Sense #4: Belonging

I am the piece that never fits.


I belong. Just as I am.

My friend, I don’t know what you’ve been told.

I don’t know how you feel, what scars you bear physically or which ones lie hidden deep within your heart.

But I know one thing.

You are beautifully, wondrously made.

You have within you gifts to share with the world.

You were put here on this earth for a reason.

We all are.

No matter our skin color, nationality, economic situation, or personal beliefs and values.

We come from one tribe. We fit together.

And we need one another.

The epidemic of loneliness can be cured.

It’s time to tear down our fences and start to celebrate.

All are invited.

But first you’ve got to show up.

Step out of the shadows.

Embrace your intrinsic value.

And share who you are.

Doing so will empower you to lift your voice and proudly sing, This is me.

And then join the parade.

When we come together, we can truly change the world.