AQI Al Qaeda in Iraq
ASP Arab Socialist Party
BOALs Basic Organizations of Associated Labour
CDF Committee for the Defense
of Democratic Freedoms
and Human Rights in Syria
CND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
DiEM25 Democracy in Europe Movement
EFPs Explosively Formed Projectiles
EU European Union
FPÖ Freedom Party of Austria
FSA Free Syrian Army
FSB Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
GFIW General Federation of Iraqi Women
GRU Main Intelligence Directorate (Russia)
HDZ Croatian Democratic Union
HNC High Negotiations Commission (Syria)
HRAS Human Rights Association in Syria
HVO Croatian Defence Council
ICC International Criminal Court
ICP Iraqi Communist Party
ICTY International Criminal Tribunal
for Former Yugoslavia
IDPs Internally Displaced Peoples
IFTU Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions
IGC Interim Governing Council (Iraq)
ILO International Labour Organization
IMF International Monetary Fund
IRGC Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
IRI Islamic Republic of Iran
IRIB Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting
IRP Islamic Republican Party
ISCI Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq
JAMA Revolutionary Movement of the Iranian People
JCPOA Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
KDP Kurdish Democratic Party
KLA Kosovo Liberation Army
KRG Kurdish Regional Government
LCCs Local Coordination Committees of Syria
LTTE Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
MKO People’s Mujahedin of Iran
MPRP Muslim People’s Republican Party (Iran)
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NDF National Defence Forces
NOC National Oil Corporation (Libya)
OCHA UN Office for the Coordination
of Humanitarian Affairs
OPCW Organisation for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons
OPEC Organisation of the Petroleum
Exporting Countries
OUN Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists
OWFI Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq
PDPA People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan
PJAC Free Life Party of Kurdistan
PKK Kurdistan Workers’ Party
PLFP-GC Popular Front for the Liberation
of Palestine – General Command
PLO Palestine Liberation Organization
PUK Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
PYD (Kurdish) Democratic Union Party
RCC Revolutionary Command Council (Iraq)
RG Rossyiskaya Gazeta
RPR Reanimation Package of Reforms (Ukraine)
SAVAK Iranian secret police under the shah
SCIRI Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq
SDF Syrian Democratic Forces
SSO Special Security Organization (Iraq)
StWC Stop the War Coalition
SWP Socialist Workers Party (UK)
UCM Unity of Communist Militants (Iran)
UDHR Universal Declaration of Human Rights
UNHRC United Nations Human Rights Council
UNMIK UN Mission in Kosovo
UNPROFOR UN Protection Force
VEVAK Secret police of the Islamic Republic of Iran
WDTUM Workers’ Democratic Trade Union Movement (Iraq)
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction
WPC World Peace Council
WPI Worker-Communist Party of Iran
WSWS World Socialist Web Site
WTO World Trade Organization