THE AUTHENTIC TRANSMISSION has been conveyed from beyond the Seven Original Buddhas to the Seven Original Buddhas, from within the Seven Original Buddhas to the Seven Original Buddhas, from the total Seven Original Buddhas to the total Seven Original Buddhas, from the Seven Original Buddhas to the twenty-eight Indian ancestors. Bodhidharma, the Twenty-eighth Ancestor, went to China and gave authentic transmission to Huike, the Second Chinese Ancestor, Great Master Zhengzong Pujiao. This was handed down through six generations and reached Huineng.

Thus, in India and China, the teachers of all fifty-one generations transmitted the treasury of the true dharma eye, the wondrous heart of nirvana—the robes and the eating bowls. Earlier buddhas maintained the authentic transmission of the earlier masters. Thus, authentic transmission has been conducted from buddha to buddha, from ancestor to ancestor.

Accordingly, those who study with buddha ancestors with skin, flesh, bones, and marrow, with fist and eyeball, have their own expressions. Some understand that the eating bowls are the body and mind of buddha ancestors. Some understand that the eating bowls are the rice eating bowls of buddha ancestors. Some understand that the eating bowls are the eyeball of buddha ancestors. Some understand that the eating bowls are the radiant light of buddha ancestors. Some understand that the eating bowls are the true body of buddha ancestors. Some understand that the eating bowls are the treasury of the true dharma eye, the wondrous heart of buddha ancestors. Some understand that the eating bowls are the place of turning the body of buddha ancestors. Some understand that the eating bowls are the mouth and bottom of the eating bowls of buddha ancestors. The essential understanding of those who study in this way is expressed differently, but there can be further understanding.

Upon assuming the abbacy of the Tiantong Monastery in the first year of the Baoxin Era [1225], Rujing, my late master, Old Buddha Tiantong, ascended the teaching seat and said:

I remember that Bhaizhang was asked by a monk, “What is extraordinary?”

Bhaizhang said, “To sit alone on Daoxiong Peak. You cannot move this person. Let the person sit through for the moment.”

Now, someone may come up and ask me, “What is extraordinary?”

I would reply, “The eating bowls of Jingci [where I was abbot] have moved to Tiantong and eat meals.”

Know that what is extraordinary happens to an extraordinary person; an extraordinary utensil is used for an extraordinary thing. This is an extraordinary moment. Thus, where what is extraordinary is actualized, there are extraordinary eating bowls.

Thus, the Four Deva Kings protect the eating bowls and all dragon kings guard them. This is a profound procedure of the buddha way. This being so, we dedicate eating bowls to buddha ancestors and are entrusted with eating bowls by buddha ancestors.

Those who have not studied inside the chamber of buddha ancestors say that the buddha kashaya is made of silk, cotton, or celestial thread. They also say that the buddha eating bowls are made of stone, slate, or iron. They say this because they have not yet obtained the eye of study.

The buddha kashaya is the buddha kashaya; it should not be viewed as silk or cotton. To view it as silk or cotton is to fall into a conventional view. The buddha eating bowls are the buddha eating bowls. Do not call them stone, slate, iron, or wood.

The buddha eating bowls are not made. They neither arise nor perish, neither come nor go, neither gain nor lose. They are not limited to new or old, ancient or present.

Although the eating bowls of buddha ancestors are actualized by the assembling of clouds and water [monks], they are not limited to clouds and water. Although they are actualized by the assembling of grass and trees, they are not limited to grass and trees.

Water is water as a compound of all things. Clouds are clouds as a compound of all things. Clouds are assembled as clouds and water is assembled as water. The eating bowls are eating bowls as a compound of all things. The eating bowls are assembled as all things. The total mind is assembled as the eating bowls. The empty space is assembled as the eating bowls. The eating bowls are assembled as the eating bowls. The eating bowls are immersed in the eating bowls, and divided by the eating bowls.

The eating bowls transmitted to monks now were dedicated to the Buddha by the Four Deva Kings. The bowls wouldn’t exist had they not been dedicated by the Four Deva Kings. The eating bowls, authentically transmitted by buddha ancestors of all directions who have transmitted the treasury of the true dharma eye, are eating bowls that leap beyond ancient and present.

Thus, these eating bowls penetrate the old views of an iron person, and are not bound by the analysis of a wooden stalk [stagnant thinker]. They go beyond the sound and form of tiles and pebbles. They are not hindered by the experience of stone or jade. Do not call them stone or tile. Do not call them wooden stalks.

Thus it has been understood.

Presented to the assembly of the Daibutsu Monastery, Echizen Province, on the twelfth day, the third month, the third year of the Kangen Era [1245].