“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.”

Marshall McLuhan

One of the big discoveries in recent times is probably the effects which “Grounding” has on our health. Walking barefoot on the earth, or creating that effect inside our house with a grounding sheet or pad connecting to an earthed plug or with a wire and rod in the ground.

The air has a positive charge (ions/electrons) as explained in the previous chapter and the earth has a negative charge. When we stand barefoot connected to the earth, the ground, rock, sand, grass, then we are negatively charged and have a protection against the positively charges ions/electrons in the air which do our cells damage. As soon as we break the connection with the earth, by wearing shoes or going indoors on carpet then we are more susceptible to damage and wear and tear of the positively-charged atmosphere and all electro-magnetic frequencies from TVs, computers, radios, microwaves and so on. It is important to understand this and make the most of the free protection the earth has naturally on offer for our health.

Clint Ober ( has spent over a decade researching and revealing the effects of having bare skin contact with the earth to get benefit of the earth’s anti-inflammatory electro-magnetic radiation. Get his “Grounding” book about grounding technologies if you can or look up his work online, but better go out to your garden, park or beach more often and walk barefoot for an hour or so. It is the transfer of the electrons from the earth which creates a grounding effect and protection against electrons from the air. Those earth electrons work as one of the most powerful natural antioxidants to protect our body.

All day long we are exposed to all kind of electro-magnetic frequency radiation from mobile phones, computers and Wi-Fi for example and this irritates our system causing inflammation within us. We can help reduce these outside effects damaging our body by balancing out that radiation, balancing the negative and positive electron fields around us. All day long an electrical charge is build up in our bodies doing damage. In computer factories workers need to have grounding equipment attached to them so they do not transfer this built up charge onto the delicate computer chip and damage it. The built up electrical charge is sucking out our energy and needs to be relieved.

The best way is to get barefoot and touch the earth to get grounded and allow the earth to absorb and neutralize that build up charge of radiation which we are exposed to. After 80 minutes of skin contact with the earth, by being barefoot, a change in our blood profile can be clearly demonstrated when a blood sample is taken before and after grounding. When we get to feel the benefit of the earth and having that free electron transfer into our system it reduces pains, inflammation and improves healing and helps the body to restore its natural balance.

As soon as we connect with the Earth it straight away acts as a protection shield against electro-magnetic radiation, and it gives you a good feeling being connected to the force of the Earth. Other options are to order grounding products online, (look up “grounding” on internet). For example, grounding sheets to use on your bed at home with a long wire and metal rod stuck outside into the earth, or with a wire and an inside plug to plug into a grounded socket in your house. Another option is to use a grounding pad under your computer at work and make contact with your bare hands and arms or have it under your desk while barefoot. This way you can create a better electron balance and grounded state wherever you are and whatever you do.

Did you know that during the full moon, when the moon is farthest from the sun, the moon “squeezes” the ionosphere towards the Earth creating more positive ions in the air and supressing the negative ions created by the Earth. This process causes a temporary Ion imbalance that has physiological and psychological effects on people, that’s why sometimes people tend to feel some “unrest” during the full moon, or even tend to act in a “lunatic” manner during this stage of the lunar cycle. Therefore it is of extra importance to get grounded during full moon, to restore one’s own positive/negative ion or electron balance. Do this for example by getting barefoot on the earth, using a grounding sheet on the bed, or a grounding pad under the computer when you work.

Have you ever been on a camping holiday or beach holiday where you were walking barefoot most of the days? I’m sure you would agree that those are the holidays that really made you feel physically most alive and grounded. The grounding technology is now rapidly spreading and already being used by many athletes and high performers due to its remarkable benefits on recovery and all over well-being.

Basically, take off your shoes more often because they disrupt the healing energy of the earth, go barefoot when you can!

“... Barefoot, we’re almost always at peace.
We’re gentle and tolerant with our fellow man.
Stress and anxiety evaporate and,
grief itself seems bearable as long as our feet are free ...”

Barbara Holland


“..and forget not that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet, and the Winds long to play with your hair”

Kahlil Gilbran