The overhead light burned brightly as Erica struggled to open her heavy lids. Machines beeped and voices could be heard in the distance. When she would have shifted for comfort, sharp pain shot through her upper torso reminding her of the beating she’d taken.
In slow increments, it all came back. She wondered how much time had elapsed. She didn’t remember anything past kicking that twat, Christie.
A visual survey of the room found it empty. She supposed Shonda would be in with Mason, and Zack would be with Jacob. That left Erica the odd victim out. It didn’t bother her much. As long as she wasn’t in the clutches of the evil schizoid, she supposed she had nothing to complain about.
Thinking back over the last week, she experienced amazement at being alive. Christie had thought it would be funny to “help her along with her diet” by not allowing her anything besides water.
“After all, that’s why you went to the gym to begin with, isn’t it?” she’d taunted. “Well, that and to steal my boyfriend.”
She really hoped Mason’s and Shonda’s bullets had rid the world of the evil that was Christie.
When Zack had mentioned Angela and Ryan, Erica had felt a pang of sadness. She’d been close to Angela since school. Yet, in a small town, everyone knew everyone else. While she’d been busy trying to get her last novel published, she hadn’t spoken with Angela with any consistency.
Erica had occasionally seen Angela out and about while shopping. They’d promised to get together for lunch soon. But it had never happened. She remembered hearing Angela had disappeared. But like everyone, she’d suspected the other woman had skipped town. How heartbreaking it hadn’t been the case.
“I’m glad to see you’re awake.”
Zack’s husky voice startled her out of her musings.
He stood in the entry, the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen, coffee in one hand and a box of donuts in the other. “Hi.”
Still they stared. Wary blue eyes locked with brown.
“So, are you going to stand there all day, or are you going to hand over the goods,” she joked.
“Yeah, sorry. I…” He trailed off and cleared his throat.
Erica suspected he was on the verge of an emotional breakdown, same as her. They’d parted on such ugly words and then had to suffer thinking it might be the last memory they had of each other. Tears burned the back of her lids as she closed her eyes and sighed. Oddly enough, the discomfort in her rib cage helped her refocus.
“Let me put this another way. Hand over the donuts and no one gets hurt,” she growled.
She saw him register her playfulness, and his air of worry dropped away.
He placed his bounty on the table and wedged in next to her on the bed, careful to not knock into her, but still close enough so they experienced full body contact. Something they both needed.
And because it had to be said, she decided to be the one to address the subject. “I’m sorry I left the hotel. This is all my fault.”
“Yes. It is,” she whispered tearfully. “If I hadn’t been so stupid, if I’d have just listened to you, this all could have been avoided. I almost cost Jacob his life.”
“None of this is your fault, babe,” he insisted and twisted to make eye contact. “If it wasn’t you, it would have been someone else. She was insane, Erica.”
Picking up on the past tense, she asked, “Was?”
“Yeah. She never made it through surgery.”
Relief flooded Erica.
“I should have asked before now. How is Jacob?”
“Surprisingly well. I thought he’d have had nightmares these last few nights at the very least. But he’s been a trooper,” he said.
“Few nights? How long have I been out?”
“Counting the day we found you, this is the third day.”
She processed his words with a slight nod. “And Judith?”
“She’s been patched up and is sitting in a jail cell. She’s facing charges on accessory to kidnapping, assault, attempted murder, and murder,” he said, toying with her left hand. “I don’t think she’s going to see the outside of a prison before she dies.”
“You sound sad.”
“I am, for Jacob’s and Charlie’s sake.”
They intertwined their fingers.
“I’m assuming you told my parents when I went missing. Are they in town?”
She heard his gulp and fear ricocheted through her. “What? What aren’t you telling me?”
“Nothing, babe. Stay calm. They’re fine. Everyone’s fine.”
“Then why did you sound so nervous just now?”
“Technically, I’m not supposed to be in here with you. They told me to stay away and threatened me with legal action if I didn’t comply with their wishes.”
“They thought you were dead because of me, Erica,” he explained. “Your father is a little unstable at the moment.”
“That’s ridiculous. None of this was your fault,” she echoed his earlier words back to him, gripping his hand tighter. “You’re my boyfriend, and I love you. They’re going to have to deal. That is, if you still want me…”
Her voice trailed off with her uncertainty.
“Really? You have to ask? I brought you a dozen lemon-filled donuts as an apology. It’s the equivalent of roses.”
Her chuckle had to be aborted because of her ribs. “And if that didn’t work?”
“I have the pizza place on standby.”
“Good plan.”
“Yeah, I thought so. And I love you, too.”
She gazed up into his handsome face, the love plain for her to see. When she didn’t think she couldn’t stand to wait another moment to feel his lips on hers, Zack kissed her. Hesitantly at first, but her moan triggered his, and then he gave rein to the passion, careful not to jar her body.
“What the hell is going on here?”
The strident tone of her father had her jerking back, then wincing. Fuck.
“I thought I told you to keep away from my daughter?” Pete Sutton blustered, his face a bright red.
“Calm down, Dad,” Erica said dryly. “You’re going to have a stroke.”
“The whole Sharp family is trouble. I’ve told you that from day one.”
“You talked to your dad about our relationship?” Zack asked in an aside, aghast.
“No! He’s referring to you throwing dirt on my dress,” she said.
“Oh, that. Yeah, well, I promised to buy her a new one, sir,” he addressed her dad with a dimpled grin.
“Oh lord,” she muttered. “You did it now.”
“You think a dress is going to fix what you’ve done here? That you can take her shopping and all is forgiven?” Pete ranted.
“Dad! Stop,” she cried. “This is none of your business. And besides, he brought me donuts.”
Her father’s face went from angry, to confused, to amused in the span of seconds. “Well, if he brought you donuts.”
Mary Sutton walked in with another box from the local donut shop.
“You’re so easy,” Zack murmured in her ear.
“Yeah, you’ll find out just how much when they spring me from this joint.”
His snort caused her grin.
“Oh, I forgot to ask about Mason? How is he?”
“Complaining. I’m not convinced that if he were on life support, Shonda, Dane, and Mom wouldn’t have conspired to pull the plug by now.”
She giggled at his silliness. “That bad, huh?”
“Worse. Your friend is a saint.”
“She really is. She’s dealt with my crazy ass for years.”
“Let’s not use the term crazy anytime soon,” suggested Mary as she dropped a kiss on her daughter’s brow.
Zack concurred. He eased off the bed and brushed her lips with his. “I should let you spend time alone with your parents. I need to make the rounds here at the hospital. Although, really, it’s just you and Mason now. They released Charlie yesterday.”
“How is he taking all of this?”
“Pretty hard.”
Erica felt sorry for Charlie. It had to be difficult to think he’d missed what was right under his nose. “When you see him again, will you tell him no one blames him?”
The sudden intensity in Zack’s azure eyes had her wondering if she’d misstepped. Did he blame Charlie?
“You’re one in a million, you know that?”
“Is that a good thing?” she teased, relieved.
He leaned, lips to her ear. “The best. I’ll prove it when you come home.”
A shiver of anticipation skated through her system.
A clearing of her father’s throat broke their locked gazes.
Zack leaned in once more to whisper, “Awkward.”
She was still giggling when he left the room. In his place, came Dr. Evans. She remembered him from when she’d been admitted weeks before. “Hey, Doc. What’s the verdict? Am I going to live?”
“You are. Erica, I’d like to speak to you in private.”
“Is something wrong, Doctor?” her mother asked, panic edging into her voice.
“Not at all, Mrs. Sutton. I just need a few minutes with your daughter.” He flashed a smile to reassure Mary there was nothing to worry about.
“Go on, Mom, Dad. It’s fine.” Once they left, she turned to Dr. Evans. “Okay, Doc. Lay it on me. Is it terminal? How long do I have to live?”
She knew when he rolled his eyes, it wasn’t anything serious.
“I only wanted to examine you and ask a few questions. Would that be all right?”
“Sure. Mind the ribs, though. They feel like the whole cast of Riverdance did a number on them.”
“Erica, is there any chance you might be pregnant?”
“What the hell? Where did that come from?” she asked, shock nearly causing her to become unhinged.
“I have to ask. Zack didn’t seem to think so when you were brought in and X-rays were taken,” he said as he palpated her stomach and the area of her ribs, before drawing the blanket back up around her waist. “We always take precautions, but I wanted you to know the risks and percentages.”
“I don’t think…” she trailed off. Her last menstrual cycle had been after she’d been stabbed. She would have been due this week.
“Antibiotics,” she groaned.
“Yes. We gave you some heavy duty stuff when you were here last. It could’ve interfered with your birth control.”
“Oh God! Is it possible I missed my period because of the trauma of this week?”
“Possible yes. Probable? Unlikely,” he said gently. “I didn’t order a test when you came in a few days ago, because Zack sounded sure. But if you think there’s a chance, I’d like to do some bloodwork and schedule an exam with an OB-Gyn.”
“Yeah, okay.” As he would have exited, she called his name. “Do you think, if it turns out I am, the baby would be okay with everything that’s happened?”
“In the event you are pregnant, that you aren’t bleeding or haven’t miscarried is a good sign.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
“Don’t worry, Erica. These things have a way of working out. Just promise no more picking fights with escapees from the psych ward, okay?”
His teasing made her feel a good deal better. “I make no promises, Doc. The looney ones are attracted to me like a moth to a flame.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” he quipped. “I’ll send a nurse in.”
Within a few hours, Doc Evans was back, shooing everyone out to discuss her results. She sat stunned as he congratulated her on her impending motherhood. Fifteen minutes later, as the Sharp clan descended, she was staring off into space, shell-shocked.
She wasn’t sure how many times Zack had called her name, or for how long, but she slowly became aware of the crowd.
“Oh. Sorry. Plotting a story.” She offered up a phony smile and hoped her distraction passed without comment.
A hard look from Zack told her he didn’t believe her shabby excuse. She couldn’t blame him, she wouldn’t have fallen for it either. Still, he didn’t call her out on it. At least, not yet.
Shonda, on the other hand, had no problem busting her chops. “Was that Dr. Evans I saw leaving? What did he have to say?”
Zack thought if looks could kill, Shonda would be dead and buried. Something was up with Erica. Had it been life and death, they wouldn’t be standing here gabbing, he was sure. In that regard, he decided to let her hold her secret for the time being. Once everyone left, game on.
“He said I’m no longer dehydrated, and tomorrow, if I have someone to drive me, I can go home,” she announced. “Of course, I don’t really have a home, do I?”
The words stabbed him in the heart. Zack wasn’t sure exactly what he’d expected, but it wasn’t for her to not return to his house. In the back of his mind, he assumed they’d take up where they left off.
“Of course you do, dear. Your home is with Zack,” Connie stated firmly.
Her chocolate eyes, darkened with worry. What did she have to fear from him?
“What’s wrong?” he mouthed.
Erica’s mouth tightened in a minuscule grimace before she worked up a smile and a shrug. He knew when she was faking it.
He’d had enough. “Okay, everyone out.”
Gasps of every kind greeted his demand - outrage, amusement, and shock at his rudeness.
“Out!” he reiterated. “We need five minutes.”
When he returned to Erica’s side, she had her lip between her teeth in an effort to fight off a laugh.
“Rude much?”
“If I have to be. Now out with it,” he said.
“And don’t even dream of lying to me,” he cut in, then circled a finger in the air for her to continue.
“It appears I’m pregnant,” she blurted.
Disbelief rocked him. For the second time in his life, a woman had tricked him and gotten pregnant. How much of an idiot could one man be? When would he learn to take precautions and stop believing women who claimed to be on the pill?
“… felt it was the antibiotics… stabbing…” she droned on.
Zack hadn’t heard any of her excuses. The roaring in his ears wouldn’t allow it. Without a word, he stormed from the room. He ignored her yelp. She probably expected he would be all hearts and roses at the prospect of becoming a father. Perhaps he would’ve, had she gone about it the proper way.
He’d made it ten feet when it struck him that it was Erica. She didn’t have it in her to be dishonest. Surprise pregnancies were his triggers apparently. Christ, he was such an idiot. He rushed back. Her large eyes reflected hurt and bitter disappointment.
“Erica, I’m sorry. I—”
“No worries. You don’t have to be involved. I’m fine on my own,” she said and laid back to close her eyes. “Do you mind telling everyone I’m tired, but I appreciate them coming by? Thanks.”
She rushed the words so they all ran together. That eager was she to have him gone. But he wasn’t leaving. He didn’t intend for her to be alone in this. The love he felt for her morphed and became greater. All-encompassing. It now included the new life forming in her abdomen.
“Don’t shut me out. I had a flashback. It took all of thirty seconds to remember you are, in no way, like Christie,” he said. If there was a pleading quality to his voice, he refused to be ashamed by it. “I love you, Erica. And I’ll love our little peanut.”
He hovered by the bed with bated breath. Silently urging her to forgive him.
“It was a shock to me, too, ya know,” she whispered. “You get to panic. I did.”
When her words registered, he nearly shouted with the mixture of relief and joy. He placed a palm low on her belly.
“I’m going to be a great dad,” he promised.
She placed her hand over his. “You already are.”
Moisture built and his sinuses burned. Fuck. He didn’t want to cry. When his brothers saw, they’d never let him live it down.
“When do you want to tell everyone?” he asked.
He glanced at the door when she pointed to the group of people hovering there.
“I think you just did.”
The laughter and congratulations flowed freely. The only person who didn’t appear happy hugged the wall, off to one side away from the festivities.
Zack made his way to his son and squatted before him. “What’s wrong, lil man?”
“You and Erica.”
“You don’t want us to be together?”
He hadn’t thought Jacob would object. Zack believed the boy loved her as much as he did.
“Are you going to send me to live with Grandpa again?”
Quiet descended on the room, and Zack could have heard a pin drop. Or at least he would’ve been able to had his pulse not kicked it up into high gear.
He grabbed Jacob’s hand and tugged him to Erica’s bedside. “You want to field this one?”
She reached out, palm extended up. A clear indication she wanted his son to take her hand. He did so, slowly and with caution.
“Jacob, neither I, nor the new baby when it comes, will ever take your place in your dad’s heart.” Her words were heartbreakingly sweet.
“But you said because of my mom, he wouldn’t love me as much as you.”
Tears flowed freely from her eyes as she solemnly promised his son he would be loved first and foremost, forever. That nothing could change how Zack felt about him.
He stood behind Jacob, hands on the boy’s shoulders. “Erica is telling the truth, Jacob. What we need you to understand is she said those things in hopes of saving you.”
“I thought if I could convince Christie your dad didn’t care about you as much as me, she would hurt me in place of you,” Erica told him. “You have to know she was a very sick woman. She wanted to destroy everything your dad loves. You included. I wasn’t going to let that happen, sweetie.”
“You don’t hate me?”
“No!” they gasped in unison.
“I can live with you guys?”
The insecurity in his voice almost broke Zack.
Erica met his eyes over Jacob’s dark head. He knew what she was asking. He nodded his agreement.
“Well, I tell ya, I refuse to live there without you,” she said, pulling Jacob closer. “Who else is going to teach your little sister or brother how to play Mindcraft?”
“Minecraft,” all the Sharp males said in unison.
She laughed and shot his son a wink. “See? It has to be you. Do you mind if we live there, too?”
For an answer, Jacob leaped forward, slamming into Erica’s midsection. Her hiss of pain, had him drawing back. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean—”
She hauled him close for a tight hug, ignoring the apology and her personal discomfort.
From his vantage point, Zack could see what it cost her. She’d turned pale and sweat beaded her forehead.
“I love you, Erica,” Jacob said.
“And I love you, sweet boy.”
She held him like that as long as an eight year old boy would allow, and then released him.
“Want someone to stay with you tonight?” Zack asked her a half hour later, as everyone filed out to let her rest.
“You should see to Jacob. He’s feeling a little vulnerable.”
He studied her features, noticing the purple bruises had faded to a sickly green-yellow. “So is that a no?”
“I don’t want to take you away from him.”
“That’s your only objection?”
“Of course!”
“Okay then. I’m staying,” he grinned. “It was Jacob’s suggestion.”
“Have I told you how much I love your kid?” she grinned.
“I love you, too, Erica.”
Neither expected to see Jacob just inside the door. Or that he would overhear them. But Erica’s tearful smile and his beaming son told him all he needed to know about the three, make that four, of them being a family.
“I thought you left with your Uncle Dane,” Zack said.
“I forgot my transformer, Dad.”
“Ah, gotcha. So Erica wants to know if you’re cool with me staying here.”
Another grin lit up his son’s face, saying it all. However, the next words helped cement the decision. “Uncle Dane said to tell you that he’s got the hookers on speed dial, so it’s all good.”
“You tell your Uncle Dane Erica wants to have a few words with him,” she snapped.
Chuckling, Zack scooped up his son for a piggyback ride and loped out of the room.
“Back soon, babe,” he peeked his head back around the corner.