Every step closer to my quarters was filled with portent. This was it. Once inside my rooms, Kelly and I would either end the charade I’d tossed us into, decide to continue it until we solved the murders, or least likely, it would become real. My brother kept casting me covert glances, sensing the anxiety I was trying to keep hidden. I took a deep breath as I stepped onto the first stair leading to the second floor, opting to not make use of the elevator.
Yes, I was stalling and I knew it. Neither Kelly nor Richard said anything about us not taking the convenience, thankfully and my brother didn’t call me out on my delaying tactics either. The deep breath helped steady my jangling nerves as did the firm grip I kept on the cool reclaimed synthstone of the banister rail.
My rooms were only on the third floor, though, along with the others of junior rank in this barrack building, the initiates still awaiting their qualifications being on the first floor and the ground floor holding classrooms and the dining hall. All too soon, we reached the third floor landing and it was time to part ways with my brother and Richard.
“I’m this way,” I said, turning to face my erstwhile Intended, pointing to the right.
Miljack grinned. “You two go on ahead.” He glanced over at Richard. “Come on, I’ll take you to my room and you can freshen up before hitting the tavern with me. I’m sure we’ll score some free drinks from guys wanting to get to talk to the human.”
Richard laughed. “I’m up for that.” He ran a hand through his short hair. “I could use a good stiff drink after the events of the past couple of days.”
Miljack nodded. “Yeah, and the guy I’m about to dump once and for all will be less likely to cause a scene, too, I think.”
I snorted. Leave it to my twin to have a secondary motive.
We parted ways and my feet felt heavier with each and every step. The soft whisper of our footfalls seemed overloud to my heightened senses, becoming a knell announcing the end of what I had dared hope for. Sure, we’d shared a kiss, but a kiss wasn’t a commitment unlike the pronouncement I’d made back at the High Lord’s office.
I stopped in front of my door and palmed the sensor. It unlocked my door, swinging it open for me; a convenience added to our quarters to ease our burden after returning with heavy gear after a grueling exercise.
I gestured for Kelly to enter first and he did so without comment, stopping a few short steps inside, his head swiveling around to drink in his surroundings. Not that there was much to look at. A few pictures of my brother with our fathers and me with my Hunter training class. A few awards dotted the space around that last one, for top honors in marksmanship, Summoning, and swordsmanship. I’d worked hard and was proud of it, but seeing Kelly look at them, even unable to read the words that said what they were for, I wondered if he thought me vain to display such things.
I stepped in quickly to prevent the door shutting behind him too soon.
“I knew you were accomplished, as all Hunters are, but I’m guessing those are for you being truly top notch.”
Thank darkness, he sounded impressed rather than put off. “I beat Miljack at getting the top award for swordsmanship and beastback archery,” I admitted. “We tied for stationary marksmanship with both arrows and plasma rifles, so he has a matching pair of awards.”
“And the fifth one?” Kelly asked.
He grinned at that. “Glad to know we were in the best of hands flying the unfriendly skies, then.”
He plopped down to sit on my bed. I licked the tip of one fang nervously. If only he were on my bed for another reason.
“Come here,” he said, patting beside himself. “We have a few things to iron out and it’d be better with you right here.”
I subtly sniffed the air, trying to scent clues as to his emotional state. There was the usual general state of arousal that we both emitted when around each other, but nothing else. He was keeping himself locked as tight as a fortress, same as me.
I took the place next to him, noting that this brought us thigh to thigh. Did it mean the same to him as it did to me?
“That’s better,” he whispered, turning to look me in the eyes. “I have been doing a lot of thinking this whole time and turning this thing between us and the whole political part of it over and over in my mind.”
“And?” My voice sounded strangely hoarse to my ears.
“I don’t see any downside to not being with you, ’cept for not being able to be the only one to do this.”
He pounced, pushing me backwards. His tongue licked along my jaw before he pressed his mouth to mine. His kiss was commanding, hot and needy. A whimper escaped me as he licked the seam of my lips, urging me to open. I did, welcoming the tangle of our tongues and the way he instinctively knew to withdraw to caress my fangs before plunging back inside.
I squirmed beneath him, my pants suddenly far too tight. I wriggled, trying to gain a bit of friction to relieve my aching cock. He pulled on a button with one hand, giving himself access to my chest.
Sliding a hand inside my shirt, he gave one of my nipples a sharp pinch, causing me to gasp and arch upwards into him. Lifting his hips, he slid his free hand between us, cupping me with a gentle squeeze.
“This is mine. You’ll gain your pleasure from me when I say so, not before,” he growled against my lips.
My eyes pleaded with him to hurry up and he chuckled.
“Greedy,” he said. Then he pulled away, moving to stand between my legs. He reached for my belt, making quick work of unfastening both it and my pants. I lifted my hips to help him in his quest to pull my clothing down my thighs, baring me before his gaze.
“No balls,” he murmured.
“My egg sack is internal,” I informed him.
“Mmm. Human omegas make theirs in the sac where my sperm comes from,” he stated matter of factly, taking my cock in hand. “You’re gorgeous. Look at these ridges.” He gave me a soft squeeze. He knelt, to take a closer look I thought, only for him to surprise me by taking me in his mouth, root to tip.
“Ahh!” Darkness, his mouth was hot around my flesh. He began to suck and all coherent thought left me. There was only him and the sensations he caused, as he took me deep into his throat and began to move his tongue and hum. He lifted two fingers to my mouth and I greedily sucked them inside.
Slick was already oozing from me, preparing the way. He abruptly pulled his fingers free, quickly sliding them inside my spasming channel, the wetness of his fingers helping ease his way inside. He began pumping them in and out, mimicking what I desired him to do with his cock.
Somewhere, a voice was keening, begging to be fucked and I dimly realized it was me. Lightning raced down my spine, causing a larger wave of slick to coat his fingers as my cock pulsed, sending small amounts of ejaculate down his throat.
Dazed, I gazed up at him as he released my cock with a pop and stood back up. He undid his own belt, sliding his pants and underwear down just far enough to free himself.
He was thick as well as long. My mouth watered at the thought of him breaching me with it, the action made all the hotter somehow by our lack of total undress.
“I love it when you talk Ilyirzi,” he told me, lining his cock up with my hole. He shoved inside, pushing his way in without further preamble. I clutched at his arms, welcoming the slight burn as my rim stretched to accommodate him. He paused for a moment. “Sorry, but this is going to be fast.” He punched his hips forward and the pinch began to morph into waves of pleasure as he hit that special spot inside.
“So, you guys have one of those too,” he said, wearing a satisfied smirk at my sobbing gasp of pleasure. “Look at you, eyes wide, mouth open, begging me for my cock.” He sped up the pace, setting a punishing rhythm. I arched up, moving my own hips in time to meet his, chasing after another orgasm. I wanted to see him come, to have him breed me. Whether or not we could make a child was far from my mind, or even if we would if such a thing was possible. I wanted to feel the heat of his essence in me, claiming me, marking me as his.
“Pilar,” he grunted, bending down to crush his lips to mine once more, his thrusts becoming increasingly erratic. I nipped his bottom lip, reveling in the taste of his blood as I licked it to soothe the pain. He went rigid, eyes locked to mine and I felt it then as he gave a hard thrust that reached the deepest part of me. Warmth flooded my insides and that was it. My vision whited out and I fell over the precipice.

* * *