 56, 60, 94–99, 100, 105
Bugbears, The (Jeffere) 58
Calandria, La (Bibbiena) 141 n. 25
Clyomon and Clamydes (anonymous) 90–93
Comedy of Errors, The (Shakespeare) 28, 59, 77–84, 94, 97, 105
Common Conditions (anonymous) 75, 90, 93
Cymbeline (Shakespeare) 97
Donna Costante, La (The Faithful Lady, Borghini) 69
Dutch Courtesan, The (Marston), 133 n. 9
Dyskolus (The Grouch, Menander) 33, 39
Epitrepontes (The Arbitration, Menander) 31, 35–39
Erophilomachia (The Duel of Love and Friendship, Oddi), 69
Fedele and Fortunio: Two Gentlemen (Munday) 58
Fedele, Il (The Faithful One, Pasqualigo) 58
Hecyra (The Mother-in-law, Terence) 31, 39–40, 55
Ingannati, Gl’ (The Deceived [the Intronati], Sienese academy) 58, 60–69, 70, 76, 79, 116
Jack Juggler (anonymous) 45
Laelia (anonymous) 58
Love’s Labour’s Lost (Shakespeare) 3, 82, 87–90
Malcontent, The (Marston) 140 n. 3
Measure for Measure (Shakespeare) 5, 7–29, 38, 52, 59, 62, 64, 71, 80, 97, 101, 103, 108, 109–111, 119–120
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare) 71
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare) 84–87, 90, 94, 99
Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare) 29, 71, 99, 107, 108, 109–120
Orestes (Euripides) 17
Pastor Fido, II (The Faithful Shepherd, Guarini) 59
Pellegrina, La (The Pilgrim, Bargagli) 69–75
Perikeiromene (She Who Was Shorn, Menander) 33, 35
Sacrifice, Le (Estienne) 58
Sacrificio, Il (The Sacrifice, [the Intronati), Sienese Academy) 66
Spiritata, La (The Bugbears, Grazzini) 58
Suppositi, I (The Substitutes, Ariosto) 58
Supposes (Gascoigne) 58
Tempest, The (Shakespeare) 30, 97
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare) 60–61, 99–108
Twο Gentlemen of Verona, The (Shakespeare) 92
Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare) 97