
Chapter Five





My first self-defense class was so fun and inspiring yesterday that I decided to go back for an early morning workout. I needed something to distract me. Knowing I’ll be seeing Derek again today has me all nervous, and a workout is the perfect way to forget about those nerves for a while.

I’m grateful that Derek told me about this gym. Everyone is so friendly and committed to their job here. I usually avoid gyms like the plague because they can be quite intimidating, not to mention the cocky personal trainers I’ve run into in the past. But Trout Creek’s gym is different.

I towel myself dry after a quick shower and head home to change before my date with Derek. I don’t know if it’s a real date exactly, but it sure feels like it, and I want to look my absolute best.

I pick a matching pair of white cotton underwear and a mint green dress. I apply a bit of red lipstick and a streak of mascara. After one last look in the mirror, I feel confident enough to head out. Derek hopefully won’t mind that I’m running late.

As I return to the living room, the hair on my arms shoots up. Something’s off. My gaze darts around the room.

“Hello, neighbor,” a voice from the kitchen says.

I freeze and swivel my gaze toward the perpetrator leaning against my sink. “How did you get in?”

He shows me a sleazy grin. “Does it matter?”

“I’m calling the cops,” I tell him, fiddling with my purse.

He’s by my side in seconds and grabs my wrist. “I don’t think so. You’re going to sit down and listen.”

He pushes me onto the couch and throws my phone on the counter. It starts ringing. All I can hope is that whoever it is doesn’t stop calling and drops by if I don’t answer.

I want to make a run for it, but I’m too scared. The one self-defense class I took is barely enough to know how to put up a fight. Tears pool in my eyes, but I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry, so I bite my lip hard to stop the tears from falling.

“You thought it was smart to call the cops on me the other night? Think again. No one messes with me, bitch. If I want to party, I won’t let anyone stop me.”

He crosses his arms over his chest. “You’re not finding any words now, huh? Too bad you didn’t keep your mouth shut before, or you wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“Okay, you win. Play your music all you want.” I shouldn’t give in to him, but what choice do I have? The guy is mental. If I don’t comply, he might hurt me.

“Too little, too late. Thanks to you, the neighborhood’s been swarmed with squad cars. That’s not something I signed up for when moving here. You’re going to pay.”

He grabs me by the arms.

“Please,” I beg. “Stop.”

I’m about to die and I finally get what people mean when they say they see their entire life flash in front of their eyes. I only now realize that I could've had an amazing future with Derek, but that’s all gone now. If only I had kept my mouth shut and not angered Toby, then a life with Trout Creek's Sheriff would’ve been mine to enjoy. He’d make such an amazing husband and father. An image of him rocking our imaginary baby to sleep flashes before me. Fuck. I love Derek, but it’s too late now.

“Stop? No way, you brought this onto yourself.” Toby spits out the words.

The banging on the front door startles both of us, and I try to kick myself free.

“Be quiet, bitch,” he hisses.

“Liv?” I hear Derek shout. “Are you okay?”

“Derek! Help!” I scream.

There’s silence for a few beats and then a big bang. “I’m shooting the lock open.”

I whimper.

Seconds later, Derek runs inside with a drawn gun. “Let her go, Toby. It’s over. Hands behind your head.”

My neighbor’s eyes shoot fire, but he does as Derek asks. “I won’t forget about this,” he spits out at me.

“You’re under arrest,” Derek says as he cuffs Toby’s hands. “And you’re never getting close to this woman again. I’ll personally make sure of that.”

“Oh, yeah? Try me.”

Derek’s fist lands on Toby’s face with a force that finally shuts my neighbor up. Wailing police sirens draw closer, and the two officers from the other night barge in, taking Toby away.

“I’m going to stay here with the victim,” Derek tells them. “I’ll be in later to start the investigation. I’m pretty sure the victim will press charges for breaking and entering, and physical assault.”

“We’ll take care of this asshole for you, boss.”

The two officers leave, and I finally give in to my tears. Derek wraps me in his arms. “You’re safe now, Liv. Don’t worry. I’ll protect you for the rest of my life. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

I shake my head. “He threatened me and grabbed me by the wrists. You arrived right on time. I can’t imagine what would have happened if you hadn’t.”

“Your neighbor is going to prison. I’ll make sure he doesn’t get off easy. With his track record, I doubt a judge will let him roam the streets again any time soon.”

I inhale deeply and wipe away my tears. “He treated me horribly and called me names. I was so scared.”

He cups my face. “I won’t let anyone mistreat you ever again.”

“Thank you,” I say, my eyes dipping to his lips. “Not just for saving me from Toby, but for showing up in my life. You’re the one for me. I know it sounds crazy and sudden, but I can’t deny my feelings for you any longer. I feel like we’ve known each other for ages.”

I close the distance between us, but he stops me like last time.

“Before you kiss me, I need to tell you something, Liv. Something that might change how you feel about me.”

“What do you mean?”

His expression turns dark. “I need to be honest, even though it might mean you don’t want me.”

My heart drops to my stomach. What is he talking about?

“Before I got this job, I worked in the Army. My friends and I faced the most dangerous war zones, but we always got out fairly unscathed. Until one night.” He clenches his teeth and flinches, the memory clearly having a big impact on him. “We ran straight into a trap. Bombs went off left and right, and my buddy got hit. Hard. I tried to stop the bleeding, but his injuries were too severe. I needed to get him to the medevac so he would have a shot at surviving. Our sergeant commanded me to leave him and retreat. There was an airstrike incoming. I couldn’t leave my buddy, though. He would die if I did.” Derek swallows hard. “Another squad member grabbed me and pulled me away from my friend’s bleeding body. Then, I ran for my life.”

“That’s horrible. I can’t imagine the emotional damage that caused.”

He shakes his head. “I realize you probably don’t want to date a killer.”

“You didn’t kill your friend, Derek.”

He looks me straight in the eye. “I did by leaving him there. I could’ve saved him. He was still alive when I ran away from him. Like a coward.”

“Hey,” I say softly. “You would’ve died if you’d stayed. Like you said, you did everything you could to save him. War is horrible. There’s no way in hell I’m condemning you for what you did or didn’t do on the battlefield.”

“Thank you.”

“Besides, you’re not the only one seeing obstacles in this relationship. I have secrets, too.”

“You do?”

I bite my lip, trying to find the words to tell him. What if he doesn’t like what I have to say? I don’t want to risk what we have, but I don’t want to lie to him. Honesty is non-negotiable in any relationship for me.

He tilts my chin with his hand and locks eyes with me. “You can tell me anything. I’ve bared my soul to you. You can bare yours to me too.”

“I’ve never been with a man before,” I quickly say. “I’m sorry. You probably weren’t expecting a virgin. If you want to back out, you can.”

He squeezes my hands. “You want my honest reaction?”

My stomach twists, but I nod.

“I think it’s fucking hot to have the honor of being the only man to touch you like that.”

“Like what?”

He grins, his hand traveling down to my collarbone. “Like this.”

He pulls my dress over my shoulder and bends his head, placing his lips on my skin. His warm tongue slides over my arm and shoulder to my collarbone and the top of my breast.

He looks up at my soft sigh. “Do you trust me?”

I nod. “Completely. Teach me how to take you to the edge. And then over it.”

“Consider it done.”

He dips his head. Our lips finally meet, and it’s every bit as glorious as I’d hoped it would be. With all our secrets out in the open, I’m ready to surrender to him completely.

His lips explore mine before parting them to kiss me deeper. His tongue explores my mouth, and my pulse picks up speed. A blazing fire ignites inside me when he slides one hand under my dress and cups my breast.

Wetness pools between my legs, and I let out a soft sigh. Derek sure knows how to please me, and this is only the beginning. I don’t care what he does to me. All I want is to be filled by him. I know it will be fucking amazing.