Wow. Dreams really do come true. I am a published author! This is so exciting. It’s also very dangerous, because anytime someone questions my authority on influencer marketing, my new retort will be “Fine, don’t listen to me. It’s not like I wrote a book about it or anything.” But seriously, there are so many people to thank.
First and foremost, my husband. Thank you, Alexander, for telling me to write this book. And pushing me to write the proposal. And bothering me until I sent it out. And taking our son out on mini-trips so that I could complete the manuscript under the insane deadline I placed upon myself. And making sure the book lived up to my expectations. And being incredibly supportive of my career. And being the kind of husband and father only found in unrealistic movies. My life completely changed the day I met you, and you are my everything.
I could not continue without thanking Barbara Baez-Meister, my right-hand woman. This book would not have been completed without you holding down the fort at Hearst while I took off many days to write it. You’ve been with me for six years through multiple jobs and countless side-hustles and you’re more than just a colleague, you’re family. Started from the bottom, now we’re here!
I also need to thank: Jade Sherman for introducing me to my agent, Steve Ross, providing quotes for this book, and hooking me up with the amazing Teni Panosian. Steve Ross at Abrams Artists Agency, for working diligently to find the right publisher for this book, because so many people just did not get the influencer marketing phenomenon. Denise Silvestro, for being a fantastic editor who really understood the vibe I was going for and held my hand this entire time. Michelle Addo, Vida Engstrand, Claire Hill, and the entire Kensington family, for believing in this book and making sure people know to buy it.
Jacqueline Deval, for telling me that my proposal was special. You publish Queen Oprah’s books, so this was the best compliment I could hope to receive! Alexandra Carlin, for always being so interested and invested in my success at Hearst. Allison Keane and Liv Ren, for helping me with all PR and media-related things. Lee Sosin, Laura Kalehoff, and Keri Hansen, for helping me grow as a professional. Sam Gladis, for being my number-one fan and always letting me rant (and occasionally rave) in her office.
Alexandra Pereira, Alyssa Bossio, Cara Santana, Heidi Nazarudin, Joy Cho, Sazan Hendrix, Sona Gasparian, and Teni Panosian, for taking time out of their insanely busy schedules to provide wisdom and inspiration to my readers. Brittany Xavier, Cynthia Andrew, Iskra Lawrence, Jeanne Grey, Jenny Tsang, Jessamyn Stanley, Jessica Franklin, Krystal Bick, Olya Hill, Renee Hahnel, and Tania Sarin, for providing insights that only come from playing this game and playing it well. Beca Alexander, Chloe Watts, Hannah Kluckhohn, India-Jewel Jackson, Jada Wong, Jane Lim, Jennifer Tzeses, Jessy Grossman, Maximilian Ulanoff, and Rana Zand, for dropping gems from the business side and providing access to your fabulous clients.
My mom, for keeping the first book I ever wrote, in the first grade, about a dancing baby who moved her crib around the room. Mike Mathewson and Carolyn Landis, for being my best friends, reading my proposal, and buying my book even though I would have given them a free copy. Zlata Faerman, for being a constant source of positive energy.
Everyone who has ever attended a CreatorsCollective event, all of my friends/followers on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, for asking questions that would guide this book, and every single person who read this far, because that is dedication!
Finally, I don’t show it enough, but I am thankful to God for waking me up every morning and putting all these wonderful people and opportunities in my life, and giving me the gift of communication. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for me.