
Here is a list of the French words used in this story. Some might already be familiar because we use many French words in everyday English. Others are so similar to their English mate that you can probably guess what they mean. It’s fun finding these matching words, because they’re easy to remember and take some of the hard work out of understanding and learning a new language. French can also be a bit tricky at times because there are feminine (f) and masculine (m) versions of many words — girl words and boy words! Here, you will only find the version used in this story.

absolument absolutely
adorable adorable
armoire wardrobe
artiste artist
au revoir goodbye
belle (f) beautiful
bidet bidet (a basin for washing your bottom)
bienvenue welcome
blanc (m) white
bon appétit enjoy your meal
bonjour hello
bonne chance good luck
bonne journée have a good day
bonne nuit goodnight
bonsoir good evening
carrousel merry-go-round
catastrophe catastrophe, disaster
citron lemon
délicieux (m) delicious
derrière bottom
excusez-moi excuse me
fermé (m) closed
feuilles leaves
fille girl
formidable wonderful
fougasse focaccia
frère brother
gâteau, gâteaux cake, cakes
grand-mère grandmother
imbécile imbecile, fool, idiot
la, le the
lapin rabbit
madame Mrs, madam
mademoiselle Miss, young lady
magnifique magnificent
maman mum
merci thank you
merci beaucoup thank you very much
miam-miam yum-yum, yummy
mille-feuille vanilla slice, French style
mon cher my dear
monsieur Mr, sir
mousse au chocolat chocolate mousse
mystérieux (m) mysterious
non no
oh la la wow, wonderful (an expression of delight)
oui yes
pardon sorry
parfait perfect
parfum perfume
père father
pétanque bowling
petit, petite small
piquant (m) sharp, zesty
rendez-vous meeting
sensationnel (m) sensational
sieste nap
s’il vous plaît please
superbe superb
tarte tart, pie
tragédie tragedy, disaster
voilà there you go