
David Murdoch, the nephew and literary executor of Jane Oliver, the widow of John Llewelyn Rees, has been a generous and enthusiastic supporter of the project to republish John Llewelyn Rees’s works, and was kind enough to supply information from his own researches into his aunt’s life, and his memories of her conversations about her husband. Rees family members James Anderson and Jill Alexander MBE were supportive of the project to bring these novels back into print.

Daniel Kilburn is a Lecturer in Geography and the Built Environment at University College London, where his teaching and research spans urbanism, global mobilities and social research methodologies. He is a licenced private pilot with some experience with a range of aircraft types.

Luke Seaber is a Senior Teaching Fellow in Modern European Culture at University College London. He is the author and editor of various works on British literature in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including (with Michael McCluskey) Aviation in the Literature and Culture of Interwar Britain (2020).