Jake’s mom opened the door for the police and Dr. Lopez.

“What exactly are you looking for?” she demanded.

“The answer sheet to the upcoming State Quiz Bowl questions,” Dr. Lopez replied, a hint of disappointment in her voice. “We received a tip late last night that your son stole it.”

Dr. Lopez turned to face Jake.

“And you were such a wonderful ambassador for our public schools, Jake. I’m so disappointed.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jake protested. “I didn’t steal anything.”

“Except this,” said a police officer, coming out of Jake’s bedroom, holding a blue booklet in his gloved hand. “The questions and answers to this week’s State Quiz Bowl competition. Says so right on the cover sheet.”

“Where was it?” asked Dr. Lopez.

“Exactly where the tipster said it’d be. Hidden underneath the kid’s Xbox console.”

Dr. Lopez shook her head. “Is this how you won the district competition, Jake? By cheating?”

“No!” said Jake. “I wouldn’t even know where to look for an answer sheet.”

“At the offices of the State Quiz Bowl Alliance. They’re the ones in charge of organizing the event.”

“We found these in his desk, too,” said the police officer. “Cheat guides for about six dozen different video games. Looks like cheating is a hobby for our young friend Jake here.”

“Jake?” said his mom. All the pride had vanished from her watery eyes. “Did you do this thing?”

“Of course not. I mean, yeah, I used to look for shortcuts for my video games but—” He snapped his fingers. “Mrs. Malvolio!”

“Excuse me?” said the school superintendent. “What does your principal have to do with this?”

“She was here. Yesterday. She’d brought us a bunch of sequined T-shirts. And while she was here, somebody snuck into my room from the fire escape.”

“Ha!” laughed the cop. “Kid, next time you make up an alibi, try to make it sound a little less ridiculous.”

“Good advice,” said Emma. She shook her head and walked away.

“Jake McQuade?” said Dr. Lopez, sounding like a hanging judge. “You are hereby barred from the Riverview Middle School Quiz Bowl team. You are also suspended from school for a week.”