





When the elevator doors open I refuse to look up, keeping my eyes on the report I’m working on. I still see he’s in a black suit today with a white shirt and black tie. He looks like he’s going to a funeral, I wonder if it’s a subliminal message. I came in this morning to find multiple emails from Leo sent from nine last night until about two in the morning. It gave me a little satisfaction to know he was awake and miserable too. Somewhere around one I broke down and took a sleeping pill. I hate sleeping pills, they always left me hung over and groggy.

Leo doesn’t say a word before he goes into his office. The day passes relatively quietly. It’s like any other day before he found out, both of us slightly cranky and combative still otherwise professional. Then around five thirty, an instant message comes through from Leo.



Do you have your room key?



Cringing with shame that the question sends my pussy into a hot, greedy spasm of need, my fingers fly across the keyboard.






His reply comes even faster.



Good always have it with you

Go to the room now

I’ll be there soon



Shit, my nipples tighten to the point of pain.



Yes sir



Then I log off, grab my purse, and run for the elevator. I make it to the hotel in what feels like record time, in an unbelievable state of need. I’m not the only one though because I barely have my dress off when I hear the door to the suite open. Leo is coming through the bedroom door seconds later. He stops when he sees me, his eyes roam over me.

“Keep going.”

I shake my head. “You have to catch up.”

His eyes narrow, then he shrugs out of his jacket. Leo tosses it on the club chair in the corner. One hand goes to his tie as the other flicks open his slacks. The tie hits the floor, and his hands go to the buttons on his shirt. I watch greedily as inch by beautiful golden-brown inch comes into view. He tugs the shirt out of his pants and tosses it on the chair. Then he stops. “I’m caught up. I want you naked.”

Hearing him say it with raw need unhidden I don’t dare deny him. The closer he comes to me the harder it is to breathe until he’s only inches away. I lift my hand, but he shakes his head. A hand roams over me, down my breast, teasing my nipple, over me, dipping into me before stopping on the curve of my hip.

“How are you feeling? Is your pussy sore?”

When am I going to stop blushing? “I’m fine. I’m not sore at all.”

Leo studies my face. “Good, turn around, hands on the bed.”

I don’t hesitate I turn and place my hands on the bed. It sits high up. It’s the perfect height for me to lean down without feeling like I’m going to fall. I wait, hearing Leo undress, anticipation zipping through me. The sound of the condom wrapper tearing open has me soaking wet.

The wait feels endless for Leo to touch me. I can feel his eyes on me, it’s not enough, I want his touch. A finger traces down my spine, down over my ass to where I’m leaking down my inner thighs. He cups me briefly before pushing two fingers inside me. I shudder at the feeling, lifting for more. Only it doesn’t come, his fingers are gone. Leo’s hands grip my hips tight. He pushes into me hard, fast, deep. My whole body is centered on the pleasure mingled with pain of his thick cock pushing into me.

“Tight, fuck you are so damn tight.” Leo sounds like he’s choking on the words.

My legs give out, I fall over the bed, Leo is the only thing holding me up. Every nerve-ending is centered on Leo inside me. He feels deeper than yesterday, how can that be? I wonder, then all thought is lost as he begins moving. Slowly, so slowly he inches out then back in, like he’s teasing me. More, faster, harder back inside me, deeper, more, please. He’s answering every one of my pleas. Deeper, faster, harder, more. I’m screaming as I come. But Leo is still moving inside me, harder, deeper with every thrust, he’s drawing out my orgasm more and more and more and oh god I can’t take it. He’s tearing me apart from the inside out. He thickens with a heartbeat burning into me in a blinding rush before the hot essence of him fills the condom, hot so hot, I marvel as I tip over into an ocean of bliss.

Too soon Leo pulls out. I sag against the bed where he leaves me. My bones are still liquid, with a chuckle Leo picks me up and puts me on the bed. Before I can even say thank you, he goes into the bathroom. I wonder if he will do a repeat of yesterday. I really hope not, I’m not in the mood to spend the night crying over his ass again. There is also this tiny part of me surprised he would leave after what can well and truly be called a quickie after the unbelievable almost three hours of last night. I was shocked and could not believe what the clock on the bedside table was telling me.

Out of curiosity, I peek up at the clock, holy crap. It’s almost seven o’clock. I hear his zipper. I close my eyes tight, hating him.

“Stay, order up room service. I have some things I need to take care of. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

Turning over, my chest clenches tight as I realize I don’t hate him. I wish I could. “I’m just supposed to wait, twiddling my thumbs, until you deign to come back and fuck me?”

I don’t hate him, but I do hate that damn eyebrow as it goes up. “You agreed, anytime, anyplace, anyway I want you. I am not done with you tonight, not even close. I made an allowance yesterday because I didn’t want to leave you sore or in pain. The last hour was only an appetizer to take the edge off my hunger.”

Thank god, it wasn’t me. Leo actually cared he hadn’t wanted to hurt me. Considering how large he was and it was the first real time, I’m now annoyingly grateful

“It was a long fucking night and an even longer day having you so damn close and not being able to touch you. I did not get shit done today because of you. So, you are going to keep your sweet ass here and wait while I take care of business. When I am done, I can fuck you in peace without work on my mind. Got it?”

Oh, I got it. Rolling off the bed, I love the way his eyes roam over me, hot and greedy. “You weren’t the only one having a long day knowing you were so close and not being able to touch you.”

I run my hand down his chest and almost chicken out before I give into my need and trace the heat of his cock. “I’m yours for the taking, just like I promised, anytime, anywhere. I’ve imagined you bending me over your desk just like you bent me over the bed, whenever you want to make it a reality I’ll be wet and ready.”

He hardens beneath my touch, I gasp at the heat I can feel even through the layers of clothes. His hand isn’t gentle as it goes around my wrist, using it to pull me against his hard body making me breathless. “I will remember that, don’t think you won’t pay for getting me hard before I leave.”

I smile. “I look forward to it.”



I’m fighting to stay awake on the surprisingly comfy couch in the living room while a poorly plotted action movie is on the large flat screen television. I ordered up a ridiculously yummy dinner that even hours later I’m still full from. It’s been weeks since I’ve eaten without stress clouding my enjoyment. As much as I hate dealing with the fallout of Leo finding out I feel so much better, like a heavy weight has been lifted from my chest. I can breathe again.

The air conditioning kicks on, causing me to shiver. I pull the robe I’m wearing tighter around me, as I wonder where Leo is. Closing my eyes, I wish he were here now to make good on his promise. My body tingles in welcome memory. Leo had well and truly made up for that first painful experience. I’ve given myself countless orgasms with and without a vibrator, none of them came close to the total ecstasy I experienced with Leo.

I blink, and Leo is standing above me. I wonder if I’m dreaming, I didn’t hear the door open. He looks so different in the tight black tee shirt and jeans. Still serious, I wonder if he’ll ever get laugh lines. Yet he looks almost ten years younger in the jeans and tee shirt. It’s crazy how much hotter he is, his body on display, muscles ripple beneath the shirt, the jeans cling to his ass. “You were gone forever.” I pout.

He leans down, unknotting the thick fluffy white robe. Running a hand down my neck, the robe opens as his hand moves down my body. I don’t move, my body comes alive at his touch. I’m wet for him, hungry for him.

“Take off the robe and get on your knees.”

For a moment I can’t move, I just watch while he takes off his shirt then undoes his jeans and frees his cock. Now I move. Sliding off the couch I go down on my knees, anything to please him so he’ll fuck me with his perfect cock again.

“Take off the robe, Alexa. I want to see your body.”

I shrug off the robe, he rewards me by pushing his jeans down then stepping out of them. Standing above me, over me, I’m reminded of just how big he is. His body is a work of art, muscles rippling beneath golden skin. Awe hits me at the power in him, I shiver at how gentle his hand is as it runs over my cheek.

“It’s time for you learn to take my cock into that hungry mouth of yours.”

My eyes go wide, and my ass is sitting on my feet under me.

He chuckles. “You can do it, sweetness, I have every faith in you. We’ll go slow, you won’t get it right the first or even second time.”

His assurance helps take the edge off the fear I won’t please him, won’t make him feel as good as he makes me. I go back up on my knees. Leo moves closer until he’s only inches away. I’m not sure why I’m so nervous especially since I’m so turned on right now. Considering I’ve watched porn I know the mechanics, but those women have practice, and he’s just so big and perfect and oh shit, quit thinking about it.

Leo is just watching me, no annoyance on his face, or anger in his eyes. I watch in fascination as a small drop of precum appears. Oh, without thinking I lean forward and taste it with my tongue. Hmm...odd, salty, a little tangy, slightly sweet, like me. So, curiosity got the better of me a few times, it happens. It’s like I turned on a faucet because more is there to take its place. I try to remember all the things I’ve read and heard of and swirl my tongue as I suck the thick mushroom flared head of him into my mouth. Grasping him to bring him closer, I marvel at how silky soft the skin of him is yet how hot and hard he feels.

“Stroke me, Alexa.” I look up. Leo is tense, his eyes burning into me. Working my hand down the length of him, I sigh at how thick he is, how my hand can’t begin to fit around him and bring up my other hand. Together they move up and down, and his cock jumps in my mouth followed by a silky flow of precum. “Just like that,” he whispers.

Exhilaration fills me to know I’m pleasing him, to know I can please him. I’m wet, so wet, I want him inside me. I get carried away, and oh god, I try to take him deeper and scrape my teeth along him. Leo hisses in pain, his hand comes down into my hair pulling me away from him.

“I’m sorry.” I moan as my thumb works to soothe the tip of him.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “It’s okay, it was bound to happen. Take it slow, you can squeeze me tighter.”

I follow his instructions, worried about hurting him.

His hand still in my hair, he guides me back to his cock. A little timid now I focus on tasting the length of him down to the base of him once, twice, Leo moans when I keep going. I brush against the soft sack at the base of him, curiosity, and the desire to make up for messing up urges me on. A gentle lick has Leo moaning, gently I run my tongue over him, then lightly suck on the skin as I had his cock.

The hand in my hair tightens to the point of pain. I look up to see Leo’s eyes closed, his face tense as if he’s in pain. I go with it being good since he doesn’t pull me away. Tentatively, I take one heavy full part of him into my mouth and am a little surprised myself just how wet my mouth is. A moan comes out of Leo that fills me up with power and pleasure. Knowing I can do this to him when it always feels like he’s the one who has all the power makes me want to shout with happiness. I’m also shocked at how much I love the taste of him, the smell of him, the feel of him around me, over me.

I allow him to fall from my mouth as I stroke him tightly. I’m pulled back to the tip of his cock and hungrily take him into my mouth. Sucking lightly then harder, I try but can’t take him deeper. “It’s okay, don’t try, just suck me like that. Good girl. So good.”

Pride swells inside me as Leo croons low in his throat, I can tell he’s close. I work one hand down his length as I tease the ridge beneath his cock and suck gently then harder. Leo groans as he tries to pull out of my mouth, but I won’t let him. I work harder to take him deeper. I hear him swear above me then my mouth is flooded with his come. Oh, I work to swallow and keep breathing while my mouth still moves on him.

Leo tips my head back to look at him but doesn’t try to pull me away. His eyes are glowing, hot, needy, and despite tasting the result of his orgasm still very, very hungry. I swallow the last of him, it isn’t the best thing I’ve ever tasted but knowing it pleased Leo that I took all of him makes it something to savor. It also isn’t worth the trouble to avoid it. This was as much a part of making love as his cock inside me, and I want it all. I want everything from him.

Leisurely, he moves me on the length of him, even limp I’m not able to take him as much as I want to. Shit, it happens again. Leo pulls out of my mouth; his hand is still loose in my hair.

He smiles reassuringly. “It’s what I deserve for getting greedy.” His hand shifts to the back of my neck as he draws me up to stand in front of him. “I should have known you would learn quickly.” A hand cups me with a finger sliding into me. “You are on the edge of coming, aren’t you?”

I nod, “Please, Leo.”

“Since you asked so nicely.” His fingers circle with pressure over my clit sending me over into shuddering climax. Leo catches me and picks me up in his arms and carries me into the bedroom. He makes good on his promise for a long, hot night.