5 Minutes to a 5

90 AP Microeconomics Activities and Questions in


5 Minutes a Day


Welcome to 5 Minutes to a 5: 180 Questions and Activities ! This bonus section is another tool for you to use as you work toward your goal of achieving a 5 on the AP exam(s) in May. Since AP Macroeconomics and AP Microeconomics courses are typically taught in concurrent semesters, students often find themselves preparing for these exams in the span of one school year. As such, in this section you will find 90 questions and activities that pertain to the AP Macroeconomics course and 90 questions and activities that pertain to the AP Microeconomics course. These questions cover the most essential material in each course and will guide you in preparation for either one or both exams.

One of the secrets to excelling in your AP class is spending a bit of time each day studying the subject(s). The questions and activities offered here are designed to be done one per day, and each should take 5 minutes or so to complete. (Although there might be exceptions. Depending on the exam—some exercises may take a little longer, some a little less.) You will encounter stimulating questions to make you think about a topic in a big way, and some very subject-specific activities, which cover the main book’s chapters; some science subjects will offer at-home labs, and some humanities subjects will offer ample chunks of text to be read on one day, with questions and activities for follow-up on the following day(s). There will also be suggestions for relevant videos for you to watch, websites to visit, or both. Most questions and activities are linked to the specific chapters of your book, so you are constantly fortifying your knowledge.

Remember, approaching this section for 5 minutes a day is much more effective than bingeing a week’s worth in one sitting! So if you practice all the extra exercises in this section and reinforce the main content of this book, we are certain you will build the skills and confidence needed to succeed on your exam. Good luck!

—Editors of McGraw-Hill Education