
Acéphale 815, 17, 20, 27, 3436, 40, 4344, 51, 100, 156, 161162, 172, 179, 185, 194

affectivity 8, 1012, 16, 43, 150, 185, 187, 196, 198

anguish (or anxiety: l’angoisse) 12, 1617, 48, 51, 57, 59, 88, 93, 97, 120, 148, 195196

Arppe, Tiina 8, 172, 187

art 41, 148159, 186

Barthes, Roland 97, 150

Bataille, Georges

L’Abbé C 18, 189, 192, 194196, 198199

The Accursed Share 18, 19, 20, 75, 7982, 84, 86, 100101, 104, 141, 164165, 169, 171172, 190

Blue of Noon 5859, 97, 189190, 192, 194196, 199200

The Dead Man 189, 194195, 199

Eroticism 19, 101, 104, 107, 112113, 136, 161, 183184, 190, 192193

Guilty 1415, 21, 6162, 66, 71, 114, 136, 145, 161

The Hatred of Poetry 28, 66

The History of Eroticism 136, 139, 143, 147

The Impossible 28, 66, 108, 189, 192

Inner Experience 9, 1418, 21, 2728, 61, 65, 71, 96, 99, 106, 108109, 113, 118124, 125, 145, 152, 161, 175, 192, 199

“The Jesuve” 75, 145

“The Labyrinth” 9, 14, 21, 88, 110

Lascaux or the Birth of Art 104, 148149, 155156

“La Limite de l’Utile” 18, 100101

Literature and Evil 36, 147, 174187, 200

Madame Edwarda 18, 113, 143, 145, 176, 189195, 197198

“Method of Meditation” 9, 2829, 200

My Mother 189, 192194, 197199

“The Notion of Expenditure” 20, 40, 75, 141

“The Old Mole and the Prefix ‘Sur’ in the words Surhomme and Surrealist” 26, 33

On Nietzsche 1415, 6172

“The Pineal Eye” 70, 75, 80, 96, 99, 101, 190

“The Popular Front in the Street” 56

“Propositions” 1112, 95

“The Psychological Structure of Fascism” 40, 57, 200

“The Sacred Conspiracy” 8, 36, 162, 164165, 171

“Sacrificial Mutilation and the Severed Ear of Van Gogh” 40, 42, 84, 101, 104. 107

The Solar Anus 75, 8081, 86, 94, 96, 146, 190, 198

“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” 4748, 96, 110

Sovereignty 11, 135

The Story of the Eye 88, 145, 189191, 194198

The Tears of Eros 71, 75, 86, 99, 157

The Theory of Religion 101, 104, 110, 140, 161, 163172

“The Use-Value of D.A.F. Sade” 26, 31, 85, 88, 9095

Blanchot, Maurice 17, 21, 64, 66, 68, 71, 106, 110, 117, 119, 123124, 156, 172, 185, 190, 193

Breton, André 2634, 36, 5051, 185, 196

Caillois, Roger 12, 40, 4546, 48, 100, 110, 187

Christianity 1112, 16, 3031, 33, 55, 91, 112, 115120, 138, 144, 163, 167168, 181

The College of Sociology 1214, 27, 36, 4041, 4448, 100, 187

communication 13, 17, 63, 82, 103105, 121123, 126, 130, 140, 157, 166, 168, 178179, 182184, 186

Communism 8, 11, 27, 3435, 5051, 55, 125, 133134,

community 1214, 15, 3436, 3940, 4347, 6264, 186

Connor, Peter 17, 72, 113

Contre-Attaque 9, 11, 27, 5051, 96, 161, 194

Critique 18, 30

La Critique Sociale 11, 21, 50, 86

death 4445, 48, 102103, 106107, 115, 121, 126127, 139, 151152, 155

the death of God 12, 16, 95, 113115, 138139, 162, 194

Derrida, Jacques 86, 126128

Documents 14, 26, 31, 41, 88, 92, 101, 150151, 156, 158

Durkheim, Émile 3849, 101, 155, 165, 177

ecstasy 12, 1516, 30, 33, 65, 102, 112, 114115, 121122, 128, 138, 140, 157, 162

eroticism 81, 86, 112113, 136146, 156, 174

ethnography 10, 4043, 101102, 165

evil 19, 31, 88, 116, 175187

existentialism 29, 30, 33, 174

expenditure 28, 32, 36, 42, 46, 7586, 95, 125, 133, 141, 152, 167, 169, 178181,189

Falasca-Zamponi, Simonetta 89, 172

fascism 8, 13, 27, 40, 43, 5060, 61, 95

ffrench, Patrick 8, 51, 59, 108, 110

Foucault, Michel 136139, 144146

Freud, Sigmund 97, 101, 141, 147

Galletti, Marina 9, 21, 36

Genet, Jean 175177, 181182, 186187, 193

Hegel, G.W.F. 7778, 92, 101, 106, 109, 126128, 139, 162, 166, 178, 187, 194

Heidegger, Martin 14, 120

Hertz, Robert 4445, 48

heterology: the heterogeneous 19, 32, 41, 43, 57, 8485, 8898, 105, 139, 150, 152, 186

Hollier, Denis 14, 36, 55, 61, 100, 158

Hussey, Andrew 17

the impossible 33, 66, 68, 71, 114, 120, 124, 150, 155, 174, 184

individualism: the individual 8, 914, 34, 36, 3840, 4445, 55, 84, 165166, 179180, 182

the instant 30, 33, 128129, 158, 166, 169, 171, 183

intimacy 104106, 153, 164165, 168171

John of the Cross, Saint 30, 115117, 121

Kendall, Stuart 17, 19, 21

Kierkegaard, Søren 114, 120, 161

Klossowski, Pierre 50, 71, 115, 124, 195

Kojève, Alexandre 94, 110, 142, 178

laughter 13, 26, 59, 65, 94, 114, 120, 128

Leiris, Michel 12, 25, 4041, 45, 4748, 113, 150

Lévi-Strauss, Claude 86, 139

Manet, Éduard 149, 153155

Marx, Karl (or Marxism) 11, 20, 32, 34, 50, 59, 78, 82, 130, 132, 153154, 170

Masson, André 30, 100, 155156, 162, 195

Mauss, Marcel 40, 42, 48, 77, 101103, 105, 110, 148, 165166

Monnerot, Jules 29, 33

mysticism 1516, 19, 28, 33, 51, 5455, 5859, 70, 112118, 121123, 142, 174

Nancy, Jean-Luc 1314, 21, 99, 106, 108110, 151

Nietzsche, Friedrich 10, 1516, 25, 31, 6172, 77, 8183, 86, 102, 113, 125, 134, 144, 157, 162, 174, 181182, 194

non-knowledge 1617, 19, 28, 6469, 108109, 116124, 125, 129

October 21, 158

poetry 28, 30, 59, 6566, 6870, 109, 128, 182, 186

prohibitions 45, 137141, 143146, 152, 156, 167, 177178, 181182

Proust, Marcel 28, 61, 71, 175, 190, 193

religion 1012, 27, 3235, 3839, 43, 47, 57, 91, 104, 112114, 118, 144, 161172

revolt: revolution 2829, 31, 3435, 57, 85, 9495, 130, 132, 149, 181, 186

Richardson, Michael 18, 59

Richman, Michèle 158, 172

the sacred (and the profane) 10, 3234, 3940, 4248, 59, 91, 93, 101105, 112113, 117, 131, 137139, 143145, 152, 158, 167, 169, 174177, 189, 198

sacrifice 10, 12, 13, 28, 42, 47, 51, 8485, 99110, 116117, 148, 165168, 170, 194195, 198199

Sade, Marquis de 32, 61, 77, 8384, 142, 183186, 195, 199

Sartre, Jean-Paul 17, 32, 55, 142, 152, 175181, 183, 186187, 196

sociology 12, 14, 27, 32, 3840, 4348,

Souvarine, Boris 50, 86

sovereignty 14, 35, 80, 95, 115, 125135, 137, 142, 148149, 152158, 174177, 182186, 192

Stoekl, Allan 21

surrealism 8, 1819, 2536, 41, 50, 88, 150, 155, 158, 185, 197

Surya, Michel 21, 50, 110, 187

transgression 28, 4647, 94, 99, 108, 117, 137140, 144145, 152, 156157, 167, 177178, 180, 182, 185186, 195, 198

violence 1011, 4142, 46, 51, 9495, 102105, 109, 139140, 148, 165168, 177, 183185

wealth 1112, 36, 42, 7576, 78, 131132

Weber, Max 86, 169

Weil, Simone 50, 172

work 10, 33, 46, 125, 128129, 139, 148, 153, 162166, 170171