“. . .all of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And, when we go back to the sea. . . we are going back to whence we came.”

John F. Kennedy

First of all, I would like to refer once more to the water chapter, in which we highlighted that our body consists for about 70% of water and that we need to be well hydrated with proper water. Think for a moment of your inner organs and outer skin as a juicy water-rich plum or as a dried out prune, which would function better? Water is essential to rehydrate, to cleanse and to enable optimal bodily functions. Now the second thing I would like to highlight regarding the optimal functioning of the body, in combination with our water intake, is the much overlooked but so important aspect of proper SALT!

Water & Salt are indispensable. There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding around the health concerns of salt; when it actually can be so simple and make such a huge difference to your health. Therefore, I felt there was a need to include a chapter about salt. The biggest confusion is that there is one type of “salt” and that it is bad for health, but we have to make a distinction between industrialised processed salt and natural crystal salt. As described in the book “Water & Salt, The Essence of Life”; the type of salt you use can be either “white poison” or “white gold”.

Yes, white processed salt – table salt – is bad for health, it is a toxic substance and destroys health in every way, avoid it when you can.

Himalayan Crystal salt and unrefined sea salt on the other hand, have all the essential health benefits your body needs, this type of salt actually builds health.

As part of industrial development, processes were used to chemically clean salt and strip it of all beneficial minerals and trace minerals with intense heat and reducing it to only sodium and chloride. By only producing the sodium chloride, salt could be cheaply mass-produced for industrial use and added into foods to for example, preserve foods longer and to give it a salty taste but with no health benefits. Nowadays most foods are being produced with this processed salt and most people have standard processed table salt or kitchen salt at home or it is on the restaurant table.

What most people don’t know is that the sodium chloride salt is an aggressive toxic substance and the body cannot really process it properly, so the body gets stuck with a toxic build-up of that sodium chloride waste. That “fake” salt is included in so many processed foods that our body gets overloaded with it. By trying to deal with that toxic salt it draws out essential water from the body cells, dehydrating the cells in the process, accelerating celldeath, acidifying the body, raising blood pressure and most of the time the toxic waste ends up getting stored in fat cells in the body which is hard to get rid of with a normal diet.

In basic terms by eating the toxic salt you are eating yourself into an early grave. Still people add table salt to their foods.

The other salt I mentioned, similar to the salt which we naturally have in the blood in our veins, is Himalayan Crystal salt or unrefined sea salt. This can actually be seen as a wholesome and essential food. Life originated from the primal oceans, a mixture of water and salt containing 84 minerals that your body needs. Our body has the same salty solution as the primal seas.

Himalayan Crystal salt is basically made out of dried up primal oceans, capturing the sun energy from 250 millions of years ago. Himalayan salt has all the minerals and trace minerals in it which the body needs. It helps in making the body more alkaline so that the body functions better and lowers blood pressure instead of increasing blood pressure which is what table salt does. Equally so, if blood pressure is too low, then the crystal salt will bring it up to its natural healthy balance. Unrefined sea salt is also good, and has minerals in it but it is not as pure and unpolluted as the 250 million year old Himalayan salt (which once was sea salt). Ordinary sea salt does not have that unique crystalline structure like Himalayan salt does, which the body cells recognise better.

The combination of pure water and the unique crystalline formed Himalayan salt releases an energy potential that helps to balance any energy (or mineral) deficit in the body.

I’m a great fan of Himalayan salt and could talk a lot more about its interesting facts and benefits, but the main message is that you realize that there is so much “bad salt” going around in the food industry and try to avoid this as much as possible. If you want to have a salty taste in your food, then use some sea salt or Himalayan salt, if you go to a restaurant or are travelling, then just bring your own salt. When you buy products in the shop, look if they mention on the label just salt or sea salt, more and more quality products now specifically mention sea salt.

Your body needs real, complete, mineralized salt to function properly. We only need a fraction a day but since most foods have bad salt in them we are burdening the body with a toxic substance and are still craving for more, because it is “fake” salt. Get a pinch of real unrefined sea salt or Himalayan crystal salt for about every litre of water you drink to satisfy the craving and to give your body the essential salt nutrient & minerals you really need for a balanced functioning. The optimum functioning of your body is directly connected to an optimum level of water and salt and the minerals which the salt contains. Easy to remember is, “where minerals go, water goes” and that is straight to the cells where all the essential action is happening. Make sure you re-mineralise yourself properly with proper salt and pure water. And as mentioned before, just a pinch of Himalayan or sea salt is enough, all in moderation to maintain optimum functioning.

Interesting fact:

Did you know that all hormone function in the body is electrical? Tiny electrical impulses go through your body to enable hormonal communication. This communication can only work when there is water & salt to enable conductivity.

As I have been writing this book I have been following a lot of health related issues in newspapers and on TV. It has come to my attention that salt often comes up as being bad for health and is being advised against, but never is in the media any mention made of getting proper mineralised salt such as Himalayan crystal salt or sea salt? Could the Himalayan salt be such a well-guarded secret to protect the Himalayas or do most people simply just not know about the differences in salt…? Next, a few interesting tips to close off;


To get a daily infusion of minerals, stored light energy and to stimulate your body systems, drink some “Sole” (so-lay). This you can make as per following instructions:

Take a glass jar with lid, fill it up for 25% with a few Himalayan Crystal salt rocks (get it online or from the health food shop) then add in the purest natural still water you can get but definitely not tap water. Leave the mixture overnight and it is ready to use. When the water and salt mix something entirely new is created “Sole”. Take only 1 teaspoon (wooden or plastic spoon) in the morning mixed in with a full glass of filtered water. That is enough for your daily Sole intake to give your body the right vibration and balance for all body processes and to create the electrolytes that improves the body’s conductivity and flow. Start-off with 1 drop a day and then build-up until you have a full teaspoon, because it can have a strong reaction if you are not used to it. Remember to always drink plenty of water throughout the day. By the way, the water and salt mixture in the jar can be kept for a long time as the water and salt is a sterile solution, that’s why it is also important to prepare it with the purest water you can get.

Another great tip; have a sauna or hot shower first, then mix 3 tablespoons of fine Himalayan salt with equal amount of a quality oil such as jojoba oil, sesame oil or sweet almond oil, then cover your entire body with the mixture and wrap yourself in a sheet and a warm blanket for 45 minutes after which you rinse it off again. This will detoxify your skin and re-mineralise it leaving your refreshed as if you had a 3 day health fast.

For full details on these tips and more on the Himalayan salt applications, please refer to the book “Water & Salt, The Essence of Life”, by Dr med Barbara Hendel & Peter Ferreira


Himalayan crystal salt rocks in water – “Sole”

Final note; please check with your medical healthcare professional before making any changes in salt intake in combination with any medication or if in any doubt. When discussing salt option make sure to mention that you are talking about original natural sea salt or Himalayan salt and not processed table salt.

Now let’s “bounce” on to the next part of the book which starts with: Exercise!