Jack Wren was up and away early. He had a shift to do in Castletown Hospital and wanted to make sure he was cleared up in good time to collect Eva and get to their meeting that afternoon with the representatives from Arles Borough Council. He had a laparoscopic procedure scheduled in for this morning at 8:00am which he anticipated should take no longer than ninety minutes, and a more complicated and invasive stomach surgery, which Jack figured could take up to three hours. He was scheduled to deliver an hour long lecture to a group of surgical interns at 2:00pm, after which he should just have enough time to stop off at home to pick up his wife and drive to the Arles council buildings on time for their meeting at 4:00pm.
As Jack kicked off his busy morning, he hoped that everything would go according to plan and there were no hold ups – being late for a council meeting would not exactly look professional, and if Eva was right about Vincent d’Olcas then he definitely did not want to give him any ammunition. Jack worked his way through the morning with great skill and focus, and before he realised it, the growl in his stomach told him that it must be time for lunch. He glanced at his watch. 1:50pm. He reckoned he had just enough time to grab a quick sandwich, and made a brief stop at the hospital canteen where he picked up a ham salad roll and a small bottle of orange juice, which he devoured en route to the large on-site lecture theatre.
This was Jack’s first meeting with his new students, and it was 2:08pm before all the surgical interns had arrived and found their seats in the lecture theatre. Always an absolute stickler for time, this tardiness – albeit slight – grated on Jack, but he deliberately quashed his aggravation and determined to abbreviate his lecture by six or seven minutes in order to ensure he got away from work promptly. The students who sat before him seemed to hang on his every word, and he was pleased to see that they genuinely seemed to want to learn – that always made the lecturing side of his job a lot easier.
At 2:58pm, Jack began to wind down his lecture. “So,” he said in conclusion. “To draw this introductory lecture to a close, let me reiterate some really important points. Firstly, you should see to it that you are where you’re meant to be when you’re meant to be there. It sounds obvious, but tardiness and surgery are not compatible bedfellows, and I would urge you to be on time, at all times.”
His remark elicited a low chortle, which travelled around the entire class like an audible Mexican wave. Jack smiled at his class, raised one eyebrow and nodded his head as if to say, ‘I know that will be problematic for some of you’.
“Secondly, you are the only person who has what it takes to get yourselves where you want to be. Work hard. Work consistently. Work even when you think nobody is looking. Because hard work – and a lot of it – is what is necessary to succeed. And finally, don’t look on these people sitting around you as just the competition. During the next few years, these guys will become like your family – and family should respect and support each other at all times. If I can help you in any way, I’ll be only too glad to; you can speak with my secretary Lydia and she can sort you out with an appointment if necessary. Now, go learn! Class dismissed.”
The surgical interns arose with a clatter as their fold up lecture theatre seats snapped up and they left the lecture theatre en masse, their excited chatter fading into the distance as the double doors swung shut behind them. Jack was busily stuffing books and files into his bag when he realised that a solitary student had hung back and seemed to want his attention.
“Oh, hi,” he smiled at the young dark haired girl in the white doctor’s coat. “Can I help you with something?” He looked at the neatly embroidered name spelled out in dark navy blue thread on her coat: A. Brown.
“Hello Dr. Wren. My name is Amy Brown, I’m one of your students this year. I really enjoyed that lecture, very inspirational.” She smiled shyly at Jack and raised one eyebrow very slightly.
“Well, thank you, that’s very kind of you to say,” replied Jack, still packing up his books and notes and trying to make sure that he had not left anything on the desk.
“It’s just…” Amy moved a few steps closer. “Well, I was wondering whether I might be able to get a bit of time with you? You know, on a one to one basis. I think it would really be of use to me.”
Jack was acutely aware of the fact that it was now 3:10pm, and he was already cutting it fine to make his 4:00pm meeting. He stopped what he was doing and looked up at Amy Brown, trying to read her face without appearing to be staring at her. The pretty young student was coyly twisting her dark bangs and smiling sweetly at him, and instantly Jack felt an unease in his spirit. ‘Just stay behind this counter’, he counselled himself. ‘Don’t let her come any closer’.
“Uh…” Jack wasn’t entirely sure what to say. “Uh, it’s great that you have such a keen interest Ms. Brown…” He suddenly felt extremely awkward and wished he had more books to pack, or something else to fill the clumsy silence that hung in the lecture theatre.
“Oh I’m very keen Mr. Wren,” Amy said softly and lowered her eyes in feigned bashfulness.
“Which is, of course, uh, commendable. But I’m afraid it is not my policy to offer one to one tutorials with any student, Ms. Brown. You will have small group classes in your timetable, and these are the correct opportunities for you to seek additional support.”
“Oh. I understand. That’s okay Dr. Wren, I won’t bother you again. I do apologise if my request was… inappropriate, I’m so very embarrassed.”
Amy Brown did not look embarrassed. Nor did she look as though she regretted the encounter in any way. Jack remained behind the wide desk, from where he acknowledged Amy’s apology with a gauche nod of his head, but he did not move until she had exited the lecture theatre and the doors had swung shut behind her.
“Now that was weird,” thought Jack. He was certain that the pretty student’s apparently simple request had been anything but innocent, and he furrowed his brow and shook his head as he climbed the steps out of the lecture theatre and made his way across the car park to where his silver car was parked. “Pretty forward considering this was the first lecture!” Jack tried to put the encounter out of his mind, but it niggled at him the whole drive home.
“Curses!” squealed Braygor. “Why does Jack Wren have to be so sickeningly noble? That silly little girl was so easy to persuade, she didn’t care one rap about how ridiculous she would look when I suggested that she chat up her dashing lecturer. Why couldn’t he be more like her?”
“Patience brother!” cooed Graygor. “This was only our first attempt. You know that our Master had numerous other tricks in his arsenal. We will get one of them to fall… eventually. It’s what we do. And if nothing else, at least Dr. Wren is late for his meeting – and you know how lateness bothers him.” Graygor cackled at the thought of this simple mischief.
“True,” conceded Braygor. “And hopefully Krake – or should I say Vincent d’Olcas – will be successful in further bothering the good doctor.”