It took several years of imagining and dreaming for ‘Phoebe’ to become a reality, and it would be remiss of me not to thank the lovely folk who played a part in this great adventure. It is with a full heart that I say ‘thank you’ to…
≈ my family and friends who caught the vision, encouraged, supported and believed in me – especially Nanny P, and my parents, George and Kaye, who recognised my gifting even before I did; and Suze, who just knew…
≈ the wonderful individuals who read ‘Phoebe’ for me, were brave enough to tell me how to make it the best it could be, and assured me that this book needed to be published…
≈ staff at Grosvenor House Publishing for their efficiency and patience…
≈ Tony Macaulay, Murielle Maupoint and GP Taylor for sharing their considerable skill and experience with me – I owe you a debt of gratitude…
≈ and to Marty, Caitlin and Ella – life with you is the best adventure! This is for you…x