“Understanding the fact that we are essentially water is the key to uncovering the mysteries of the universe” Dr. Masaru Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water

Water is such an interesting, magical and multi-faceted subject that it is almost impossible to write about it in a short chapter. Without water there is no life. Our body consists of about for 70% water just as the earth consists of about 70% water. Most water is salt water, or trapped deep underground, frozen in ice or simply polluted by man, so it is estimated that only about 0.5% is available as clean drinking water. One of the biggest issues for our future is how are we going to continue to treat and manage our water resources?

For now we look at water on how it may hydrate us in the best possible way. All our life functions are water based (note; water & salt, see salt chapter). Water not only hydrates our trillions of cells, but also helps to clear our bodies of all kinds of toxins and waste. It lubricates organs and carries bio-electric energy. When our cells and organs lack hydration, then dysfunction begins. Most problems in the body can simply be brought back to a dehydration problem. Good hydration is the best prevention and action you can take for good health. Please check the website by F. Batmanghelidj for some amazing health insights regarding hydrating yourself properly. Proper hydration, calms the tissues, releases pains, activates healing, cleanses our bodies and optimizes all functions to the highest level. Water is a carrier of information and energy which the body needs to function properly.

All life is energy and every form of energy is defined by an energetic blueprint expressed through vibrations & wavelengths that are measured as electromagnetic frequencies. Each frequency has its own inherent information. “Information” comes from the Latin word forma, which means to come into form. So every material manifestation, every living energetic form is an assembly of information and energy. Matter comes into existence by the speed of the energy vibration and the structure of the information content. Materialized energy, the solid molecular matter, shows itself for example in the perfect geometric structure of quartz crystals. The crystalline structure has an electrical charge which can be measured. Due to the unique structure, crystals are also used in the manufacturing of computer chips to store and transmit information.

What does all this have to do with water you think? Well, look at water in the three main forms; water as liquid, water as solid ice or in gaseous form in clouds and in the air around us, the same substance but in a different rate of energy vibration and structure. With modern equipment we can see that it has a crystalline structure. Zoom in on a snowflake and you will see it consists of many small unique crystal forms. Each snowflake can be frozen, melted and re-frozen and it will again get the same structure as encoded in its natural “memory”. Same goes for our bodies, at the tiniest level we are basically built in a crystalline structure.

“Water is H2O, hydrogen two parts, oxygen one, but there is also a third thing,that makes water and nobody knows what that is.”

D.H. Lawrence

Water is living water and more than just the basic elements H₂0. We want to make sure we drink the water that is most useful to us because we are basically made up of a crystalline structure just as water is, so we want to make sure we drink water that has a pure crystalline structure to make more of a closer “match” to ourselves. The methods used to treat water may clean it from bacteria and toxins, but once the crystalline geometric structure has been affected by modern processing techniques and pollution, then it has lost a lot of its true health benefits and the optimum “match” for us to absorb it in the best possible way and regarding how well it can be for us. Try to keep an awareness about drinking the most pure natural water possible, low in coarse minerals, unaltered and not processed or manipulated, just the pure best-ever hydrating and energizing living water.

The geometric crystalline structure has been made visible by science and extensively photographed by Dr. Masaru Emoto and published in his book “The Hidden Messages in Water” and Andreas Schulz’s book “Water Crystals”. Dr. Masuro Emoto subjected water for example to positive and negative intentions and froze the same water to photograph the water crystals and revealed amazing change in structure resulting from beautiful patterns to destructive, interrupted patterns depending on the subjected intention.

Andreas Schulz photographed water from rivers and seas around the world, and tap water from various cities, and water from spas, to reveal the difference in crystalline structure of the various water types. With these photos he could also highlight the fact that by our industrial actions we negatively alter the structure and frequency of the water. Think for a moment of holy springs like for example in Lourdes, many health benefits or even miracles if you want to call it, can be connected scientifically to that water. Those holy waters have a very specific frequency and geometric crystalline structure that affects our own frequency and structure directly. Those water structures have been scientifically proved to have complete different crystalline structure than the average tap water for example. The modern word “Spa” today comes from the Latin phrase “Sanus Per Aquam”, which means “Health through Water”. In the past thermal springs were used as places to rest and heal because people started to notice the health benefits of the thermal spring water compared to other “normal” water.

Water has also powerful energetic properties that science has not fully tapped in to yet. One pioneer of water energy was Viktor Schauberger, “The Water Wizard”; he made a life-long study of water with amazing documented results but right up to the end of his life in 1958 he encountered a lot of resistance against his work from the powers at the time. Fortunately now, his work regarding the spiralling movement of water, the energy of water and his research into implosion instead of explosion are now enjoying a worldwide revival. His ideas are becoming hugely popular and are being re-examined and developed further.

“More energy is encapsulated in every drop of good spring water than an average sized power station is presently able to produce

Viktor Schauberger


A stream of clean, swirling water in the mountains of Gougane Barra forest, West Cork. The reflection of the sky gave the water an amazing blue colour. By the way, can you spot the big piece of quartz crystal in the middle of the water (see =""> ="color1"> for other photos).

Now that we have looked at some interesting facts and background of water, what about our drinking water today? Clean drinking water is presently a hugely important topic and really will be one of the main topics for our future on the planet. Currently there is a lot of water on the planet, but less and less is actually still drinkable….

Ideally we should drink pure clean spring water that bursts out of the ground in a natural forest, water that has been propelled forward in a spiralling motion under the forest ground uphill aided by forces of levity. These springs keep flowing for years and years. When it comes out of the ground it is around 4 degrees Celsius cold , sterile, bacteria free and very low in TDS (total dissolved solids, should ideally be below 100mg/l) and within a few meters it becomes a full stream absorbing oxygen from the environment - this is the best, energetic, living water a person can drink. Unfortunately we do not all have access to such amazing water so we look at the next best options.

We can drink; tap water, bottled water in glass or in plastic, mineral waters, still or sparkling, well water, rain water, glacier water, iceberg water or even deep sea water. Deep sea water is water from melted icebergs that have sunk to the ocean bottom due to a different salinity and some companies have started pumping that up from the ocean bottom to sell as bottled water. Then we can also filter water at home through various filtration processes such as reverse osmosis, or with a simple carbon filter equipped jug.

For most people living in urban areas, local choices are tap water or bottled water.

Tap water; depending or where you live the tap water in your house can vary greatly, either it comes from open natural reservoirs, or it is closely linked to the sewage system and is chemically cleaned. In some countries the tap water is heavily treated with chlorine and fluoride. Chlorine kills bacteria and also kills your intestinal good bacteria. If you leave an open jug with tap water on the sink overnight then most of the chlorine will off-gas, which is good to do before drinking. Fluoride is still present in high levels in tap water of many countries, originally added for perceived health benefits such as to improve teeth conditions but it has already proven not to work and is actually doing a lot of health damage.

“I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable.” Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd - Past President of the American Medical Association

Any added filtering you can do to tap water yourself is a good thing, either you add a filter or you become the filter! So if you drink a lot of tap water investigate where it comes from, how it is treated, maybe add a filter or drink bottled water more often. Over the last few years I have read more and more articles about various forms of water contamination in the tap water, instant stomach upset creating bacteria, or even cancer creating chemicals that are only found after people have been drinking it for years.

Water safety criteria are constantly changing, what once was considered safe, suddenly becomes revised due to new findings and is not safe to anymore, so it becomes confusing and we never seem to be sure what we actually are drinking. We often take tap water for granted the way we use it and drink it, but it definitely deserves more attention.

Bottled water is also a much-discussed topic. First of all there is a lot of debate about the plastic bottle used and of course where does the water come from? There are about three thousand bottled water brands around the world and bottled water is a massive business with consumer demand for natural bottled water constantly increasing.

Unfortunately the most part of bottled water is in plastic bottles, it takes a lot of petrochemical resources to produce plastic and those plastic bottles cannot biodegrade naturally in nature. The other aspect is that once the plastic bottles have been produced they are immediately filled with water and the gases that the plastic give off are poisonous. The plastic poisons are regarded as very low “acceptable” levels but it is still one more poison we are taking into ourselves overtime, so if possible then it is better to look for glass bottled water. Glass is better to store water and as such, no chemicals from plastics can leach into the water. Glass is also better for recycling as glass is basically made out of sand. I choose glass over plastic and have noticed how difficult it actually is to find adequate water which is sold in glass bottles. So I find it frustrating that all alcoholic drinks come in glass bottles but essential health building liquids like water, are usually sold in plastic bottles of which there is proof that those plastic bottles can negatively affect our health and environment. I think it says a lot about the general perception of what people think is valuable….

Interesting news is that now more companies are researching and developing organic “plastic” type bottles made out of corn or sugar beet. Such type of “plastic” bottles biodegrade as compost in 80 days, and a few brands are already on the market.

Next where does the bottled water come from, it might be a “smart” entrepreneur selling tap water in a bottle or it might be the best natural water from a deep underground aquifer in which water has been filtered through natural rock over a thousand years in a pristine natural environment. To get a better idea of what type of bottled water you are drinking, look at the label where it comes from and if it says bottled at source or not. Then check out the label with the details of composition such as calcium, nitrate, magnesium and so on. The lower the count, the better it is for the body to be able to use those minerals and in helping cleanse the body. If the mineral composition numbers are very high then the water is too saturated with -coarse- minerals to be effective in its purpose.

Compare bottles and you will get a feel for what is high and what is a low level. For example; most bottled waters have an average Calcium (Ca) level around 100mg/l, there are some with as high as 300-400mg/l but ideally look for less than 100mg/l. Another interesting thing to look at on the label is the Nitrate level, nitrate is dangerous to the body in higher amounts and the nitrate level is a good indicator of how pure and clean the environment is where the water comes from. In most countries bottled water with a nitrate level higher than 10mg/l is not allowed to be sold. Many bottled waters have a nitrate level just below 5mg/l, if more than that, stay away. The purest bottled water would have something less than 1mg/l.

Become a water connoisseur, learn more about the water origins and the water company, and look into what the composition of the water is, such as how low is the nitrate level? Smell the water, taste it and does it feel hard or soft, acidic or alkaline, what is the aftertaste, does it leave you refreshed or not? You can even match various types of water at dinner parties. With still, lightly sparkling or full sparkling water. Sparkling water can help to cleanse the mouth between meals or help after a big meal. Still natural water is best for pure hydration purposes.

My own research in Ireland, to find the best possible water, led me to “Fíor Uisce”, meaning true water in Gaelic. This water is from a protected source 300 feet below the ground in the remote west of Ireland. The water is filtered for 1000 years through volcanic strata and limestone beds. During this time the water naturally infuses itself with a unique balance of minerals which gives the water its unique properties. Because of the purity of its origin, it is one of the few waters to contain no Nitrate whatsoever. As mentioned earlier on, the nitrate level is a standard indicator of water purity, so start checking bottle labels. Fíor Uisce really is in a league of its own when it comes to proper water, taste it and you know it. Finally - this company delivers the water in glass bottles!

Whatever water you choose to drink, hopefully you will now look at water with a renewed interest. You can also do small things to re-energize water by adding a quartz crystal in the water bottle (make sure it is big enough so that you not accidently swallow it) or by adding a slice of lemon in the water. Many articles about water state that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day or 2 litres per day but it is difficult to give an exact amount because the quantity also depends on what quality water you drink and how much water-rich foods like fruit and vegetables you eat. I think 2 litres maximum is plenty and make sure you add a pinch of Himalayan salt or unrefined sea salt (no table salt) for approx. each litre of water you drink in a day to avoid body salt content depletion. When you carry around water then get yourself a re-useable bottle made of BPA-free plastic which is better for your health or carry a glass bottle. Remember; make sure to look into quality water because this is essential to long term health. Water hydrates, cleanses and moves nutrients around the body. Without water, the body systems will simply shut down.

“We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.”

Thomas Fuller

Now please take a break and go and enjoy a glass of water!