This is not a complete vocabulary, but a listing of the more unusual or more difficult words which would probably not be known after one year of French.
Note: Under H, an apostrophe indicates an aspirated H.
abattre to knock down
abeille f. bee
abîme m. abyss, chasm
aboyer to bark
abri m. shelter
accaparer to corner, hoard
accouchée f. new mother
accouchement m. delivery (birth)
accoutrer to rig out
accroupir to squat
accueillir to welcome
achalandé frequented, doing thriving business
achat m. purchase
actuellement now
addition f. check (in a restaurant)
adresse f. address, skill
adroitement skilfully
aéro-sanguin blood circulation
affaisser (s’) to collapse, to yield, to subside
affaiter to tame (a bird of prey)
affranchir to liberate
affubler to bedeck
affût m. hiding place
agenouiller to kneel
agir to act; s’agir de to be a question of
aguets, m.pl. aux aguets on the look-out
aigle m. eagle
aiguille f. needle
ail m. garlic
aile f. wing
ailleurs elsewhere; d’ailleurs besides
alentours m.pl. surroundings, environs
aliéner to alienate
allée f. path, lane
allemand German
allure f. gait; à toute allure fast
amarre f. mooring rope, painter
amasser to pile up, to hoard
ampoule f. bulb
andouiller m. tine or point (of an antler)
âne m. donkey
anéantissement m. annihilation
animalcule m. little animal
anneau m. ring
antérieur former
apaiser to appease
apanage m. attribute
apeuré frightened
apitoiement m. pity
appareil m. apparatus
appartenir to belong
appentis m. shed
apprendre to learn, to teach
apprêter to prepare, to cook
appuyer to lean
âpre bitter, harsh
arbalète f. crossbow
arçon m. saddle-bow
argent m. silver; money
argile f. clay
armoire f. wardrobe
assidu assiduous
assister to be present at
assommer to kill
assoupir to make drowsy
assoupissement m. drowsiness
assourdir to deafen
athée m. or f. atheist
âtre m. hearth
atteinte f. reach, attack
attenant contiguous, adjoining
attendrissant touching
attiser to stir (a fire)
attrister to sadden
auge f. trough
aumône f. alms
aumônier m. chaplain
auparavant before
auprès de near
aussitôt as soon as, immediately
autel m. altar
auvent m. shutter
avare avaricious
avenir m. future
avertir to warn
avertissement m. warning
aveu m. confession
aviron m. oar
aviser (s’) de to take it into one’s head to
avorton m. abortion; freak; puny man or child
badinage m. banter
baguette f. stick
bâillement m. yawn
bâiller to yawn
baisser to lower
baleine f. whale
bandeau m. plait
banlieue f. suburb
bannir to banish
baraque f. booth; hut
barbe f. beard
barbiche f. goatee
basané swarthy, tanned
basilic m. basil
bâtard m. bastard
bâtisse f. ramshackle building
bavarder to chatter
béant open, gaping, yawning
bégayer to stammer
béguin m. hood; (baby’s) bonnet
berceau m. cradle, arbor
bercer to rock
berline f. carriage
besace f. wallet
besogne f. work, task
bestiole f. small beast
beugler to bellow
bien m. fortune; biens fonciers real estate
bienfaiteur m. benefactor
biscotte f. rusk
bissac m. wallet
bistouri m. lancet
bizarrerie f. peculiarity
blaireau m. badger
blason m. coat-of-arms
blé m. wheat
blesser to wound, to hurt
blessure f. wound
bocal m. jar
boeuf m. ox
boîteux limping
bombé prominent, bulging
bondir to leap
bonhomie f. good-heartedness
bonnement (tout) simply
bordure f. border, rim
borner to limit, to restrict
bosquet m. grove
bouc m. he-goat, billy-goat
bouche f. mouth
boucle f. buckle
boucler to lock up
boudeur sulking
boue f. mud
bouger to move, to stir, to budge
boulanger m. baker
boulangerie f. bakery
boule f. ball
bourdonnant buzzing
bourdonnement m. buzzing
bourrelet m. ring
bourru rough, surly
bourse f. purse
boursoufler to swell
bout m. end
braillard brawling
bramer to bell, to troat; to bellow
braquemart m. short sword
braquer to point, to turn
bride f. bridle
briguer to solicit
brioche f. cake
briser to break
brocart m. brocade
broche f. spit
broder to embroider
broncher to stumble, to falter
brouillard m. fog
broussaille f. brushwood
brouter to graze
brûler to burn
brûlure f. burn
brume f. fog
bruyant noisy
bruyère f. heather; coq de bruyère m. wood grouse
buée f. vapor, mist
bure f. frieze
but m. purpose, goal
bûté stubborn
butor m. booby
butte f. hillock
cabinet m. small room; toilet
cabrer (se) to rear
cabrioler to caper
cacher to hide
cachet m. pill
cadenas m. padlock
cadre m. frame
caduc decaying, decrepit, worn out
cagoule f. cowl
cahute f. hut
caille f. quail
calomnie f. calumny, slander
calotte f. skull cap
cambriolage m. burglary
cambrioleur m. burglar
camérière f. handmaid
camionnette f. small truck
canapé m. sofa
cancrelat m. cockroach
caniche m. poodle
canicule f. dog days; dogstar
capuchon m. cowl, hood
capucin m. capuchin friar
capucinade f. pious caper
carillonner to chime
carquois m. quiver
carré m. square; landing (of a staircase)
carrer (se) to strut
caser (se) to settle down
casque m. helmet
casser to break
castor m. beaver
ceinture f. waist; girdle; belt
cellier m. storeroom
cependant meanwhile; however
cerf m. stag
certes certainly
cervelle f. brains
cervoise f. barley beer
chair f. flesh
chaloupe f. shallop
chameau m. camel
chamelier m. camel-driver
chanceler to totter, to quake
chandail m. sweater
chapelet m. rosary
charbonnier m. coal merchant
chardon m. thistle
charmille f. grove
charrette f. cart
châtelain m. castellan
chatouiller to tickle
chausser to put on shoes (stockings)
chausse-trappe f. trap
chêne m. oak
chenet m. andiron
chenil m. kennel
chérir to cherish
chétif frail
chevet m. bed-head
chevreuil m. roebuck
chiffre m. figure, number
chimie f. chemistry
chirurgie f. surgery
chirurgien m. surgeon
choucas m. jackdaw
cigogne f. stork
cilice m. hair-shirt
cime f. top, summit
ciseau m. chisel; pl. scissors
citer to quote
citerne f. cistern
citoyen m. citizen
cloison f. partition
cocher m. coachman
coeur m. heart
coffre m. chest
coiffé de having on one’s head
coin m. corner
colimaçon m. snail
coller to paste, to apply
collier m. necklace
colombe f. dove
colosse m. colossus, giant
commissionnaire m. street-porter
complaire (se) to take pleasure
confit preserved; pious
confiture f. jam
congeler to congeal
conserve f. preserve; consort
consommer to consume
constater to verify, ascertain
coq m. cock
contention f. dispute
contrefort m. branch of a chain (of mountains), pl. foothills
contre-sens m. misinterpretation
convenir to suit, to fit, to agree
convoi m. convoy, procession
copeau m. chip, shaving
coque f. shell (of egg)
coquille f. shell (of snail, oyster, etc.)
cordeau m. line; tirer au cordeau to lay out by rule and line
cordon m. cord, ribbon
cordonnier m. shoe-maker
corne f. horn
corneille f. crow
correct proper
corvée f. piece of drudgery, thankless job
costaud m. strong fellow
côte f. coast; rib
côtoyer to skirt, hug
cotte f. tunic; cotte de mailles coat of mail
couchette f. crib
couleur f. color
coup m. blow; coup d’oeil glance; tout à coup suddenly
cour f. court
courroucé angry
courtine f. curtain wall
couteau m. knife
couvert m. place (at table)
couverture f. blanket
cracher to spit
craindre to fear
crasseux dirty
créance f. belief, credit, trust
créancier m. creditor
crédence f. buffet, sideboard
crémerie f. milk shop
créneaux m.pl. battlements
crépir to roughcast (a wall)
crête f. crest
creuser to dig
creuset m. crucible
creux hollow
crever to burst; to kill
croisée f. casement window
croupe f. rump
cul m. bottom; cul-de-jatte m. cripple
culotte f. breeches
cure-dents m. toothpick
daigner to deign
daim m. deer
dallage m. pavement (of flagstones)
dalle f. flagstone
dé m. thimble
débarbouiller to wash, to clean
débarquer to disembark
déboire m. disappointment
déboucher to open, to issue forth
débûcher to start
déchaîner to unchain, to let loose
déchaussure f. scratching (of a wolf)
déchiqueter to tear (into strips or shreds)
déchirer to tear
découdre to unsew, to rip (a seam)
décrocher to unhook
décupler to increase tenfold
dédaigner to scorn
dédier to dedicate
déduit m. pastime
défaillir to faint
défaite f. defeat
déferrer to unshoe (a horse)
défiance f. distrust, defiance, doubt
dégaîner to unsheath
dégourdir to revive, to unstiffen
dégoûter to disgust
dégrafer to unfasten
dégringoler to fall, to tumble
déguerpir to move out
delà, au delà de beyond
démissionner to resign
démunir to deprive
denier m. farthing
dénombrer to enumerate
dénouer to untie
dénuement m. destitution
déployer to unfold
dériseur m. scoffer
dérober to steal; se dérober to escape
derrière m. back, bottom
désaccord m. disagreement
désépris fallen out of love
desserrer to loosen
desservir to clear; to harm
dessiner to draw
dessous m. underpart
destrier m. charger
détente f. relief, relaxation
deuil m. mourning
dévaler to slope, to fall
déverser to pour down
deviner to guess
dinde f. turkey; stupid woman
disséquer to dissect
divertissement m. amusement
doigt m. finger
domestique m. household servant
don m. gift
donateur m. donor
doré gilded
dossier m. folder
douve f. ditch, moat
drap m. cloth
dresser (se) to get up, to draw up
durée f. duration
duvet m. down
ébaudir (s’) to rollick
éblouir to dazzle
ébrouer (s’) to snort
écaille f. scale
écarter to separate
échapper to escape
échauffer (s’) to become heated
échauguette f. watch-tower
échine f. backbone, spine
échouer to strand; to fail
éclaboussure f. splash
écorcher to flay, to skin
écraser to crush
écriteau m. sign
écu m. three franc piece
écuelle f. bowl
écuellée f. bowlful
écumeux foamy
écurie f. stable
effarer to scare
effilé slender, fine
égard m. respect, consideration
égorger to cut the throat
élargir to enlarge
embourber to muddy
embraser to set on fire
embrouiller (s’) to become confused
embûche f. ambush, snare
émietter to crumble
émouvoir to move
empêcher to prevent
emphase f. bombast
empiler to stack, to pile up
emplir to fill
emporter to carry off
empyrée m. empyrean
encadrure f. frame
encastrer to embed, to set in
enceinte f. enclosure
enclume f. anvil
endroit m. place
enfant m. child; enfant trouvé foundling
enfiler to slip on
enfler to swell
enflure f. swelling
enfoncer to sink
enfonçure f. opening
engager (s’) to enlist
engelure f. chilblain
engloutir to swallow up
engourdir to (be) numb
engraisser to fatten
enivrer to inebriate
enjambée f. stride
enjamber to step over
enlever to lift up
ensanglanter to make bloody
ensevelir to bury
ensevelissement m. burial
entamer to cut into; to open; to begin
enterrer to bury
entonnoir m. funnel
entourer to surround
entournure f. arm-hole
entrebâiller to half open
entretenir to keep up, to sustain
environ about
envoler (s’) to fly off
épaissir to thicken
épanouir (s’) to blossom
épaule f. shoulder
épave f. wreck
épée f. sword
épi m. ear of grain
épice f. spice
épieu m. boar-spear
épine f. thorn
époque f. period
éprouver to experience
épuiser to exhaust, to wear out
équipage m. crew; carriage
ergoter to split hairs
errer to wander
escabeau m. stool
escalier m. stairway
escamoteur m. conjuror
escarboucle f. carbuncle
escarcelle f. wallet, pouch
espalier m. fruit-wall
espiègle mischievous
espionner to spy
essouflé out of breath
estrade f. platform
essuyer to wipe
estropié crippled
étage m. floor
étagère f. shelf
étaler to expose, to spread
étang m. pond
éteindre to extinguish
étendard m. standard
étendue f. extent, expanse, space
étoile f. star
étole f. stole
étonnement m. surprise
étonner to surprise
étouffer to stifle
étrier m. stirrup
étuve f. bath-house; steam-room
évanouir (s’) to vanish
éventail m. fan
éventrer to disembowel
exorcisme m. exorcism
fâché angry
faction f. sentry
faîte m. top; ridge of a roof
fait-divers m. news item
falot quaint, queer
fanon m. dewlap
faon m. fawn
fardeau m. burden
farine f. flour
faubourg m. suburb
faucher to cut, mow, reap
fauve fawn (color); wild
fêlé cracked; crazy
fendre to cut, to split
fente f. crack
ferré iron-shod
ferrure f. ironwork
festoyer to give a feast
fétu m. straw
feu m. fire
feuillage m. foliage
feutre m. felt
fiacre m. cab
ficelle f. thread, string
fièvre f. fever
fiévreux feverish
figer to congeal
fil m. thread; course
filer to leave; to spin
filet m. net
fin subtle, shrewd
flairer to sniff
flambeau m. torch
flamboyant flaming
flaque f. puddle
flèche f. arrow
fléchir to give way
flocon m. flake
flotter to float
flux m. flow
fois f. time; à la fois at the same time
foncé dark
fond m. bottom
fondre to melt
force f. strength; à force de by dint of
forcené mad
forgeron m. blacksmith
fossé m. ditch, moat
fouet m. whip
fouiller to excavate, to dig
fouine f. marten
foule f. crowd
fourmilière f. ant-hill
fourneau m. stove
fourrer to thrust
foutre (se) to mock
frais m.pl. cost, expense
franchir to cross
frémir to shudder
frène m. ash tree
frôler to touch lightly, to graze
froment m. wheat
fronde f. sling
fronton m. pediment, façade
frotter to rub, to polish
fuligineux sooty
fumeux smoky
fureter to ferret, nose around
gage m. pledge, pawn
gagner to win; to earn
galette f. cake
galopin m. blackguard
garder (se) to take care not to
garnir to furnish, to provide (with)
garou m. werewolf
gars m. fellow
gâteau m. cake
gazouiller to chirp
géant m. giant
gelée f. frost
Gémeaux m.pl. Gemini, the Twins
genet m. jennet
giron m. lap
girouette f. weathervane
givre m. hoar-frost
glabre clean-shaven
glace f. mirror
glaise, terre glaise clay
gland m. acorn
glisser to glide
gobeloter to tipple
gonfler to swell
gorgée f. mouthful, gulp
gosier m. throat
goujat m. farmhand
goulot m. neck (of a bottle)
goutte f. drop
gouttière f. gutter (of a roof)
graine f. seed
grange f. barn
gravir to climb
grège raw (thread)
grégeois, feu grégeois Greek fire
grêle slim; grêle f. hail
grelotter to shiver
grenade f. pomegranate
grève f. beach
griffon m. griffon
grimper to climb
grisette f. girl of easy virtue
grue f. crane
guetter to watch for, to wait for
gueule f. mouth (of animal)
guimbarde f. ramshackle vehicle, rattletrap
habile skilful
habit m. coat
habitué m. frequenter
habituer to accustom
’haie f. hedge
’haillon m. rag
’haine f. hate
’halbran m. wild duck
haleine f. breath
’haleter to pant
hameçon m. hook
’hanap m. goblet
’hardi bold
’hasard m. chance
’hausser to raise
hebdomadaire weekly
hennin m. coif
’hérisser to bristle
’hérisson m. hedgehog
héritier m. heir
’heurter to knock against
hirondelle f. swallow
’hisser to lift up
’hors outside, out of
hôte m. guest; host
’houppelande f. greatcoat, cloak
huile f. oil
’hurleur m. howler
hypothèque f. mortgage
idolâtre m. idolater
importuner to bother
incendier to burn
inculte uncultivated, waste
indicible unspeakable
inextinguible inextinguishable, uncontrollable
ingénument ingenuously, artlessly
inguérissable incurable
inonder to inundate
inouï unheard of
inquiéter (s’) to worry
inquiétude f. restlessness, worry
insensiblement imperceptibly
interdit speechless
internat m. internship
invraisemblable improbable
irascible irritable
jadis formerly
jaillir to gush, to burst
jaloux jealous
jarret m. bend of knee, hock (of a horse)
jaunâtre yellowish
jeûner to fast
jocrisse m. fool
jonchée f. strewing (of branches, flowers, etc.)
joueur m. gambler
jouir de to enjoy
jucher to perch
jupon m. petticoat, underskirt
jurer to swear
labourer to plough
lâcher to let go of
laine f. wool
lame f. blade
lange m. swaddling-clothes
larcin m. theft
larme f. tear
lasser to weary
leste nimble
lèvre f. lip
lévrier m. greyhound
liane f. creeper
liard m. half farthing
lier to bind, to tie
lieue f. league (distance)
lignage m. lineage
lime f. file
linge m. linen
linteau m. lintel
lisse smooth
livre m. book; livre d’heures prayer book
livre f. pound
livrer to hand over
local m. place for rent
locataire m. tenant
long, de son long at full length
longe f. halter
loquet m. latch
lors de at the time of
louche strange, fishy
loup m. wolf
loutre m. otter
loyer m. rent
lucarne f. dormer-window
lueur f. glimmer, light
lunette f. telescope, spy-glass, glass
mail m. mall; jeu de mail mall
maille f. (chain)-mail
maillot m. tights
malaise m. discomfort
malle f. trunk
manant m. villager, boor
manche f. sleeve
manchon m. muff
manchot one-armed
mansarde f. garret
manteau m. cloak
marais m. swamp
marche f. step
mare f. pool
marécage m. bog, swamp
marécageux swampy
marin m. sailor
marmot m. child, brat
massif m. clump of bushes
matelot m. sailor
mâtin m. mastiff
matois sly, crafty
maudire to curse
médire to slander
melon (chapeau) m. derby, bowler
même same; à même close to
ménage m. furnishings; faire le ménage to clean the house
menthe f. mint
mentir to lie
menton m. chin
menu small
méprendre (se) to be mistaken
mépris m. scorn
méprisable contemptible
mépriser to scorn
merle m. blackbird
mesquin shabby; stingy
messe f. mass
mesure f. measure; à mesure que in proportion as
meubles m.pl. furniture
meute f. pack (hounds)
mi half
miette f. crumb
mignon charming
milan m. kite (bird)
millier m. (about a) thousand
mine f. appearance; faire mine de to seem to be about to
mire m. doctor
misère f. misery; poverty
moine m. monk
moissonneur m. harvester
momerie f. mummery
monneron m. piece of money
mordre to bite
moribond dying
morigéner to rebuke
morne mournful, sad
morsure f. bite
motte f. mound; clod
mouche f. fly
mouiller to wet
mouton m. sheep
moyennant by means of
mufle m. muzzle, snout
muraille f. wall
nain m. dwarf
nappe f. tablecloth; sheet (of water)
narguer to flout, defy
navire m. ship
navrant heart-rending
nef f. nave; ship
neigeux snowy
net, nette clear
nettoyer to clean
niais m. fool
nid m. nest
nier to deny
nouer to tie
nourrice f. nurse
nouveau new; de nouveau again
nul, nulle no; nulle part nowhere
occire to slay
office m. service
oisif idle
oisillon m. fledgling
oliphant m. horn
ombrageux touchy
onéreux onerous, heavy
ongle m. nail
onguent m. ointment
opiniâtre stubborn
opulent rich
oratoire m. oratory, chapel
orfèvrerie f. (gold, silver) plate; jewelry
orgueil m. pride
orgues m.pl. organ
ortie f. nettle
ortolan m. ortolan (bunting)
os m. bone
ossements m.pl. bones, remains (of the dead)
osseux bony
ouïe f. hearing
ouragan m. hurricane, cyclone
outré outraged
païen m. pagan
paille f. straw
paître to graze
palier m. landing (of staircase)
pâmer (se) to faint
pan m. tails (coat)
panache m. plume
panne f. break-down
panneau m. panel
panoplie f. trophy-stand
paraphe m. flourish
pareil similar
parfois at times
paroi f. wall, inner side
partage m. sharing, allotment
parterre m. flower bed
partie f. part, game
parure f. dress, ornament
parvenir to reach, to succeed
pâté m. (meat or fish) pie
patrouiller to patrol
paupière f. eyelid
pavaner (se) to strut
pavé m. paving stone
péage m. toll
pédantisme m. pedantry
pèlerine f. cape
pelisse f. fur-lined coat
pendre to hang
pensionnaire m. boarder, schoolboy
pente f. slope
pépinière f. plant nursery
percheron m. Percheron (a large, powerful horse)
perdrix f. partridge
perfidie f. treachery
persienne f. shutter
peser to weigh
pétrir to knead
piailler to squeal
picorer to pick
picotement m. prickling, tingling
pied m. foot; à pied on foot
piétiner to trample
piéton m. pedestrian
pieu m. stake
pinceau m. brush
pincement m. pinching
pincettes f.pl. tongs
pinnule f. sight-vane
piqueur m. groom
piqûre f. sting
piste f. trace, track, trail
plaindre to pity; se plaindre de to complain of
plaire to please; à Dieu ne plaise God forbid
plaisanterie f. joke
plat flat
platane m. plane tree
plate-bande f. border
plier to fold
plomb m. lead
poêle m. stove
poids m. weight
poil m. hair
poilu hairy
point m. hole; point d’appui base of operations
pois m. pea
porcher m. swineherd
port m. harbor; cost of transport
portée f. distance; à portée de within reach of
portefeuille m. folder; wallet
portier m. porter, janitor
postérieur subsequent
potelé plump
poterne f. postern-gate
pouce m. thumb; inch
poulain m. colt
poule f. hen
pourceau m. pig
pourrir to rot
pousser to push, to push on, to grow
poussière f. dust
prédilection f. preference
prélasser (se) to appear important
près near; à peu près approximately
pressoir m. wine-press
prêtre m. priest
preuve f. proof
prévoir to foresee
prier to pray
prise f. hold, grip
priver to deprive
probité f. integrity
procès m. lawsuit
propice favorable
propos m. speech; à propos aptly
propriétaire m. owner, landlord
provenance f. source
prude prudish
prunelle f. pupil (of the eye)
puce f. flea
puer to stink
puîné younger (brother or sister)
puiser to draw, to fetch
putois m. polecat
quart m. quarter; quart de cercle quadrant
quartier m. neighborhood
quenouille f. distaff
querelle f. quarrel
queue f. tail
rabattre to pull down
râcleur m. scraper
racornir to toughen
raidillon m. abrupt rise (in a road); steep path
raidir to stiffen
raisonner to reason, to argue
râle m. death rattle
ramasser to pick up
ramer to row
ramper to crawl, to creep, to grovel
ramure f. antler
rangée f. row
raser to shave, to graze
ravaler to swallow again
raviser (se) to think better of it
ravitaillement m. provisions
ravitailler to furnish (food)
rebord m. edge, ledge
rechute f. relapse
réclamer to claim
récolte f. crop, harvest
récolter to harvest
reconnaître to recognize; to reconnoitre
reconnaissant grateful
récréer to amuse
recroqueviller to curl up, to shrink up
recru exhausted
recuit cooked again
redingote f. frock-coat
redouter to fear
reflux m. surging back
refuite f. redoubling
regimber to kick, balk
regorger to overflow
réjouir to rejoice
réjouissance f. rejoicing
relent m. musty smell
relever to raise
reluire to shine
rembourrer to stuff, to pad
remémorer (se) to remember
remercier to thank
remuer to move, to stir
rendre to return; se rendre to go
rengorger (se) to strut, to swagger
renifler to sniff; to snivel
répandre to spread, to spill
repartir to reply
repas m. meal
repentir (se) to repent
résoudre to solve, to decide
ressac m. undertow; surf
resservir to serve again
ressort m. spring, trap
ressusciter to revive, to raise from the dead
rétif stubborn
retomber to fall back
retrousser to roll up
rêve m. dream
réveiller to awaken
rez-de-chaussée m. ground floor
rieur laughing
robinet m. faucet
rocher m. rock
rocheux rocky
rôder to prowl
rognure f. paring
roidissement m. stiffening
rondache f. round shield
ronfler to snore; to roar, to hum
roseau m. reed
roue f. wheel
ruer (se) to hurl oneself
ruisseau m. stream, brook
ruisseler to stream
sable m. sand
sacre m. saker
sain healthy
salamandre f. salamander, stove
sang m. blood
sanglier m. wild boar
saule m. willow
saute f. shift (of wind)
sauter to jump
sauterelle f. locust
sautiller to hop, to skip, to jump
sauver to save; se sauver to escape
savoir to know; to be able
scier to saw
secouer to shake
secours m. help
sectateur m. follower
sédentaire sedentary
sensibilité f. sensibility, sensitivity
septentrional northern
serpe f. bill-hook
serrer (se) to press close
serrure f. lock
seuil m. threshold
siècle m. century; epoch
siffler to whistle
sillon m. furrow
simagrée f. pretence
sobre temperate
soie f. silk
soif f. thirst
soigner to care for
soin m. care
somme f. burden
sommeil m. sleep
somnoler to doze
sonder to sound
sonné crazy
sorcier m. sorcerer
sortie f. departure; exit; jour de sortie day off
sot foolish
sottise f. foolishness
soudure f. solder; soldering, welding
souffle m. breath
souffler to breathe
souillon m. ragamuffin
soulier m. shoe
soumettre to submit
soupçonner to suspect
soupente f. loft
sourdre to well up
souris f. mouse
sournois sly
sous-ventrière f. belly-band
soute f. storeroom
soutenir to sustain, to maintain
subsister to exist
sueur f. sweat
suinter to ooze
suite f. continuation; sans suite incoherently
surgir to rise up
sursaut m. start
surveillant m. superintendent, attendant
surveiller to supervise
survenir to come up, to occur
susurration f. buzzing
tacher to stain
tâcher to try
taille f. size
tailler to cut, to trim
talon m. heel
tapisserie f. tapestry
tantôt soon; tantôt . . . tantôt now . . . now
tarder to delay
tas m. pile
tâter to feel, to grope
taureau m. bull
téméraire bold
témoin m. witness
ténèbres f.pl. darkness
tenter to tempt
tergiverser to waver
terme m. quarter’s rent
terre-plein m. terrace
terrier m. burrow
téter to suckle
thèse f. thesis
tirer to pull, to draw
toise f. fathom
toit m. roof
tolet m. thole
tonneau m. cask
toque f. cap
torchon m. dish-cloth
torréfier to torrefy, to roast
tortiller to twist
touffu bushy
tour m. turn; trick; trip
tour f. tower
tourelle f. turret
tourmente f. gale, storm
tousser to cough
tracasserie f. worry, fuss
trahison f. betrayal
traînée f. trail, aftermath
traîner to drag
transitoire transitory
trait m. feature; shaft
trébucher to stumble
treille f. vine-arbour
trémousser to flap
tressaillir to be startled
tresser to braid
triturer to grind, to masticate
troëne m. privet
trottiner to jog along, to trot about
trou m. hole
trousse f. case (of instruments)
trousseau m. bunch
tuer to kill
tuile f. tile
tuyau m. pipe, nozzle
uniquement solely
vaisseau m. vessel
vaisselle f. dishes
vanter to boast
vase f. slime
vase m. vase, vessel
vassal m. vassal
veille f. watching, vigil; eve, day before; avant-veille two days ago
vélin m. vellum
véloce swift
velours m. velvet
ventre m. belly, womb
verdâtre greenish
verdoyer to turn green
verger m. orchard
verglas m. glazed frost
vermoulu worm-eaten
verroterie f. beads
verve f. zest, verse
vétillard m. hair-splitter
virement m. transfer
viser to aim
vitre f. pane of glass
voie f. way; voie lactée milky way
voiture f. carriage, auto
volée f. flight, bevy, band
voler to fly; to steal
zèbre m. zebra; fellow