Nick Beckman enjoys life in Cork, Ireland. Originally he comes from Finland and lived part of his life in Switzerland and Holland. He moved to Ireland in the year 2000.
After many years of having a lifestyle which was “less than excellent” to his health, he made a decision to make a complete lifestyle change; while re-igniting an interest in health & nutrition. From that point onwards a passion for wellness has continued to grow. Now he wants to promote wellness, to share health insights and strategies, to help others who are looking for ways to make significant changes in their health and lifestyle.
Nick achieved a “BodyMind Nutrition” certification with the BodyMind Institute and a Raw Nutrition certification with David Wolfe. As a Master NLP practitioner, certified by the Irish Institute of NLP, he likes to help people to make changes in their lifestyle by helping them to change their mind-set. The way you see something in your mind, that is how you believe it to be. Accordingly you will act upon your beliefs and attract in your life what corresponds to those beliefs. Change your mind-set, change your life!
This book is about health, nutrition and lifestyle. The bigger picture of the book is to promote the idea that whatever you want to achieve in life, make sure you look after your health first. As the saying goes; “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. We rebuild ourselves every day on a cellular level, so let’s make sure we feed ourselves in the best possible way with the best possible food, water and thoughts, to allow the fullest expression of our being.
The first part is written with the intention to raise awareness about modern processed foods versus natural organic foods, raw foods and superfoods and we have a look at how nutrition and supplements relate to our health and optimum functioning. The second part covers the aspect of what nature; water, air, the earth and the sun, can do to benefit our health and well-being. The third part is about reviewing our lifestyle regarding; exercise, smoking and drinking habits and our beliefs, fears & change. Then it is all finished off with a conclusion and a health summary.
The book is full of interesting insights, tips and strategies. Tried and tested by the author himself who dramatically improved his health and energy levels naturally, in a matter of a few months. Throughout the book there are many beautiful food and nature related photographs to enjoy.
“The best six doctors anywhere, and no one can deny it, are sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend, If only you are willing.
Your mind they’ll ease. Your will they’ll mend. And charge you not a shilling”
Wayne Fields - What the River Knows