
Those who know me know that I wasn’t a writer four months before I started Never Touched. Those who know me well know that it was because I was scared. Here are the people who lifted me from chicken to published author.

Grandma Audi, thank you for having an art project ready for me each time I came over to your house growing up--how did you do that?--for telling me, “there are no mistakes just opportunities for creativity,” and for reminding me that I had a right brain even when I had given up on the idea.

Uncle Paul and Aunt Robin, you showed me adults read fiction, watch artsy fartsy films, and don’t have to grow out of their dreams just because they grow up--not that I’m saying you guys have grown up. I’d never say that.

Mr. Brown, my AP American Literature teacher, your ominous advice still haunts me: “You will look back at your life full of regret if you don’t write.” Thanks for believing in me despite all evidence to the contrary.

A writing-in-the-sky thanks to my best friend, Stacey McCain, for reading Never Touched chapter by chapter in its roughest form and for saying sweet things like, “What’s the hold up with Chapter 13?” It’s no exaggeration that I wouldn’t have had the courage to tell Sawyer’s story without your constant, though blind, encouragement, your willingness to pick up the phone every time I called with a melodramatic “creative crisis,” your laughing at my twisted humor. You’re the reason Jake had a fighting chance with Sawyer. All the Team Cashers can take that up with you. I love you. I look forward to winning an Oscar with you one day.

My altruistic guinea pigs/beta readers--Whitney Brammer, Abbey Thomas, Andrea Ellfeldt, Kelli Frazer, Anna Brown, Sarah Mossembekker, and Lizzie Gardiner--thank you for making Never Touched what it is now. Andrea, thank you for helping me with the title. I suck at titles.

Aunt Jenny, thank you for listening to me go on and on about my writing, for paying for my RWA membership without me even asking because you knew I was a starving artist, and for introducing me to Rebecca Forster.

Speaking of Rebecca, thank you for telling me to rewrite Never Touched. I had no idea what I was doing, and no one in their right mind would have signed me without the changes you helped me make to my book and query letter. You hadn’t even met me, but replied to all my emails promptly and with patience. I’ll forever treasure your kindness and advice.

Ethan Gregory, for whatever reason you plucked Never Touched out of the slush pile and jumped up and down for it. Thanks for taking a chance on a new writer.

Melanie, Rebecca, Marya, Courtney, and Cynthia, thank you for turning my pipe dream into a reality, for your patience with my unprofessionalism, for your excitement about my silly little story. Working with you is a joy.

Chase Ellfeldt, thank you for your free social media advice and for not teasing me about how incompetent I am with hashtags.

Sarah and Josh Mossembekker, I love you artsy weirdos. Thank you for the marketing tips, taking my headshots, and for shamelessly promoting me. Sarah, I’d be lost without you making my Instagram posts and basically telling me how to use the internet.

My incredible parents, without you taking care of J when I was desperate to write or edit, my dream of becoming an author would still be a dream. You never doubted my aspirations or tried to curb my reckless enthusiasm. Thank you.

E, hubby, you told me not to write anything dirty in the acknowledgements to you, which I feel is no fun, but you said it would be inappropriate considering the content of the book, the fact that anyone could read this, because I don’t know how to use euphemisms, blah blah blah. Fair enough. I know this whole writing thing hasn’t always made sense to you. I know sometimes you and J miss me because my mind is somewhere else when it should be with you guys. And I know you don’t have to support me. For some reason, you do. Thank you for loving me through this often emotionally-draining journey, for answering to my medical questions and letting me process my imaginary world out loud, for picking up my slack when I’ve been in writing-land. I love you.

J, your creativity and unrelenting confidence makes me want to be like you when I grow up. You’ll always be my little squish. I love you, baby.

To my God, my Savior, the Source of my inspiration, the Author of the most heart-wrenching romance. Thank you for including me in your love story.

Lastly, thank you to all the Sawyers who have shared their stories with me directly or indirectly. Particularly, Digene Farrar, thank you for writing a memoir that gave me a special insight into the daily struggle that is recovery from sexual abuse. Sawyers, you are brave. You are fighters. You are survivors. You’re my inspiration.